Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Can school violence be prevented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Can school violence be prevented - Essay Example Educators are confronted with acts of violent behavior in schools. But for educators, parents, administrators and the student, there are many issues that are inhibiting them from preventing to make schools safer and violence free. Nevertheless, there are many ways that can help in curtailing the violence that is becoming more and more apparent in schools. School violence is an important issue which needs to be tackled and it needs to be assessed that which strategies can assist in overcoming this problem. It will be prudent to state here that the perception of school violence is differentiated among the stakeholders of education systems. Administrators, students, teachers and parents all have varying explanations and perceptions of school violence. Administrators in most cases feel that schools are safe for students but the need for more empowerment of the staff and effort in better security cannot be ignored. Teachers were found to be of the opinion that violence in schools was the result of violence in the community that has seeped into the education system. Students perceived violence as a catharsis of the bullying that they may face at some point of their lives. This increases the importance of creating or formulating a strategy that will help in aligning all into coordination and focus on prevention of violence in schools (Algozzine & McGee 2011). One of the foremost reasons for school violence has been the sudden changing of demographics. It is a fact that whenever change happens there is bound to be agitation. Consistency in the status quo is welcomed whereas sudden change can lead to frustration, anger and confusion. That is why when communities observe changes in their demographics that is changes in religion, ethnicity and race, this frustration, anger and confusion is released in brutal catharsis. But these changes can be met and adapted to by holding dialogues between the conflicting elements. Schools are most prone to dissonance which results in an act of violence when demographics change. This violence due to changes in the demographics is attributed to the fact that school is the place where students of diverse backgrounds converge and also have to spend a substantial amount of time with each other. Dialogue helps in understanding what is different about different cultures and also helps in finding common ground between the conflicting groups. To make the dialogue a success it is important that students who have been more angry and upset must be brought together from the start. (We ssler, 2011) Another approach to curtailing violence at schools will be determining the barriers or the issues that inhibit social workers and educators in implementing various studies and programs aimed at addressing the interpersonal violence at schools. There have been a lot of studies and research in finding better ways to encourage students to restrain themselves from being violent. The main barrier in implementing these studies is that there is so little time for the social workers to spend on cases and students that needed counseling. The academic needs of the students are given more importance and counseling of students is seen as diverting the attention of students. Staffing is another barrier. Effective staffing and more support from the staff of social workers can be paramount in handling violence in schools (Cawood, 2010). Acts of violence at schools have led to many studies and investigations but all these have been done in
Monday, October 28, 2019
An Analysis of Elvis Presley’s Popularity Essay Example for Free
An Analysis of Elvis Presley’s Popularity Essay The article points three of the most salient reasons behind the huge success and enormous impact of Elvis Presley to the American society the unique personality of Elvis, the way his manager has handled him, and the right timing when he emerged. Although these factors apparently shows direct effects on Presley’s popularity and impact, it should still be noted that his success would not be possible if he sticks to bigotry and conservatism. According to the article, Presley’s singing like a Black man primarily attracts people’s interest. However, it should be emphasized that Presley’s popularity could be contributed as well to his rich background in music. Presley’s music was considered having the combined elements of Gospel, Country, and Blues. (Saffle, 2009). In fact, he was a church singer when he was just young, explaining his exposure to gospel songs. However, just like what the author of the article has pointed out, Presley was not the sole artist who is like that during the time. In fact, he was not the first White American to sing blues. (Gilmore 1998). To make things worse, when Presley started to perform songs of that particular genre, he was even accused of stealing it from the Black Americans (Bertrand 2000). Amidst controversies like these, Presley somehow managed to continuously attract the eye of the public not only through his flamboyant costumes, teasing