Monday, September 30, 2019
Reading Response to Ali and Nino Essay
The most evident and reoccurring theme that I noticed in Kurban Said’s, Ali and Nino was the importance of religion and cultural backgrounds. In many different places in the story it is evident that Ali and Nino have been taught some completely different things about the world in general. The first major example that I found is when Ali speaks with his father and Nino’s father about marrying Nino. Although they are both somewhat supportive of the marriage, they both send completely opposite messages. Ali’s father tells him that the love for Nino is not necessary and that if he wants Ali can still marry up to three more wives. Contrary to Ali’s fathers belief, Nino’s father feels very differently. He feels that he must show unconditional love and treat her with the dignity and respect that she deserves. He also feels that he should focus all her energy and love on her rather than having any other wives. If Nino’s father doubts Ali’s for his daughter, maybe that is part of the reason why he tried to postpone the wedding. The second example I found is when Nino tells Ali he absolutely can not have a harem because it is considered a disgraceful tradition of Ali’s background to Nino and her family. Ali agrees that he will not have a Harem and then the question of whether or not Nino will have to wear a veil. After a bit of deliberation between Ali and Nino, they were still unable to reach a conclusion to whether or not Nino would have to wear a veil. Nino does not understand why a women must wear a veil whereas Ali feels that it is very important that the women does so that Nino will be protected from strangers looks. Although Ali and Nino are very much in love there are very many cultural differences and misunderstandings that make this inter religion/faith marriage a bit more complicated. This idea of religious differences and cultural misunderstandings really hits home for me. As a Jewish adult, it has always been very important to me to marry someone of the same faith and belief system. As I have grown up I do believe that the most important thing is being happy and that being accepting of all peoples values and morals is very much important. Out of personal experience, I have two relatives that both decided to marry out of the Jewish faith. Neither of these marriages have worked out very well in regards to my family. The first relative of mine ended up getting divorced and is now going through a custody battle for his children. The other relative is still married to his wife but does not talk to anyone on our side of the family due to many reasons but mostly because she was not willing to support his Jewish identity and background. It is ignorant in my opinion to think that inter faith marriages can never work out, because a lot of them do. But in my experiences with my family they have not. Regardless if people can make them work, it is definitely harder than marrying someone with the same faith as you. With religion comes a system of ideals, morals and beliefs and if someone has those same values as you do, there will be less cultural misunderstandings and cleavages than if you married someone with different values than you. So the whole idea of cultural differences through religion complicating thing relates both very closely to my life in terms of my family and Kurban Said’s Ali and Nino.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
An Analysis of the soundtrack from “The Girl Can’t Help It”
The Girl Can't Help It was released in 1956, and was directed, produced and mainly written by Frank Tashlin, who was formally a Looney Tunes auteur. The film is a classic Hollywood comedy, which broadcasts a musical line-up of mostly contemporary teen-favoured rock hits set against a narrative background of the popular music industry. The storyline follows the scenario of a backstage musical where an alcoholic press agent Tom Miller (Tom Ewell) is ordered by former mobster Fats Murdoch (Edmund O'Brien) to turn girlfriend Jerry Ann (Jayne Mansfield) into a pop music sensation. Tashlin uses the film music in such a way that it shows clear cartoon like traits; these will be explored in greater depth along with a look at the main characteristics that the soundtrack provides for the film. Anahid Kassabin suggests that most music in narrative film functions to create a mood (2001, p. 56). The film's musical references are made up of both composed and compiled scores; both donate to the mood of the scene. The composed score is non-diegetic and in this instance it does not compete or interfere with the spoken voices. Claudia Gorbman supplements this by suggesting there is ‘subordination' to a story. Subordination means ‘classic narrative sound' films are constructed in such a way that the spectator often does not consciously hear the film score. This is based on the idea that the spectators' attention is focused on the narrative events in the film. (1997, p. 31) However there is still a reason why composed scores are used. In this case they create an atmosphere which makes it easy for the audience to relax, it also guides them on what direction the mood of the film is going and also how they should be feeling. The compiled score operates quite differently; the music is diegetic and it mainly functions as an insight into rock ‘n' roll of the fifties. The mass of compiled music is one of the main attractions of the film and also acts as a narrative; this will be discussed in greater detail later. The music also identifies the film in terms of era and location with the presence of the band or singer in most musical compiled scenes. The film starts with one of the main characters (Tom Miller) in evening clothes appearing in the centre of a shrunken screen. The picture is in black and white with a composed score in the background, which stops as the narrator starts to speak. As the narrator tells the viewers that this is to be â€Å"a story about music,†the music begins again, â€Å"but first†, the narrator stresses â€Å"this was photographed in the grandeuer of Cinemascope†¦ †the narrator pauses, expecting the screen to expand, as he does, the music copies. He then sighs and takes it upon himself to flick the screen into widescreen, and the music ‘mickey-mouse's' his actions with sound effects. He then carries on his speech, as does the music, and he continues to say â€Å"†¦ n gorgeous lifelike colour by Delux. †The narrator and the music then pause, waiting as the screen turns to colour contrasts. Kassabian makes the conclusion that composers consider music as background to dialogue and should be kept simple, subtle, and soft. However she also argues it depends on the importance of the dialogue to the film. (2001, p. 55) In this opening narrative scene the composed music is imitating the speech of the narrator. Miller often pauses to stress fairytale technical difficulties, whilst consciously (but supposedly unknown to the audience) boasting their new technical advances. Hanns Eisler argues how film music was forced to serve as what he identified as ‘hyper-explicit' illustrative function, where two or more happenings such as image, music, sound effects, and dialogue may mimic each other. (Cited in Flinn, 1992, p. 34) Rudolf Arnheim has labelled this as â€Å"paralleling†. An extreme example of this is ‘mickey-mousing' a technique that, as the name suggests, appears frequently in animated films. (Cited in Flinn, 1992, p. 34) In this scene the classical music mimics the character as it would in a cartoon. The narrator continues to inform the audience that the picture is about contemporary music, expressing â€Å"the culture, the refinement, the polite grace and the present day†¦ †the camera pans to a lit jukebox as Little Richard's title song, â€Å"The Girl Can't Help It,†(1956) blares, drowning out his remarks. The opener praises and mocks new conventions in one brief sequence. Throughout the film, new versus vis-a-vis values, lifestyles and music are the sequence. The story begins with the ever present musical accompaniment and the heavy drinking agent, Tom Miller, who spends a lot of time in night spots listening to rock acts. He receives an invitation by Fats Murdock which he accepts. In order to elevate himself into newsworthiness, Fats wants Ewell to make his girlfriend into a star. Obtaining a $10,000 advance, Miller accepts Fats' challenge. He celebrates in another nightclub with a band blasting â€Å"Ain't Gona Cry No More. †Here the lyrics relate to the narrative of the film, the song has just conveyed in simple terms the emotions of Tom Miller. The music also interacts with other aspects of the scene as the band is also playing in the night club whilst Tom Miller dances along. This is one of the main musical features of the film, where the lyrics mimic what a character is feeling or doing. This is also shown in the next scene where diagetic music is used to accompany Jerry walking down a street. On her travels ice melts, milk bottles burst open and reading glasses split as Jerry walks by three men to the title song â€Å"The Girl Can't Help It†. Again cartoon behaviours appear in this scene. As the song â€Å"The Girl Can't Help It†appears in the title credits and later in the film, it is functioning as a kind of leitmotiv. Leitmotiv is a Wagnerian term where music refers to other musical events within a film and is memorable because the scene is structured to give a great deal of attention to the music. (Schroeder, 2003, p. 75) Theme songs are generally given a high degree of attention and often become attached to a film. This then creates audience connotations where a particular emotion or image becomes attached to a song. Identifying music often marks other features of a film. For instance, setting is often identified by quoted source music. Here the connotations of Jerry walking down the street are attached to this song as later in time it is used in the film â€Å"Pink Flamingos†(1972) where a transvestite is seen strutting down a street in the same way Jerry did. In the storyline, as a marketing ploy, Miller escorts Jerry on a nightclub crawl, displaying her to bistro managers. Little Richard is seen performing â€Å"Ready, Ready,†plus â€Å"She's Got It†where Jerry is strutting across the floor to get noticed by the manager. As Richard sings the lyrics â€Å"She's Got It†the camera cuts between Jerry and the reaction of the manager. The lyrics of â€Å"She's Got It†act as a narrative to the scene, also the manager mimics it in dialogue and says â€Å"she's got it all. †Throughout the night many musical acts are shown including The Three Chuckles, featuring Teddy Randazzo, performing â€Å"Lollipop Lies†; Eddie Fontaine performs â€Å"Rock Love†; and Abby Lincon sings the gospel tune â€Å"Spread the Word†. Kassabian stresses the drawbacks of using popular music in films and comments: â€Å"with their range of complete songs used just as they are heard on the radio, they bring the immediate threat of history. (Kasabian, 2001, p. 8-9) However in this particular film that is what was intended, the film acts as a type of historical document. Not many people of the Fifties got to see bands or singers so the cinema created a gateway for rock ‘n' roll music. Ernest Lindgren in The Art of the Film makes the point that â€Å"The use of well known music is†¦ distracting, and has the additional disadvantage that it often has certain associations for the spectator which may conflict entirely with the associations the producer wishes to establish the film. †(Cited in Flinn, 1992, p. 7) A certain level of distraction occurs in the film as one of the main reasons to see it was for the popular acts and when songs where cut short it left viewers wanting more. The dialogue, visuals and other elements are often scarce when such acts appear on screen, which makes it seem a deliberate ploy for attention to be on the music. The volume of the music is often lowered and the camera cuts to the characters when dialogue starts. The leitmotiv is used again in the film when Miller is in his apartment and he discovers a vision of Julie London (a former love) singing â€Å"Cry Me a River†(1953) which is about a lost love. Miller tries to escape her presence yet she appears wherever he goes but disappears as the music fades. This scene identifies he is in love with Julie London and again the music mimics the emotions of the character. Music used for identification does not always rule out the same music all together. Identifying music can convey or evoke all of the things mentioned in the definition of leitmotiv. The song â€Å"Cry Me a River†appears later in the film where Miller is looking for the hallucination of Julie London but instead sees Jerry. This conveys that the song not only has character recognition but the emotion of love also attached to it. The Girl Can't Help It presents teenage rock ‘n' roll in ‘adults only' venues. In a kind of variety show format, the rock ‘n' rollers are inserted into the narrative and given their one moment on screen. Interestingly, none of them are integrated into the plot. Stephen Heath, Ed Branigan, and Kristen Thompson have pointed out that in â€Å"historical enquiries on early cinema, color, and animated film, respectively, new technological developments in dominant cinematic representation do not contribute solely to greater â€Å"realistic effect. These inquiries suggest that it is the novelty of the technology that is celebrated for a while. †(Cited in Gorbman, 1997 p. 44) This is clearly the case in this film as many rock films in the Fifties put more emphasis on the use of popular bands to promote the film rather than the greatness of the plot. Kassabian suggests that there are uses of film music that link directly to other musical events. She calls this â€Å"quotation†which is the â€Å"importing of a song or musical text, in part or in whole, into a film's score. (2001, p. 49) David Shumway has suggested that the roots of these contemporary compiled scores can be found in early rock scores. (Cited in Kassabian, 2001, p. 49-50) In the mid 1950's teenagers' tastes in music were introduced as a separate segment of the mainstream, with rock ‘n' roll being the genre for that taste. The movie producer Samuel Z. Arkoff states â€Å"the oddity was that old people were afraid of rock ‘n' roll†¦ I don't know why but all adults thought that rock ‘n' roll was immoral. †(Coleman, 1997, p. 41) The Girl Can't Help It contributed to changing this, perhaps half of the featured performances such as Little Richard, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran and the Coasters are concessions to the teenage audience; the remainder Ray Anthony, Julie London, and Abby Lincoln are for the adults' tastes. The film premiered â€Å"attracting a large adult audience, the movie gave the much maligned rock ‘n' roll some respectability, though Films in Review it called it â€Å"a showcase for the leading purveyors of the jungle caterwauling known as rock ‘n' roll, and†¦ hereby a cultural debilitator our descendants won't forgive us for††(Coleman, 1997, p. 141) The Girl Can't Help It showed that Hollywood was taking rock ‘n' roll seriously. In conclusion, the music was not only used to set the right ‘mood' using the composed score but to also set the scene with the compiled. Caryl Flinn suggests music reveals glimpses of a better, more unified world. It allows film to open doors to exotic locations and fantasy. It can also capture a sense of lost integrity and grandeur. 1992) As the film features mostly popular and jazz acts of the Forties and Fifties, Billboard reported on July 15 that the film â€Å"may lend an aura of rock ‘n' roll†to the movie. (Cited in Cloeman, 1997, p. 164) However the films reality is partly distorted from using such functions as ‘mickey-mousing' and ‘paralleling' yet the style of music does reflect the genre of the film. The storyline and music attracted both teenagers and adults by bringing adult themes and popular culture together, and portraying it in a way they could both enjoy. This was uncommon in the Fifties and Tashlin used Little Richard's music to â€Å"send up American attitudes towards sexuality and racism. †(White, 2003, p. 81) This film most probably would not have been a success without the rock ‘n' roll. Gorbman suggests that an argument runs that â€Å"sound, in the form of music, gave back to those â€Å"dead†photographic images some of the life they lost in the process of mechanical reproduction†(1997, p. 39) and in this case the film would be ‘dead' without the popular acts. Leonard B. Meyer argues â€Å"while the image itself is relevant to the music, the significance that it has for the particular individual is purely personal. (Cited in Kassabian, 2001, p. 56) Not only has the soundtrack shown clear musical technical advancements, but it also has a higher role to play in social advancements. It helps adults to understand the preferences of teenagers and offers a common ground between the two age groups. Rock ‘n' roll films also have a deeper meaning and start to touch on racial inequality by including black musicians as America's popular culture.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Adv Disadvantages of Leadership Development Methods
Professional qualifications that require refreshing will be supported if they are an essential criteria for the post| * Trust induction * Trust Essential Update training * Manual Handling * Professional re-registration training * PRINCE2, MSP, LEAN| * Provides an understanding of how the Trust works * Provides health and safety training * Sends out a clear message that professional registration is recognised, important and is supported| * Trust induction training tends to be very generic and does not necessarily relate to the job role * Training for re-registration is not always timely * Is dependent on funding * Cost implications of ensuring that the training budget can cover training| Elective Learning| Courses that are not part of the essential criteria for the post will be deemed to be elective and will be subject to the trust policy on supported learning| * Courses identified as part of the personal development plan * Influencing skills * Negotiating skills * MS Project/Other IT Skills * Meets specific needs for the individual * Can be delivered by others in the team or by a generic course * Ensures that leaders are given requisite skills| * Some generic courses do not cover specific requirements * Is dependent on funding being available| Work Assignments| Work assignments will be seen as an opportunity to help leaders develop specific competencies or practice key behaviours. * Specific goals will be set as part of personal development plans * Feedback on progress will be done either via formal appraisal or by 1:1 feedback with line managers| * Reiterates the message that lessons can always be learned * Gives leaders the growth opportunities to put theories and models into practice * Learning by doing| * Unless well managed there is a tendency to concentrate on ‘getting the job done’ * Opportunities are not always recognised or used to the full advantage| Special Assignments/Initiatives| Involvement in short-term assignments or initiatives either generated from within the team or as part of a project team| * Attendance at programme or project board meetings * Involvement in assignments/initiatives
Friday, September 27, 2019
Definition of Teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Definition of Teacher - Essay Example This study outlines that the role of an early childhood teacher has been redefined in the modern curriculum. In ancient times the young kids got enough attention and parental care from the parents and hence the teacher had to concentrate mainly on the learning process of the kids. But in the current world most of the parents are working and hence they are not getting enough time to provide proper care to their kids. Earlier the parents were more concentrated in their kid’s studies at home like doing the home works and assisting them in their studies. But in the modern world the busy life styles has prevented them from doing so and hence the teacher’s responsibility has been increased a lot. Most of the home assignments intended to solve at homes, given to the kids will be returned without solving it since the children were unable to get any assistance from the parents. Earlier it was a teacher dominated curriculum where the teacher explains everything in the class. But as per the modern curriculum principles, the teacher, only helps the student in their learning activities. The problems are created by the teacher for discussion in the class and the students are asked to solve the problems independently. The modern teacher acts only as a guide to the students, helping them in reaching the solution.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Presentation on Propaganda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Presentation on Propaganda - Essay Example They have been and are applied to other people, groups, gangs, tribes, colleges, political parties, neighborhoods, and states, sections of the country, nations, and races." (Institute for Propaganda Analysis, 1938) DISCUSSION: Although name-calling could be interpreted as trivial, name-calling is the basis upon which many instances of [propaganda is based The premise behind the name-calling and the beliefs associated with these names is in most instances fueled by propaganda. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PROPAGANDA IN RELATION TO TOTALITARIANISM: Propaganda can evoke varying degrees of psychological effects that depend on interpretation of the propaganda as can be seen in the example involving names that we discussed earlier in the presentation. The psychological effects of propaganda in relation to totalitarianism are complex. It is important to remember that in relation to totalitarian propaganda works most successfully when it I psychologically effects the masses. Ellul elaborates on that premise by pointing out "when propaganda is addressed to a crowd, it must touch each individual in that crowd, in that whole group. To be effective, it must give the impression of being personal, for we must never forget that the mass is composed of individuals, and is in fact nothing but assembled individuals.