movements, and energetic performances but through his unique and charismatic personality. It could also be argued that part of this huge success came from the effective handling of his managerâ€â€Colonel Tom Parker. The presence of Presley’s manager was also considered a great help for the King’s success. Identifying the potentials and the unique gift of his talent, Colonel was able to utilize the man’s gift to transform into a name that would be forever engraved in the history of American music. It could be true that Presley would have never achieved such success without the partnership with Colonel. Though this could be primarily attributed to Colonel’s outstanding management, the treatment of the two for each other also helped. Their relationship has surpassed that of a manager and a talent. There came a time that people were joking that they were like a married couple (Nash, 2003). They spent most of their time together that is why Colonel has successfully crafted Elvis’ career. However, when Colonel decided to stop Presley’s world tours and accepted television and movie projects instead, critics considered it a wrong move and death of Presley’s music career. They accused Colonel of being too greedy by accepting lucrative projects for his client, thus sacrificing the true talent of Presley. Nonetheless, Colonel has managed to regain his glory when Presley had his successful comeback in the music scene. There is also no doubt with the article’s argument regarding the emergence of Presley at the right time in the American history. However, in this particular situation, time is not the factor. Presley’s enormous impact to the American society could be accounted for his liberal ideas and decisions. He opted not to conform to bigotry. Instead, he used his music to propagate liberating ideas to his audience, who were mainly adolescents looking for freedom. Presley also paved way for the introduction of the Black music into the music mainstream. That would undeniably resolve the question as to why he is worthy for the title King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Works Cited Gilmore, Mikal. Night Beat: A Shadow History of Rock Roll. USA: University of Michigan, 1998 Nash, Alanna. The Colonel: The Extraordinary Story of Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley. USA: Simon and Schuster, 2003 Saffle, Michael. The Musical Characteristics of Elvis Presley. Published by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Education Bureau, 2009
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Romeo and Juliet - A Great Love Story? :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet has been known as the best love story to hit the face of the earth. It is the most known and most talked about Shakespeare play and has become the ultimate classic love story. But is it even all that great? No, I do not think Romeo and Juliet is all that great of a love story. I think that the public who were exposed to the play at the time, which was around the 1600's, had not seen too many other tragic love stories, so they of course loved it. Everybody loves new and original things. So I think that Romeo and Juliet was just a big "fad" of that time. Everybody went all bazerk about the play and it just carried on. Pretty soon, all the grand children and great grandchildren (of the people who first saw the play) were told about how great of a love story Romeo and Juliet was. And it was all ready instilled in the publics mind that this was a great play even before they saw or read it. And the same has happened in our time. When somebody talks about Romeo and Juliet, everybody immediately thinks that it is the greatest book and that it is the best love story. But I do not think so. Over the past years, many love stories (movies) have came out that I think are better love stories than Romeo and Juliet. If these stories would have came out 400 years ago, then they would probably be just as well known and publicized as Romeo and juliet is today. Also, I do not like the play because it does not correspond well with current times and current ways of love and culture. That may be the reason so many people like it, because it is a classic, but it is one of the reasons why I do not. There are also some parts of the play that I do not like, Such as the idea of pretending to be dead, and being put in a coffin. There is no possible way a person can pretend to be dead. You still have to breathe, and the people that are crying over you would have to have noticed you breathing.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Behavior Problem Essay