Joseph Brant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Joseph Brant - Essay Example Perhaps no Freemason who ever lived in America has been so condemned by some authors and praised by others as Joseph Brant, the powerful and influential Mohawk chief who sided with the British during the American Revolutionary War.Born at Cuyahoga Ohio Country on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, near present-day Akron, Ohio, during the hunting season when Mohawks travelled to the area, Brant was originally named Thayendanegea, which has possibilities of meaning two wagers (sticks) bound together for strength, or "he who places two bets." The parents of Joseph Brant were Mohawks whose home was at Canajoharie on the Mohawk River in New York. Brant, however, was born on the banks of the Ohio River in 1742 while his parents were on a hunting excursion to that region.(1) His father was Nickus (or "Nicholas") of the Wolfe family, who, although not a chief, was a Mohawk of some standing in the tribe. His mother Margaret, or Owandah, the niece of Tiaogeara, a Caughnawaga sachem, took Joseph and his older sister Mary , alsoknown as Molly, to Canajoharie, on the Mohawk River in east-central New York, where she had lived before her family moved to the Ohio River. His mother remarried on 9 September 1753 in Fort Hunter (Church of England) a widower named Brant Canagaraduncka, who was a sachem of the tribe. Thus he got the name of Brant.Sir William Johnson, the British superintendent of the northern Indians of America, who was extremely popular with the tribes under his supervision, developed a liking for Brant when he was just in his youth. During his time with the Iroquois, Johnson became particularly close to the Mohawk tribes. He was also a Mason and a former Provincial Grand Master of the New York colony. In 1759 Johnson's wife, Catherine died and he then married his Indian mistress who happened to be Brant's sister, Molly in an Indian ceremony later that year. It was due largely to Johnsons relationship with Molly that Brant received the favor and protection of Sir William and through him the British government, which set Brant on the road to promotion. Brant and a number of young Mohawks were selected by Johnson to attend Moors Charity School for Indians at Lebanon, Connecticut- the school which was later to become Dartmouth College. Here he learned to speak and write English and was introduced to Western history and literature studies. He is the only one of those chosen known to have derived any benefit from the educational process standing at that time. He left school to serve under Sir William from 1755-1759 during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). After these participatons, he became Sir William's close companion and helped him run the Indian Department which was administered by the British out of Quebec. He was also assigned the work of an interpreter for an Anglican missionary and helped translate the prayer book and Gospel of Mark into the Mohawk language, which he did in a quite orderly fashion. About 1768 he married Christine, the daughter of an Oneida chief, whom he had met in school. He then settled with her on a farm near Canajoharie which he had inherited. While here, Brant assisted in revising the Mohawk prayer book and translating the Acts of the Apostles into the Mohawk language. He also joined the Anglican Church, was a regular communicant, and evinced a great desire to bring Christianity to his people. His wife died of tuberculosis about 1771, leaving him with a son and a daughter. In 1773, he married his wife's sister, Susannah, who died a few months afterward, also of tuberculosis. In 1780, he married Catherine Adonwentishon Croghan, the daughter of the prominent American colonist, Indian agent, fur trader, and New York-Pennsylvania-Ohio landowner/speculator George Croghan and a Mohawk mother, Catharine Tekarihoga. They had seven children: Joseph, Jacob, John, Margaret, Catherine(2), Mary and Elizabeth. Through her mother, Catharine Adonwentishon was head of the Turtle
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Help Fictional Story Movie Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Help Fictional Story Movie Analysis - Essay Example Despite the difficulties the maids face at the hands of their racist employers, they are so remorseful and take good care of their employers’ children. In fact, the maids are portrayed as so loving to the employers’ children despite the harsh treatments they get from their bosses. Despite being looked down upon by their employers, the maids transform the life of a young white woman by empowering her to write a novel about them. Several themes emerge from the movie some of which include love, racial intolerance, class, and gender. Although the film is based on the Jim Crow era when America was deeply divided along racial line, love features prominently in the film. For instance, although the maids live with abusive employers, they show a lot of love to the children that they take care of. In real life, I have experienced what love can do in the midst of hatred and discrimination. In certain parts of Florida, I have noticed that people’s attitudes toward people of color, Blacks especially, are quite negative. It is not uncommon for one to hear a white expressing his/her dislike for blacks in subtle ways. While some people of color may opt to counter such attitudes and sentiments with negative words, others have taken to ignoring the negative attitudes, instead of countering them with love. From experience, I have realized that the persistent sharing of love with potential adversaries has a huge positive impact. Those who hate their others gradually change their negative attitudes when they are proven to be wrong through acts of love. The film is based mainly on the racism that was being practiced in America in the 1950s. In this regard, the movie tells of how the black maids are abused by their white employers who appears not to appreciate what they do.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Analytical Report - Essay Example Out of the total†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Academic semesters, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ semesters are reserved for on-the job training in the form of Internship. I was admitted as an Intern in the Logistics firm â€Å" M/s Takhzeen Warehousing and Logistics company †TAKHZEEN†from†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The aim of my internship service is to familiarize me with the operations, management and impact of this logistics company, on the business of Logistics Service in the Arabian Gulf Region, the role it plays in this business, its management style and potentials for me to be a part of its growth, and thus achieve a career advancement for me. From my academic learning I know of the theoretical concepts underlying the business. I also realize that it is not always possible for a business to conform to typical theoretical models of work. Thus I would like to know how the company has molded its practices to get along with the ground realities. As a Trainee Manger, I am fascinated by the different tools available for upgrading Quality and service aspects of the business. I want to see how far the buzz words of Modern Quality Management, like ERP, TQM, Kaizen and Six Sigma are introduced in the Company, and also how far they have been successful in this Company. An ounce of practice is more valuable than a ton of theory. So I have used my Internship to closely watch the Organizational Setup, Command Chain, Supply Chain, Quality Management and Customer Management, as much as I study my academic specialty subject of Finance in the context of this company. Since I have the long term goal of owning and operating a Logistics company of my own, I would also be observing the company from the entrepreneur’s perspective. I would like to study the origin and growth of the Company over the years and see how best to adopt the lessons from its growth, to start and grow my own company. SECTION 2 1. Company Culture The Takhzeen Warehousing and & Storage Company†TAKHZEEN†was incorporated as a Closed Bahraini Shareholding Company. It has a strategic alliance with Al Muthana Investment Company of Kuwait and Al Khawari group of Saudi Arabia. The authorized Share Capital of the Company is $50 million, and the paid up capital is $10 million. The motivation for setting up of this company was the admiration and belief in the competence of the Saudi Arabian Company’s specialized knowledge and skill in the field of Logisticsâ€â€cold storage, transport, and all allied aspects of logistics. Takhzeen looked forward to providing Professional and efficient Logistics support to the Private Sector in Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf region, benefiting from the expertise of its partners. For this, the Company expected to set the latest International standards and practices in its operations, with a view to set market standards in the region. Mr. Murad Al Ramadan, Managing Director of Takhzeen, and also Deputy C.E.O. for Investme nt set the short term goal of Takhzeen as identifying and entering the various opportunities in the area for Logistics service and expanding progressively into .the whole of the region. Another goal was to develop and provide training
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Performance Measurement System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance Measurement System - Assignment Example Based on these explanations, it would be appreciated that using relevant data instead of convenient data for any performance-measurement system ensures that the outcome of the system will be one that directly reflects exactly what needs to be measured. For example when measuring competence of employees, their graduate scores may be convenient as these may be readily available. However, given the time elapse from time of graduation to the current state however, it would be relevant to use newly collected data about employees that reflect their current state of competence and performance. One of the major reasons most HR managers have preferred the use of convenient data over relevant data is that they find it more costly in terms of resources and time used to gather relevant data. Few (2007) however warned that there are several negative impacts that come with the use of wrong data in any organizational set up. The first challenge is that it is not possible to get the right frame of employee performance based on their current state of work. Using the same example given earlier, it could be that someone who came to the organization with first class has now relented in productivity but another who came with third class has picked up a lot of experience and thus improved in work output. When such old data which are considered convenient but wrong are used, it will be very difficult to get the true present state of performance. What is worse, there are long term direct impact of using wrong data on the organization. For example such wrong data can lead to wrong placemen t of employees, which can also lead to poor delivery of work because employees may not be conversant with placements given to them (Becker, Huselid & Ulrich, 2001). This situation could also be the cause of lower productivity, which will affect profitability and growth negatively. For any typical
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Biculturism and Marginalization Essay Example for Free
Biculturism and Marginalization Essay * Ross-Sheriff (2011) commented that international migration patterns have * changed as a consequence of broad social, political, economic, and environmental * trends and explained the causes of the driving forces were including war, * globalization, urbanization, and changing cultural norms regarding social roles and * responsibilities (Ross-Sheriff, 2011). With these complex trends of migration * patterns, Van Hear (2010) viewed migration as a process which was an integral part * of broader social transformations, but which also had its own internal dynamics with * other factors related to the migrating process, shaping social transformation in their * own way. Migration was also linked in complex ways to class, gender, generation, * ethnicity and other social factors, which were embodied in positions in home and host * communities, and in work and domestic relationships, all of which might be * transformed in the course of the migratory process (Van Hear, 2010). To understand this complex process of migration, especially under changing circumstances of one culture to another, it might be useful to build conceptual tools for understanding these transitory processes in migration studies and in social science more widely (Van hear, 2010). They also include mediating agents and transitions that need also to be accounted for, as well as intersections among class, gender, generation, ethnicity and other social ruptures as well as the main driving forces of migration (Van Hear, 2010). Of course there were other important concepts such as relations between time and space, between dynamics or processes and outcomes, and between structure and agency that needed to get attention (Van Hear, 2010). However, it is impossible to discuss all different theoretical concepts involved in different types of migration process in the current limited study. Rather, this study tried to focus on psychological impacts such as ethnic identity and self-esteem on migration through acculturation processes particularly on family- related migration because different patterns of migration produced different communities and resulted in producing different migrant identities including varying levels of psychological distress (Jones, 2008). Further, few empirical studies have focused on migrant adults populations. Most migrants identification related literatures tended to relate more for adolescents or young children because identity formation might be particularly challenging in this cohort, especially when the values and beliefs of their natal culture differed significantly from those of the host society (Sodowsky, Kwan, Pannu, 1995; as cited in Farver, Narang, Bhadha, 2002). Therefore, this study focused on ethnic identity and self-identification issues of adult migrants’ themselves within a family structure according to different theoretical models relevant to adaptation of new cultures, because family was the basic instrument in the society (Nesdale, Rooney, Smith, 1997). In fact, most cultural acquisition theories developed and evolved in 1990s. when international migration became a key issue in international politics at the beginning of 1990s. As Castle (2002) argued that migration, development and international relations were closely connected as migration was a major factor of transformation for both sending and receiving countries for different types of migrants (Castle, 2002). With this perspective, this study generally focused on those migration culture acquisition theories developed in 1990 rather then looking at current perspectives in the most recent literatures, which actually have evolved from these original theories in 1990s (Castle, 2002). As the findings from these research studies has had been mixed or sometimes contradictory, it was important to understand the exact nature of the relationship between migrant ethnic identification and the acculturation process both need to be specified and assessed properly with coherent measurements and theoretical assumptions (Nesdale et al. , 1997). Important theoretical concepts: ethnic identity, acculturation, biculturism, and marginalisation. According to Phinney (1990; as cited in Farver, Narang Bhadha., 2002), ethnic identity and acculturation were related but separate constructs. Ethnic identity involves an individual’s self-identification as a group member, a sense of belonging to an ethnic group, attitudes toward ethnic group of membership, and degree of ethnic group involvement (Farver et al. , 2002). The term acculturation was defined in anthropology as those phenomena, which resulted when groups of individuals having different cultures came into continuous first-hand contact with subsequent changes in the original pattern of either or both groups (Redfield, Linton, Herskovits, 1936; as cited in Birman, 1994). Although acculturation was a neutral term in this context (that is, change might take place in either or both groups), in practice, acculturation tended to induce more changes in one of the groups than in the other (Berry, 1990a; as cited in Berry, 1997) Berry (1997) argued that in all plural societies, cultural groups and their individual members, in both dominant and non-dominant situations, must deal with the issue of how to acculturate. According to Berry (1997), four acculturation strategies were introduced: assimilation, separation, marginalization, and integration. When individuals do not wish to maintain their cultural identity and seek daily interaction with other new cultures, the assimilation strategy is defined. In contrast, when individuals place a value on holding on to their original culture, and at the same time wish to avoid interaction with others, then the separation is defined (Berry, 1997). When there is an interest in both maintaining one’s original culture, while in daily interactions with other groups, integration is the option; here, there is some degree of cultural integrity maintained, while at the same time seeking to participate as an integral part of the larger social network (Berry, 1997). Last, when there is little possibility or interest in cultural maintenance (often for reasons of enforced cultural loss), and little interest in having relations with others (often for reasons of exclusion or discrimination) then marginalization is defined (Berry, 1997). However, this acculturation categories model has been criticized methodologically (Rudmin, 2003, 2009; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) because all four of Berry’s categories were represented in the same way by creating the two by two matrix of acculturation categories between high and low. However, the cut off point between high and low was arbitrary and would differ across samples, making comparisons across studies difficult, resulting in the fact that all four categories existed and were equally valid (Rudmin, 2003; as cited in Schwartz et al., 2010) and suggesting that not all of Berry’s categories might exist in a given sample or population, and that some categories might have multiple subtypes (Schwartz et al. , 2010). In particular, Berry (1997) viewed the term â€Å"biculturism†as referring to acculturation that involved the individual simultaneously in the two cultures that were in contact in integrative ways, which appeared to be a consistent predictor of more positive outcomes than the three alternatives of assimilation, separation, or marginalization. Berry and his colleagues (Sam Berry, 1995) assessed the acculturation strategies of various immigrant groups in North America and the results showed that bicultural individuals experienced less acculturative stress, anxiety and fewer psychological problems significantly, while marginalized individuals suffered the most psychological distress, including problems with self-identification and cultural alienation, which adversely affected their self-esteem (Farver et al. , 2002). However, Shiraev and Levy (2007) explained acculturative stress as a negative feeling that a marginalized person might experience as a distressing psychological reaction to any unfamiliar cultural environment based on the assumption that person and groups undergoing any social and cultural change should experience a certain amount of psychological distress. Generally, many early definitions of acculturation focused on exposure to two cultures simultaneously as a culture shock, which was a reactive state of specific pathology or deficit, rather than taking advantage of being bicultural (Berry Annis, 1974; Shiraev et al., 2007). The validity of marginalization as an approach to acculturation by Berry (1997) was also questioned (Del Pilar Udasco, 2004; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). Schawartz et al. argued that the likelihood that a person would develop a cultural sense of self without drawing on either the heritage or receiving cultural contexts would be less likely to. The marginalization approach might be true only for the small segment of migrants who rejected both their heritage and receiving cultures (Berry, 2006b). Indeed, studies using empirically based clustering methods have found small or nonexistent marginalization groups and scales that attempted to measure marginalization typically had poor reliability and validity compared with scales for the other categories (Cuellar, Arnold, Maldonado, 1995; Unger et al. , 2002; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). As described earlier, the impact of migrant ethnic identity on psychological distress had comparatively diverse points of views if they were either negative or positive reactions, depending on different theoretical frames. For example, Social Identity Theory (Tajfel Turner, 2001) and Self-Categorization Theory (Turner, 1987) emphasized more on the importance to individuals of their identification with particular social groups. Social Identity Theory (Tajfel Turner, 2001; as cited in Yip, Gee, Takeuchi, 2008) viewed a possible explanation for why ethnic identity might buffer the effects of discrimination. According to this theory,individuals chose from an array of possible social identity groups and, once those groups were chosen, individuals focused on the positive aspects of their in-group, which helped to boost their own esteem, suggesting that ethnic identity was more important to their overall identity (Yip et al. , 2009). In