The management of disruptive behavior problems is a familiar concern for many schools. Student’s behavior problems are challenging at all levels in school in recent years, behavior difficulties in school have increased, teachers seem to be unprepared to deal with these problem. According to C. E. C. P (1998) â€Å"Difficult student misbehaviors, reported by teacher include violation of classroom rules, being truant from school, blaming others for problems, irresponsible behavior, and destruction of property. p. 21) Given the seriousness of these behaviors, teacher are spending disproportionately more time on behavior problems that take away from instructions, compromising learning for both the student with the behavior difficulties and rest of the classroom. Therefore, teachers need to formulate a plan to help students with their behavioral problems so that the learning and teaching process happens actively and smoothly. 2. 0 Behavior Problems 2. 1 Definition of behavior, pro blem, and behavior problem. Behavior Behavior defines as the manner in which one behaves / The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. One of these actions or reactions: â€Å"a hormone . . . known to directly control sex-specific reproductive and parenting behaviors in a wide variety of vertebrates†(Thomas Maugh II). (Cited from American Heritage Dictionary) Problem Problem defines as any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty/ a question proposed for solution or discussion / difficult to train or guide. cited from dictionary. com) Behavior Problem So basically behavior problems have both of the elements of behavior and problem. Which defines as a n action or reaction of a person to external or internal stimuli which involves qoubt, uncertainty or difficulty. 2. 2 Types of behavioral problems. There are 11 most common types of behavioral problem that a teacher might encounter in schools. (KidsBehavior (UK). mht). They are; a)Aggressive Outb urst b)Biting peers or objects c)Pulling peers hair d)Banging their head )Hitting their peers f)Pinching their peers g)Always being absent to class h)Using violence in classroom i)Lying/ blaming others j)Usage of vulgar/abusive words k)Stealing Not only behavior problems distract the attention in a classroom but also behavior disorder. Behavior disorder is a much more severe problem than behavior problems. This is because behavior disorders are hardwired in the students system. There are many types of behavior disorders and among them are a) autism, b) post-traumatic stress disorder and many more. Unfortunately, a teacher would not be able to help these types of children because this type of children needs special attention. Therefore, if a teacher recognizes any kind of behavioral disorder in a child, the teacher should inform to his/her parents as soon as possible. As concerning with behavioral problems, there are number of methods/strategies techniques available to cure them. Teachers should know these methods/strategies/techniques in order to help the students to mend their behavior problem and to help the school from facing displin problems. The term for this methods/strategies/techniques is Behavior Modification 3. 0 Overcoming Behavior Problems with Behavior Management and Behavior Modification 3. 1 Definition of Behavior Management and Behavior Modification. Behavior management skills are particularly of importance to teachers in the educational system. Behavior management is all of the actions and conscious inactions to enhance the probability people, individually and in groups, choose behaviors, which are personally fulfilling, productive, and socially acceptable. Behavior modification is the use of empirically demonstrated behavior change techniques to improve behavior, such as altering an individual’s behaviors and reactions to stimuli through positive and negative reinforcement of adaptive behavior and/or the reduction of maladaptive behavior through positive and negative punishment. 3. 2 Behavior Management 1) Behavior management is applied at the group level by a classroom teacher as a form of behavioral engineering to produce high rates of student work completion and minimize classroom disruption. ) â€Å"Contemporary behavior modification approaches involve students more actively in planning and shaping their own behavior through participation in the negotiation of contracts with their teachers and through exposure to training designed to help them to monitor and evaluate their behavior more actively, to learn techniques of self-control and problem solving, and to set goals and reinforce themselves for meeting these goals. †– (Brophy (1986)) ) The most common practices of this behavior management rely on the use of applied behavior analysis principles such as positive reinforcement and mild punishments 4) This principle follows the Operant Conditioning system by B. F. Skinner, which is to describe the effects of the consequences of a particular behavior on the future occurrence of that behavior. There are four types of Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Punishment, and Extinction. Both Positive and Negative Reinforcement strengthen behavior while both Punishment and Extinction weakens behavior. ) Examples of situation whereby the teacher uses the two main types of operant conditioning. 3. 2. 1 Positive Reinforcement Definition: Is an attempt to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future, an operant response is followed by the presentation of an appetitive stimulus. Example of situation in a classroom on how to use positive reinforcement. A teacher who uses positive rein forcement will constantly and consistently praised the students, ignored small infractions and was encouraging no matter what answer the students get. Once one student was totally off track with his answer and the teacher’s response was â€Å"no, but you are thinking and that is what I enjoy seeing you think, listen to others and try again. †Every minute or two the teacher was saying something positive. 