contrast, if ethnicity was a central component of ones identity, it might actually exacerbate the effects of discrimination, resulting in a greater negative impact on mental health, according to self-categorization theory (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, Wetherell, 1987; as cited in Yip et al., 2008), suggesting that people should be more in tune with environmental cues that were relevant to an important aspect of their identity. That is, experiences of racial discrimination might be such a cue relevant to their ethnic identity. Indeed, research suggested that African American adults and adolescents who reported strong racial centrality were also more likely to report experiences of racial discrimination (Neblett, Shelton, Sellers, 2004; Sellers, Caldwell, Schmeelk-Cone, Zimmerman, 2003; Sellers Shelton, 2003; as cited in Yip et al., 2008). However, despite this emphasis by social theorists, they tended to forget the larger literature that involved with both ethnicity and the acculturation process (Liebkind, 1993; 1996; as cited in Nesdale, Rooney Smith, 1997). First of all, these different findings resulted from lack of inclusion of acculturation itself as a variable methodologically when acculturation was considered as a phenomenon in research designs (Sam and Berry, 2006). Without including acculturation as a variable, the explanations for human behavior similarities and differences across populations would remain incomplete (Sam et al. , 2006). Second, a further criticism of the acculturation literatures was that the same two acculturation processes, and the same four-acculturation categories, characterized all migrants equallyâ€â€regardless of the type of migrant, the countries of origin and settlement, and the ethnic group in question, according to Berry’s (1980) model and other similar approaches (Sam et al., 2006). Finally, the vast majority of studies in the acculturation literature have focused on behavioral acculturation (Schwartz et al. , 2010). That is, most widely used acculturation measures included primarily (or only) items assessing language use and other cultural practices (e. g. , Cuellar, Arnold, Maldonado, 1995; Stephenson, 2000; Szapocznik, Kurtines, Fernandez, 1980; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) due to accepting the fact that cultural practices might provide only a fair proxy for cultural adaptation (Schwartz et al., 2010). Theoretical frameworks for acculturation research Shiraev Levy (2007) claimed that cross-cultural psychologists usually used three approaches to examine human activities in various cultural settings. They were the sociobiological approach, the sociological approach and eco-cultural approach (Shiraev et al. , 2007). In particular, the eco-cultural approach emphasized both the environment and the individual were seen as open and interchanging systems (Shiraev et al., 2007), introducing John Berry whom originally developed this theory further in contemporary cross-cultural psychology. Shiraev et al. (2007) also pointed out that specialists should to be able to explain how, why, and to what extent people differed from one another, when ecological, biological, cultural, and acculturation factors were identified and taken into consideration (Berry, J. W. , Poortinga, Y. H. , Segall, M. H. , Dasen. P. R. ,1992; as cited in Shiraev et al. , 2007). In related to the concerns pointed by Shiraev et al. (2007), Berry (1997) argued earlier there were important links between cultural context and individual behavioural development, demonstrating what happened to individuals who developed in one cultural context when attempting to re-establish their lives in another one through his acculturation research framework, by confirming the fact that acculturation was one of the most complex areas of research in cross-cultural psychology because the process involved more than one culture and in two distinct senses (Berry, 1997). According to Berry (1997), the concept of acculturation was employed to refer to the cultural changes resulting from different ethnic groups encountered, while the concepts of psychological acculturation and adaptation were employed to refer to the psychological changes and eventual outcomes that occur as a result of individuals experiencing acculturation. In another words, acculturation phenomena resulted from contact between two or more cultures and research on acculturation had to be comparative in order to understand variations in psychological outcomes that were the result of cultural variations in the two groups in contact (Berry, 1997). In particular, this framework viewed the integration model of acculturation strategies the most desirable among other strategies, considering it the same as the biculturalism model (Berry, 1997). For example, Berry and his colleagues (Berry, 1980; Berry, J. W. , Kim, U. , Power, S. , Young, M, Bujaki, M. , 1989; Berry, Kim, Minde, Mok, 1987; Sam Berry, 1995 as cited in Farver et al., 2002) Assessed the acculturation strategies of various immigrant groups in North America and the result showed that integration was the most psychologically adaptive attitude, arguing that integrated or bicultural individuals experienced less acculturative stress and anxiety and manifested fewer psychological problems than those who were marginalized, separated, or assimilated, whereas marginalized individuals suffered the most psychological distress, including problems with self-identification and cultural alienation, which also affected their self-esteem (Farver et al., 2002). However, Phinney, Cantu, and Kurtz (1997) found that American identity was associated with self-esteem only for non-Hispanic Whites, but not for other ethnic groups. These mixed results as explained above raised two issues in the acculturation literatures. First of all, cultural practices might offer only a substitute for cultural adpatations, as Portes and Rumbaut (2001 as cited in Schwartz et al., 2010) mentioned that many Asian American young adults in their sample were not proficient in their native languages, even though they still perceived their identification with their parents’ countries of origin and maintained many of their values (Schwarz et al. , 2010). Secondly, most researchers on biculturism did not sufficiently define an accurate operational definition of biculturism so that interpretation of those research results were problematic (Birman, 1994). Indeed, one finding in the United States, was that self-identification as American was markedly higher in non-Hispanic Whites than in ethnic minority groups (e. g. , Devos Banaji, 2005; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) and many White Americans did not perceived themselves as members of an ethnic group (Schildkraut, 2007; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). In brief, different operational definition problems of acculturation arose from different theoretical models of acculturation regarding to their assumptions (LaFromboise, Coleman, Gerton, 1993). LaFromboise et al. (1993) assumed acculturation as one of substitutes among the biculturism models. Biculturism as defined in this theory was viewed as the alternation model, which implied an individual in two culture contacts could be competent in both cultures without losing one of the cultures’ competencies in distinct cultural contexts as alternation model, whereas, fusion model meant a blended cultural identity, consisting of a synthesis of aspects of both cultures (LaFromboise et al., 1993). However, Berry’s (1997) integrating approach of biculturism differed from the bicultural model (LaFromboise et al. , 1993; as cited in Birman, 1994) and it emphasized more on the relationship between the two cultural groups based on its implicit assumption that one of two cultures were higher than the other within a single social structure (LaFromboise et al. , 1993). Benet-Martinez and colleagues found that â€Å"blended†bicultural individuals tended to report higher self-esteem and lower psychological distress than a marginal population (Chen et al. , 2008 as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) because the consistent availability of both cultural flows within the person’s everyday life increased the ease of activating the correct cultural schema in accordance with their environmental situations (Schwartz et al. , 2010). In contrast, Tadmor, Tetlock, and Peng (2009) argued that the bicultural model considered those marginal individuals in positive ways, when there was little interest in cultural maintenance and little interest in having relations with others, suggesting positive aspects of being a marginal person might be (1) sharing his or her condition with others of the same original culture; (2) engaging in institutional practices that were shared by other marginal people; (3) experiencing no major frustration from social expectations; and (4) still perceiving himself or herself to be a member of a group (LaFromboise et al., 1993). According to Sam and Berry (2006), many studies of how migrants coped with intercultural contacts had discrepancies in the ways in which they were operationalized and measured. As no standardized or widely accepted acculturation measures existed, it was necessary to design a clear and explicit formulation of acculturation instrument in order to assess acculturation adequately (Sam et al. , 2006). Further Sam and Berry (2006) pointed out that most empirical studies widely used a self-report type of questionnaires that had been recognized limitations such as social desirability, emphasizing obtaining divergent validation by source of information other than the respondents’ reports. Therefore, it is vital to understand each theory within its specific assumptions and not to generalize across all situations regardless of their similar findings (LaFromboise et al. , 1993). As this study discovered migrants’ acculturation processes so far within specific theoretical frameworks, literature findings in different research were mixed as to whether individuals could be highly acculturated and at the same time be strongly identified with their ethnic group (Farver, Narang, Bhadha. , 2002). These confusing problems initially evolved because of the context in which migration arrangements and their acculturation processes were fundamentally transformed and increasingly uncertain due to globalization (Landolt Da, 2005). Shiraev Levy (2007) suggested a new approach to cross-cultural psychology in the twenty-first century, which was linked to the concept of globalization. Globalization was defined as a proliferation of cross-border flow and transnational networks due to new technologies of communication and transport that allowed frequent and multi-directional streams of people, ideas and cultural symbols (Castle, 2010). Castle also argued that globalization leads to major changes in the character of international migration. In other words, the context for migrant