3. 2. 2 Negative Reinforcement Definition: Negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced by removal of a stimulus. The word â€Å"negative†does not mean â€Å"unpleasant. †It means a stimulus is removed or â€Å"subtracted†from the situation as a form of reinforcement Example of situation in a classroom on how to use negative reinforcement. Suppose your teacher said you could skip the final exam by studying an extra chapter and taking a quiz on it. You might study an extra chapter (your studying behavior would be made more frequent) because of the promise of an unpleasant stimulus, being removed (no final exam) Another example: If a student is trying to be the centre of the limelight by disrupting the classroom the teacher can use the avoidance strategy or punishment strategy as a negative reinforcement to the student. 3. 3 Behavior Modification The principles of using behavior modification are: ) To develop a new behavior b) To strengthen a new behavior , c) To maintain an established behavior, d) To stop inappropriate behavior, and finally e) To modify emotional behavior. (Adapted from: Krumboltz, J. , & Krumboltz, H. (1972). Changing children’s behavior. New York: Prentice-Hall. )  There are 3 main principles to develop a new behavior which are i. Successive Approximation Principle: ( To teach a child to ac t in a manner in which he has seldom or never before behaved, reward successive steps to the inal behavior. ) ii. Continuous Reinforcement Principle: (To develop a new behavior that the child has not previously exhibited, arrange for an immediate reward after each correct performed it incorrectly. iii. Discrimination Principle: (To teach a child to act in a particular way under one set of circumstances but not in another, help him to identify the cues that differentiate the circumstances and reward him only when his action is appropriate to the cue. ) B : To strengthen a new behavior There are 2 main principle in strengthening a new behavior. i. Decreasing Reinforcement Principle: (To encourage a child to continue performing an established behavior with few or no rewards, gradually require a longer time period or more correct responses before a correct behavior is rewarded. ) ii. Variable Reinforcement Principle: (To improve or increase a child’s performance of a certain activity, provide the child with an intermittent reward. ) C :To maintain an established behavior There is 1main principle in estbablishing a new behavior . Substitution Principle: (To change reinforcers when a previously effective reward is no longer controlling behavior, present it just before (or as soon as possible to) the time you present the new, hopefully more effective reward. ) D :To stop inappropriate behavior There is 3 main principle to stop inappropriate behavior i. Satiation Principle: (To stop a child from acting in a particular way, you may allow him to continue (or insist that he continue) performing the undesired act until he tires of it. ) ii. Extinction Principle: (To stop a child from acting in a particular way, you may arrange conditions so that he receives no rewards following the undesired act. ) iii. Punishment Principle: (To stop a child from acting in a certain way, deliver an aversive stimuli immediately after the action occurs. Since punishment results in increased hostility and aggression, it should only be used infrequently and in conjunction with reinforcement. ) E : To modify emotional behavior There is 2 main principle to modify emotional behavior ) Avoidance Principle: ( To teach a child to avoid a certain type of situation, simultaneously present to the child the situation to be avoided (or some representation of it) and some aversive conditon (or its representation) ii) Fear Reduction Principle: (To help a child overcome his fear of a particular situation, gradually increase his exposure to the feared situation while he is otherwise comfortable, relaxed, secure or rewarded. ) CONCLUSION The effective use of behavioral and cognitive strategies in the classroom may appear daunting even to experienced teachers. However, changing your behavior and strategies is often the most efficient and effective means of improving all types of classroom behaviors Through practice comes proficiency. The building block of emotions and behavior likely contains the largest and most diverse set of problems encountered in the classroom. By first understanding these problems and seeing the world through the eyes of your students, and, then developing and using a set of i strategies on a regular basis, problems of emotions and behavior can be effectively managed and changed in the classroom and also behavior problems can be mended.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Affects of the Media on Society
The term media can be defined as a wide variety of things. For the purpose of this paper, it will be defined as the American Heritage Dictionary defines it; as â€Å"†¦an agency, by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred†(2000). The">media’s role in society is an extremely prevalent topic especially in today’s day and age. The media has continuously been used as a scapegoat for the lack of other excuses for abnormal behaviors in America’s teenagers. This was obvious with the April 1999 shooting at Columbine High School near Denver, CO. The media is the easiest and most common thing to blame for teen’s behavior. Their video games, their music, everything that they listen to or watch on their own time is to blame for their behaviors, rather than poor parenting, lack of support at school or lack of noticing on anybody’s behalf that something was wrong with these two boys. Columbine is the number one instance that pops into our minds from recent memory when we contemplate the notion of media affecting our society and our societal behaviors. It was taken to the point that Marilyn Manson was being interrogated in regards to how he felt about the massacre. Parents, teachers and community members alike all believed that his music had a major influence on Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two gunmen, and their actions that day in April. To this day, it is still a widely debated subject as to what caused these two teenagers to kill twelve of their classmates and one of their teachers before killing themselves. As far as teen behavior in general goes, it is common that society blames the media for the actions of the youth even when they as a society are the ones that create the media and the guidelines for it to be presented to the youths. Video games are the main thing that society is blaming, but television shows such as â€Å"Jackass†and â€Å"Viva La Bam†are holding their own in the lineup of things to blame. Teenagers are in a moldable, mutable state in the first place without being influenced by images of idiocy and lack of respect for everything. Thus, the reason behind why parents are putting their foot down in regards to video games such as â€Å"Vice City†and the recent â€Å"Super Columbine Massacre RPG!†The creators of the video game â€Å"Super Columbine Massacre RPG!†are not just sitting back listening to the criticism of their game. They have something to say about the reason it exists in the first place. They say â€Å"†¦This game is intended to deepen the understanding of the shooting and its possible causes. What the player takes out of it is ultimately dependant upon what the player puts into it†(Ledonne, 2005). It is easy to blame video games for abnormal behaviors, but in reality, people are just indirectly blaming themselves. Society demands a certain type of media, and so, that is what they get. They get a game full of violence, killing, stealing cars, etc. All because that is what society is begging the video game industry to produce whether they know it or not. This is not to say that there are teenagers out there that are indeed being influenced by this craze that has swept the nation in recent times. According to an article on the SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) website, in Sarasota, Florida apparently â€Å"†¦Influenced by the movie Jackass, three trespassing teens leap[t] from atop a condominium building aiming for the pool. Two ma[d]e it. One hit[] the side, fracturing both legs and an arm and cracking his pelvis†¦.†(Wallace, 2003). Although it is easy to claim that the media, such as video games and television, has a minor affect on teens in today’s society this is not always true. There are always going to be those few kids that think it would be fun to do what they see on TV or on their videogames. Overall, when all media, including video games are taken to account, it is fairly clear that although we cannot completely blame the media for the actions of teenagers in America, we can blame it for a lot of what they do. A teenager’s main goal in life is to be cool. Simple, clear cut. They just want to be part of the cool crowd. So what do they do? They look to things that the cool crowd watches, wears and how they act. They then try to mimic these things in a futile attempt to become cool. Sometimes, teens get out of hand, and things such as the kids in Sarasota, FL happen. It is only then that we realize how much of an influence the media does indeed have on us, and not just us but our posterity as well. Citations (2000). Medium. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition Web site: Ledonne, Danny (2005). Super columbine massacre RPG!. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from Super Columbine Massacre RPG! Web site: Wallace, Stephen G (2003). Short Circuit. Retrieved February 13, 2007, from SADD:Students Against Destructive Decisions Web site:
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Indian Hotel Industry Essay Example