incorporation has already changed radically and will continue to do so. The rise of multiculturalism itself rather than assimilation or biculturism is one sign of this, but is not the end of the story: new forms of identity and belonging go beyond multiculturalism (Castle, 2010). Even though there is limited empirical evidence for clear statements for globalization, there probably are highly cosmopolitan groups who feel at home everywhere such as global business and professional elites might correspond with this image. But most members of transnational communities fall between these extremes, and probably have contradictory and fluctuating identities (Castle, 2002). Conclusions This study explored that a special case of cultural psychology was the study of how individuals respond to situations where they were in transition between their original culture and another that differed from it in some respects in terms of acculturation, especially within a specific theoretical frame that could apply to the specific situation (Adler Gielen, 1994). There was no single theory widely accepted by all social scientists to agree with the emergence and perpetuation of international migration patterns in the world under globalization (Van Hear, 2010),suggesting that the contemporary migrating context in which such migrating arrangements were realized fundamentally kept transforming so that it became increasingly uncertain (Landolt and Da, 2005). Although the topic of cultural contact and individual’ change has attracted considerable attention in contemporary cross-cultural psychology, the field has been characterized by a lack of theoretical coherence, definitional problems with key constructs, and single sample studies that limit the external validity of empirical cross-cultural research (Ward and Kenney, 1994). As acculturation is a process which takes place over time, and which results in changes both in the culture and in the individual culture changes, it would be ideal o compare two sets of data are compared over time using the same people. However, in practice, it is impossible in most acculturation research settings (Sam et al. , 2006). Instead, a common alternative to longitudinal research is cross-sectional research in which a time-related variable, such as length of residence or generational status can be used for the generalizability of acculturation theories (Sam et al., 2006). 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Friday, September 20, 2019
Promotional mix used by two established organizations
Promotional mix used by two established organizations Select two organisations of your choice and create a booklet that describes the promotional mix used by these two organisations for a selected product/service. 1A. Mc DONALDS: COMPANY OVERVIEW Dick and Mac McDonald founded the very first drive-in and self service restaurant in California, US in 1940. Today McDonalds is one of the leading fast-food retailer having more than 32,000 local restaurants [1] across the globe. With a mass penetration and exhilarating brand image, McDonalds is serving more than 60 million people in approximately 117 countries of the world [1]. To establish its market presence and differentiate from its competitors, McDonalds has created a number of logos and road signs depending upon its operations as for example dine-in facility drive-through etc. Following are few examples illustrating different logos: [2] Different Logos of McDonalds 1.1 THE PROMOTIONAL MIX STRATEGY McDonalds has employed an effective promotional mix strategy for the marketing of its products and services. For the organisation to penetrate within a specific market, it is essential to gain maximum knowledge about the culture, taste, climate, consumer needs etc. to design a correct set of promotional mix for marketing its marketing campaign. The right choice of the promotional mix helps the organisation to communicate the benefits of its products and services to the consumers (OShaughnessy 2003, p. 110). McDonalds core consumer base is built upon children, business personnel and fast-food lovers. Followed by which the promotional mix strategy used by McDonalds is advertising and sales promotion. [1] [2] OShaughnessy, J., 2003. The marketing power of emotions, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 1.2 ADVERTISING The promotional mix strategy followed by media advertising is always favourable as it reinforces the existence of the organization and also helps in persuading the consumers to buy. The advertising tools include print media, electronic media, billboards etc. for promotion. McDonalds too employs certain effective promotional techniques with the help of advertising tools. Print Media, TV Commercials McDonalds utilises aggressive media advertising as a tool to promote its products. With the help of television commercials, newspapers and magazines, the organisation has successfully managed to create a positive image of its brand. The scrumptious representation of its food products on the hoardings not only attracts its consumers but also helps to keep them well informed about the new arrivals. [3] Images of Burger and Fries Social Networking Today social networking websites have become extremely popular and since most of the traffic on these websites is followed by the younger generation therefore, it becomes essential for the organisations like Mc Donalds to demonstrate their market presence. To keep itself connected with its core consumer base, McDonalds has created pages [4] on the most popular social networking websites that includes: Facebook Flickr Twitter These pages confer all the related information about the latest news and upcoming events about McDonalds and also updates about new deals and offers. [3] [4] PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations play an integral role in todays marketing world. The multinational organisations having vast operational framework take part in certain international affairs like exhibitions, charitable work, rallies and sports events. McDonalds has also been involved in such large scale events which not only execute a positive message but also facilitate in the advertising of its brand image. The 2010 Olympic Winter Games The 2010 Olympic Winter Games were held in the beautiful city of Vancouver located in the host country of Canada. Since the brand image of McDonalds represents youth and therefore, it continues to participate in sports events. McDonalds has formally announced its involvement as the Official Restaurant for the eighth consecutive games [5]. The company is all set to feed more than 10,000 of the worlds best athletes, coaches and the Olympic officials. It is yet another component of McDonalds smart promotional strategy as millions of people across the globe will acknowledge the presence of McDonalds as a worldwide partner of this Olympic movement. 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa FIFA World Cup is an event that is anxiously awaited by diverse range of age groups everywhere across the world. Mc Donalds always seek for such events that create an extravaganza to target a mass audience. The organisation is an official sponsor and the official restaurant of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. With more than 32,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries, McDonalds will bring the FIFA World Cup to life for millions of customers and employees around the world. [5] Logo for the 2010 FIFA World Cup [5] SALES PROMOTION The sales promotions are usually short-termed or time specific strategies that are designed to attract the new customers or to replenish the relationships with the existing ones. The sales promotional campaigns offer attractive deals, work on pricing and put forward new products. The buy-one-get-one deals, gifts and prize schemes are few examples of such sales promotions. Toys, Scratch Cards Lucky Draws Children are the target consumer base of McDonalds and hence it becomes inevitable for the organisation to develop such promotional strategies that may create enthusiasm in children. Happy Meals are offered with small toys which excites children. McDonalds also introduces lucky draws, numerous schemes for winning prices and child competitions from time to time as for example, Happy Meal toys, Big Mac Hockey Contest, card games etc. The promotional tactic of scratch cards is also utilised for marketing which comes with combo meals. Adding to this, Mc Donalds also offers econo-meals and value meals. [6] Toys offered by McDonalds Meals Designed for Healthy Eating The consumer world of today is getting more cautious about organic food and healthy eating and realising this McDonalds has come up with a plan of preserving its existing clientele along with attracting new customers. The company has designed Happy Meals with intent to promote healthy eating in children. The organisation has teamed up with DreamWorks Animation to put forward a series of toys including Shrek, Donkey and Puss in Boots to endorse fruit, vegetables, and low-fat dairy and fruit juices. By promoting the healthy eating McDonalds has tried to penetrate within the consumer base that intentionally avoid the fast food products as they consider it to be fattening and un-healthy. This is a smart promotional campaign that will benefit the organisation by pulling in the new segment of consumer base to the existing database of the company. [7] Shrek Themed Happy Meal [6] [7] 1B: TESCO: COMPANY OVERVIEW Tesco is the leading retail super market in UK having a mass penetration of approximately 90% with an annual turnover of more than 1 billion. Tesco is an internationally recognised brand name which is not only restricted to food and grocery items but is also extended its operation to the non-food products. [8] Official Logo of Tesco 1.1 PRODUCT RANGE Food Ranges: Milk, eggs, butter and all grocery items Non-food Ranges: Books, DVDs and Electronic products Others: Dieting clubs, flights and holidays, music downloads electricity etc. 1.2 CORE COMPETITORS The list below indicates the core competitors of Tesco in UK. All of the listed below companies are the leading supermarkets in UK and operates almost in same range of products and categories. The competition for Tesco is extremely fierce in UK as the quality of products and services offered by these supermarkets are relatively same hence it becomes difficult for anyone to send out. However, Tesco with its comparatively huge operational network has got a leading position since it has got smaller or bigger outlets in almost every other corner. The promotional techniques offered by these supermarkets is more or less the same but Tesco ensures its distinct identity by introducing smart marketing mix followed by carefully designed promotional mix. Tesco Asda Sainsbury Waitrose Morrisons 1.3 THE PROMOTIONAL MIX STRATEGY Tesco has designed an intelligent promotional mix strategy that reflects a prudent thought process behind