Indian Hotel Industry Essay Example Indian Hotel Industry Essay Indian Hotel Industry Essay Introduction In India, the hotel industry has monitored enormous boom in current years. The industry is linked with the tourism industry and the growth of hotel industry was fuelled by the tourism industry. It’s been seen that the industry offers luxury and comfort service to increase the foreign exchange of the economy. Early in 1980’s, the hotel industry in India was a budding industry consisting of single hotel companies. Increase in demand for hotels was high in late 1990’s. The increase in business opportunities and flourished economy has boosted the level of growth in hotel industry. According to a report, the Indian hotel industry has a current supply of 110,000 rooms and a scarcity of 150,000 rooms. According to ballpark figure, demand will go above supply by 100% within the next 2 years. The hotel industry in India is going to look rosy in the future. For the next few years, it is seen that the mid-market and budget hotel are going to observe massive growth and development while the segment of luxury will continue to carry out well. The year 2008-09 was one terrible year for Indian tourism because of the terror attack; the hotel industry was affected drastically. The industry experienced a downfall in occupancy and revenue in major cities List of players in the industry * Taj group * Inter-continental * Le meridien group of hotels * Oberoi group of hotels * The park group of hotels * Welcome heritage group of hotels * ITC welcome group of hotels Industry Structure Hotels in India are broadly classified into 7 categories (Five star deluxe, Five star, Four star, Three Star, Two Star, One star and Heritage Hotels) Premium Luxury Segment This segment comprises the high-end Five Star deluxe and Five Star hotels, which mainly provide to the business and upmarket foreign leisure travellers and present a class quality and range of services Mid Market Segment This segment includes 3 and 4 star hotels which cater to the standard foreign and domestic leisure traveller. This segment also accommodate to the middle level business travellers since it offers most of the essential services of luxury hotels without the high costs. Budget Segment These comprise 1 and 2 star hotels known to as â€Å"Budget Hotels†. These categories do not offer as many facilities as the other segments but offers inexpensive accommodation to the highly price-conscious segment of the domestic and foreign leisure tourists. Heritage Hotels In the past four decades, certain architecturally distinctive properties such as palaces and forts, built prior to 1950 have been converted into hotels. The Ministry of Tourism has classified these hotels as Heritage Hotels FDI in hotel Industry The main reason for foreign direct investment policy in India is to promote foreign investment. The liberalized economic policies have converted India the biggest and largest democracy in the global investment. In hotel industry FDI has been allowed up to 100% through automatic route. Automatic approval is given if: 1. Up to 3 % of the capital cost of the project is proposed to be paid for technical consultancy services. 2. Up to 3 % of the net turnover is payable for franchising and marketing/publicity fees. 3. Up to 10 % of gross operating profit is payable for management fees, including incentives fees. Statistical Data- Indian Hotel Industry Size of the Hotel Industry| USD 3. 8 Billion| Share of premium segment in the overall hotel market (2008)| USD 2. 3 Billion| Expected growth rate from 2008 to2009| 12 percent| Key Players| Indian Hotels, Leela Ventures, ITC Hotels, Oberoi Hotels, Bharat Hotels, ITDC, Kamat Hotels. | RoomsCurrent SupplyCurrent Demand| About 110,000 hotels roomsAbout 150,000 hotels rooms| Source: Crisil research Annual Review 2009 Growth Rate In a report it is stated that, the Indian hotel industry has a current supply of 1, 00,000 rooms and a scarcity of 1, 50,000 rooms in India. In the estimate the demand is going to cross supply by 100% in the coming next 2 years. Five star hotels allocate same room for different guest more than once a day. With the difference in demand and supply, the tariffs in hotels are expected to rise 25% annually and 80% of occupancy rate by the next 2 years. To conquer this shortage, the industry is adding 60000 quality class rooms. It is on process with various stages of development which will be all set by 2012. The hotel industry is currently now in an interesting phase. The reason for the boost in demand for hotel rooms is the thriving economy and extreme growth in sectors like IT, Telecom, Retail etc. Moreover, the decision of government is to advance 28 regional airports in towns and to expand Mumbai and Delhi airports so that the business prospects of Indian hotel industry will progress. The advancement of highways linking to various parts of India has helped to open new budget hotels. The campaign INCREDIBLE INDIA which was promoted by the government of India has helped to increase the domestic and international tourism which led to the growth in hotel industry also. Pattern of growth (Seasonal Cyclic) In hotel industry, the pattern of growth is cyclic and seasonal as it is related and based with tourism. As it is inter-related and gone on demand based, in some places like historical places and business centres such as Delhi, Hyderabad etc the demand for hotels are cyclic. Seasonal demand is depended upon location and climate