its campaigning. Tesco has successfully managed to achieve a vital role in the routine life of every household and its progress lies in the success of its creatively devised promotional strategy. The core constituents of Tescos promotional mix are as follows: 1.3.1 DIRECT MARKETING In combination with a number of meaningful promotional tactics, Tesco is successfully following a direct marketing strategy. Once a customer is registered on their main website -and starts shopping, the company keeps on interacting with that customer via phone, emails and text messages from time to time. Emails Messages The comprehensively designed website stores the contact information of the customer and the efficient direct marketing team of the organisation keeps a track record of customers buying behaviours. Tesco sends promotional offers, necessary information, new products and special deals via personalised email addresses to the customers. Moreover, Tesco also sends out feedback forms and surveys via emails to keep updated with the continuously evolving customers needs and choices. Text Messaging This is yet another way of close interaction with the customers. Tesco keeps on sending useful information about the new offers and products via text messaging. The company ensures that the customer never misses out anything offered by them and by doing so the company also develops a certain place in the customers everyday life. 1.3.2 MEDIA CAMPAIGNING Like its core competitors, Tesco too needs to make heavy investments on media campaigning even though its market presence is humungous. The competitive environment of today doesnt allow anyone to fall short when it comes to media campaigning. Media is one of the most powerful and decisive element of the overall promotional strategy. TV Commercials To differentiate from others it is essential to highlight the key features of the organisation in the TV commercials. Tesco primarily focuses on its accessibility as its network is comparatively broader. The commercials also highlight its healthy eating and organic products. Moreover, the TV commercials are designed to offer a little extra eye-catching moments to ensure that the commercials stay in the customers minds for a longer period of time. Interactive Websites In addition to its main comprehensive website, Tesco has launched a number of other web pages including Tesco Apps, Tesco Diet, and Talking Tesco etc. The links to these web pages are also made available on the main website and the link to the main website has been kept prominent on all other web pages. 1.3.3 SALES PROMOTION Tesco is facing a cut throat market competition and therefore, it has to keep on designing innovative promotional strategies to address the consumer needs and offer them a pleasurable shopping experience at the same time. Keeping in view of the rising level of inflation and recession period, Tesco has come up with ground-breaking promotional tactics as rewarding their customers. Club Card Points By introducing the Club Card rewards point, Tesco has made shopping a lot more fun and exhilarating experience for the consumers. The reward points can be collected by shopping via the online website which can be accessed by going to its website [8]. This promotional technique attracts the customers looking for discounts and saving options. [8] Image of Tesco Club card [8] Tesco Apps Tesco has launched a direct mobile website which enables its consumers to shop for groceries from absolutely anywhere on their mobile by downloading the Tesco application from the website [9]. The online shop also allows the customer to add or delete an item from the online shop accessed via the mobile. The mobile application also enables the customer to access the favourite list which makes the process much easier. This application is an innovative promotional technique which attracts the consumer base that has an extremely busy life. [9] Image of Tesco Apps 1.3.4 PUBLIC RELATIONS With its mass penetration in the consumer market, Tesco completely comprehends with the idea of consumer satisfaction which can be achieved by listening to them. It has been established that the customer sentiments drastically changes about a certain product depending upon the positive or negative image they build by experiencing the offered level of services. Believing the same, Tesco maintains close connections with its customers with the help of numerous methods. Talking Tesco The company has introduced a distinctive website named as Talking Tesco so that its customers know that their say matters and is always encouraged. The web page [10] is designed to collect the feedback from its customers along with any issues or grievances and it has been ensured that the relevant team members respond to the complaint or enquiry as soon as possible. The web page also displays a personalised email address i.e. [emailprotected] to directly contact the team and get a quick response. [9] [10] Tesco Diets Tesco believes in maintaining strong bond with its customers so that their loyalty can also be preserved. Tesco has introduced an interactive website which offers a personalised fitness programme that is designed to encourage people for healthy eating, maintaining a balanced diet and follow an exercise regime that may help in reducing weight. By registering on the website an individual can receive personalised daily workout programme and log the progress. Moreover, scrumptious recipes, tips, diet plans and interactive tools are also available on the website for free. These kinds of interactive and informative websites help the consumers to develop a positive image about the brand and thereby, develop a relationship of trust between the retailer and the consumer which eventually benefits the organisation. [11] Image of Tesco Diets [11] 2. Explain the role of promotion within the marketing mix for a successful promotional campaign. PROMOTION Promotion is the fourth marketing-mix element which is crucially important for a successful marketing campaign. There are a number of tactics involved in the promotional activities in order to communicate the message to the consumer base. Depending upon the nature and size of the campaign the target market is selected which could be a focus group; a particular market segment based on culture, tastes, and religious believes etc. and promotional materials are designed to influence these customers. 2.1 PROMOTIONAL TOOLS THEIR ROLES There are a number of tools which are helpful in the promotion of the products. These tools include: Advertising Advertising is a method of communicating with the end-customers and passing on a message about a particular products or services. There are several ways of advertising including print media such as press releases, newspapers, magazines, broacher, hoardings and leaflets or it could be electronic media such as radio, television or internet. The advertisements are external mass-mediated messages which do not necessarily influence the individual consumers as desired because these messages are filtered through interpersonal communication channels and the perceptual systems of the consumer before acquiring any implications however, they do influence the consumers buying behaviour (Schiffman and Kanuk 2000, pp. 129-35). The advertisements are typically designed to penetrate a larger segment of the consumers. Since the advertisements represent pictures and the information about the product therefore, it is expected to develop a certain image in the consumers minds. The TV commercials or radi o advertisements are also meant to connect with the target market. The repeated telecast of commercials and the entrance of print media in the sitting areas of every household have developed a different paradigm of marketing. With the help of advertisements the manufacturer attempts to send a clear message to its consumer. OGuinn, Allen, and Semenik define that the meaning of the advertisement is determined through a Schiffman, L. G., and Leslie L. K., 2000. Consumer Behaviour (VII ed.), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. subtle but powerful process of meaning construction by consumers (OGuinn, Allen, and Semenik 2003, p. 202). Sales Promotion The advertisements are intended to instigate a desire amongst the target market about a particular product as a result of which the consumer develops a need to purchase it. However, the competition is fierce today and almost every other competitor more or less uses the same tactics to attract the customers. Here comes the need for exploiting different promotional tools. The sales promotion is an effective way to manipulate the pricing strategy and gain advantage over the competitors. The cost of a product plays a vital role when it comes to the consumers decision making process. There is segment of consumers which do not necessarily look for designs, colours and quality instead they always look for discount deals. Depending upon the market density the sales promotion strategy may do wonders with a product. The markets that are rich in similar brands may not get competitive advantage but may boost sales for a limited period and on the other hands, where the markets where the positioning of brands are dissimilar, the sales promotion may aid in establishing the roots of a new brand or may even help in penetrating deep in the market. The main objective is to utilise this tool in an effective manner. The smartly designed sales promotion campaigns can help the retailers to get rid of the old or unsold stocks and make ways for new arrivals. It is important to note that the sales promotion technique might give quick results or might take a little longer to benefit however, the overall performance of the sales promotion strategy can be monitored and measured over the time. The main role of the sales promotion campaign is to attract new customers because the benefits associated with this technique are short termed and hence it is difficult to break the loyal customers. It has been estimated that the tremendous rise in the number of brands and a decrease in the efficiency of traditional advertising due to increasingly fractionated consumer markets has lead to augment the need for developing sales promotion strategies (Brierley 2002, p. 132). Public Relations The main objective of the public relations technique is to exploit the consumers sentiments in the benefit of the organization. The public relations tactics primarily involves the people OGuinn, T., Chris A. and Richard S., 2000. Advertising (II ed.), USA: Southwestern Publishing. Brierley, S., 2002. The advertising handbook, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. having potential impact on a companys operations to achieve its goals and objectives, which include both retailers and the customers. The idea is to maintain healthy and positive relationships with the individuals and groups of mutual interests working together for the benefit of the organization. This could be charitable event, a cultural show which is not directly related to the interests of the company but definitely portrays the social responsibilities of the organization towards the society in general. This may in return have a great impact on public sentiments which will lead to maximise sales. The organizations sponsoring the shows ensure that appropriate coverage has been given to such public events and activities thereby, highlighting the positive image of the organization through news and information media. The press conferences, contests, meetings, and other social events are all part of public relations which is intended to draw the attention of general consumers towards their products and services. It is the responsibility of the advertising agencies and the public relation specialists to foresee the possibilities of evolving goodness out of the brand image (Arvidsson 2006, p. 88). On the other hand, several irrelevant issues are also touched by the multinational organizations by supporting certain causes which eventually impacts the organizational objectives in achieving its goals. It has been observed that many corporate companies do not necessarily seek profitability out of public relations tactics however; the brand imaging culture of today evidences that public sentiments plays a vital role in the success and failure of products and services. The multinational organizations and corporate companies acknowledge the importance of public sentiments and therefore, it has been established that marketing public relations departments are essential to directly support corporate and product promotion and image management (Arvidsson 2006, p. 96). Direct Marketing It is a time consuming process which requires the collection of data about the target consumer market. The direct marketing technique is based on an in-house data base which provides sufficient information about the targeted consumers to facilitate the direct marketing teams to offer the best services possible which may suit the clients needs. A number of multinational organisations and corporate companies conduct extensive researches, polls and public surveys to collect the consumers views about certain products. The responses obtained are thus incorporated into the database and are updated from time to time. The process could be very time consuming and therefore, a number of organisations buy the mailing lists and Arvidsson, A. (2006) Brands: meaning and value in media culture, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. contact information of potential customers that is tailored to a precise specification. It is an effective promotional tactics which involves a number of different techniques to execute a well-designed marketing plan. Direct marketing may involve the use of emails, letters, phone calls etc to reach the targeted consumers. This method is useful in targeting a specific group of customers and sends them personalised messages which may have a distinct impact as compared to the TV commercials or regular promotional tactics. It has been observed that a segment of consumers prefers to be personally addressed as it gives them some extra importance (Levy 2003, p. 108). This technique is welcomed by a consumer base that is psychologically inclined towards introvert lifestyle. The main role of direct marketing technique is to get realistic results as the promotions are designed to target the listed customers and therefore, the response level obtained from them can give an idea of how well the c ampaign is working. Today, the competition is getting tough and the organisations seek for improved results therefore, direct marketing techniques are adopted to measure the effectiveness of the promotional campaigns and make necessary alterations where required. Personal Selling Personal selling is another tool used to devise an effective promotional campaign. It involves the employment of sales representatives in order to carry out the day to day sales activities. The personal selling technique is not very well complimented by the fast paced environment of today as the consumers are much more inclined towards the electronic sales option i.e. via internet. The personal selling option can be termed as the most expensive means of promotion, as human involvement requires certain expenses, and supplementary benefits however, a number of companies still maintain their sales force and encourage door to door selling. Personal selling is effective with the consumer base that is not very fond of following the commercials and is not capable of using internet. These customers have got the psyche of believing what they see in real. They may prefer trying a product before their final decision making process. The sales personnel are highly trained to deal with such custom ers and also taught to utilise personalised elements and techniques to convince the customers. The door-to-door selling techniques are quiet time consuming and might not get instant results for the organisations however, they seem to be effective in unapproachable client base to get the competitive advantage. Salespeople are trained to make presentations, answer objections, Levy, S., 2003. Roots of marketing and consumer research at the University of Chicago, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 6(2): 99-110. gain commitments to purchase, and manage account growth (McFall 2004, p. 63). The main goal of a sales person is to convince the customer on the spot and achieve the companys target by maximising sales activities which can also be achieved by the word of mouth if the customer is happy with the way the sales person has presented the product. The technique is all about maintaining a good reputation with the end customer where the sales person serves as a face of the company. Therefore, the sales force must be well acquainted with the product knowledge in order to satisfy the consumers enquiries related to the product. The personal selling strategy is considered to be out of fashion due to growing e-technology and web based marketing strategies however, the effect of personal interaction with the consumer can never be ignored. Combined with a correct set of promotional mix a successful marketing campaign can be designed. McFall, L., 2004. Advertising: a cultural economy, London: Sage. Explain the role of advertising agencies in the development of a successful promotional campaign the evidence that you have to produce is a fact sheet. 3. ROLE OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES IN PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGNS The ever-increasing range and diversity of market products has given rise to plethora of brand consciousness as a result of which the significance of information, persuasion and convincing the customer has become a key feature within the consumer market. Advertising is a vital tool that provides an opportunity for the companies to connect with their target market and to escalate the marketing process, advertising agencies has been pioneered that serves as a bridge between the company and its consumer base. FACT SHEET The advertising agencies facilitates in the development of positive consumer culture. They serve as an effective mediator in between the market products and their consumers. For a successful promotional campaign, an advertising agency aims to benefit its client by maximising sales opportunities. The advertising agencies externalise marketing as a management function and create a body of specialised knowledge about markets and consumers (Wilson and Thomson (2006, p. 112). They comprehend with the clients objectives, product knowledge and the target consumer base. The advertising agencies conceptualise the overall promotional activities. The products are well understood and the process begins by constructing the image and identity of the brand. A team of professionals are involved in the process of brainstorming innovative ideas to achieve the set targets. Extensive research is conducted to study the market trends and consumer needs are identified. Depending upon the size of the budget, an advertising agency creates effective Wilson, J. and A. Thomson (2006) The making of modern management: British management in historical perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press. promotional campaigns. Advertising agencies makes a strong effort to create and maintain the goodwill of the brands. The agencies are involved in the process of managing a trade marks augmentation to a key symbolic element of marketing strategy (Brierley 2002, p. 97). The agencies devise a marketing communication strategy for mass promotion with the aim of selling The aim is to create a direct link in between the manufacturer and end-consumer by reducing the efforts of sales activities of wholesaler and retailers (Levy 2003, p. 103). Developing a brand image that creates desire for the advertised products. Follow competitor-based approaches to market segmentation and product positioning (Cano 2003). Study the behavioural and psychic dispositions of the consumers which are heavily influenced by the brand imaging. Strategically manipulate the socially-shared symbols in order to facilitate the market penetration. They offer meaning and symbolic connotations to the marketed product which helps the consumers in decision-making process. The advertising agencies plan and design the promotional campaign in such a way that the desired information about a product shall be presented to consumers in a presentable manner (Arvidsson 2006, p. 56) Review the progress of promotional campaigning and improvise necessary alterations where required. Maintain and replenish the bond between manufacturer and the consumers. Brierley, S., 2002. The advertising handbook, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Levy, S., 2003. Roots of marketing and consumer research at the University of Chicago, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 6(2): 99-110. Cano, C., 2003. The recent evolution of market segmentation concepts and thoughts primarily by marketing academics, in E. Shaw (ed.) The romance of marketing history: proceedings of the 11th Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM). Boca Ranton, FL: AHRIM, 2003. Arvidsson, A., 2006. Brands: meaning and value in media culture, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. In a report explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign. 4. INTRODUCTION With the passage of time the competition in the corporate world has become increasingly fierce that has enabled the marketing sector to grow. Marketing can be done by a number of ways depending upon several associated factors however; the role of media in every form is an essential element of the marketing world. The rising trend of e-connectivity and social networking practices has made it obligatory for the organisations to incorporate
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