e. g. : beaches in India are visited mainly on summer because of the climate Porter’s Five Force Model Porter’s five forces model determines the attractiveness of long run of a market. The five forces are: * Threats of intense segment rivalry * Threat of new entrants * Threat of substitute products * Bargaining power of suppliers * Bargaining power of consumers 1. BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS * A chain of hotels is operating in various services like spa, boatels, resorts, city centers etc. * The customers in the hotel industry are fragmented, so they might have to trim down the bargaining power in order to draw the customers. * They have no substitutes for five hotels and spas. * The top class hotels are being operated by few hotels like TAJ, ITC, THE LEELA PALACE so that they have power over the industry. * The Oberoi, TAJ, ITC etc have different rates and tariffs; it is because of the reason that they have their own brand image. 2. BARGAINING POWER OF CONSUMERS The hotel industry is mainly invested in fixed assets, so they are trying to recover their money quickly. * If the price of the hotel changes is moderate, the customers are price sensitive and have low margins. * The hotels are providing more information about them to attract the customers. * Sometimes hotels provide discounts and incentives in order to reduce the bargaining power of consumers. 3. THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS When it becomes easy for the other companies to enter the industry, the competition of the industry increases. In such state the new players could change the determinintans of the market environment. Distribution channels and raw materials are controlled by players like TAJ, ITC and LEELA PALACE * In India, the cost of land is 50% of total project as it is 15% in abroad. * Customers brand loyalty like TAJ, ITC and LEELA PALACE influences new entrants. * The hotels in foreign country are in connection with Indian hotels to reduce the starting cost and using latter’s brand name. 4. THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES There is going to be a threat from the substitutes if there are alternative lower priced products with better performance for the same purpose. These substitute products can attract a part of the market reducing the sales of existing players. * Switching and fixed costs affects the business * Customers brand loyalty is directing the substitutes such as TAJ, ITC etc. * Hotel connection with the customers and cost are the causes for switching to substitutes. * The current demand and supply is another reason for the choice of substitutes. 5. THREAT OF INTENSE SEGMENT RIVALRY High pressure of competition results in hike on prices, pressure on margins and hence for every single company in the industry on profitability. Powerful on cities especially in metro and slowly picking in minor cities. * Because of the healthy competition with all the players, there is an increase in the growth of industry * The competitors in the hotel industry especially the top one’s are having similar service like the five star. Environmental Analysis PEST Model 1. Political factors Certain rules and regulation should be abided by the citizen of India in order to be in the society. This is applicable for corporation also. Though each corporation has to face rules and regulation, each industry has to face different set of rules and regulation. One should know that in corporation’s perspective the regulation are negative because it takes away their profit or bottom line. However, there is also a positive effect for regulations. Environment is one main factor which the government will have their eye on, and also set up laws that will defend the environment. Hotels are legally responsible to clean up the infected part and other corrective measures under the law and regulation which are associated with environmental matters. Another political factor is that they can impose a law regarding labor in hotel industry 2. Social factors Social factor is another issue which the hotel industry should look into because it deals and functions with customers with different ethnic, demographic, cultural background. The hotel industry may have a chance to expand by the way of treating each customer in a loyally. 3. Technological factor A hotel must be up to date with all the latest gadgets and technological changes. A hotel must be advanced and should prevent obsolescence. Why it is said to be advanced is that the changes might have an impact on the industry. As it is the 21st century, we all know that there is a strong and powerful focus on technology. Today the internet is being used everywhere. Now it is a place for shopping, music, games etc. In this factor, the hotels should know that if they don’t have a well developed website, they can loose potential customers. Also they should aggressively advertise through the internet. Further to add in with the discussion, the computers can be use for organizing the operations. So by moving through this direction can make the hotel much attractive, save cost and increase revenue. 4. Ecological factors Environment is something which the living beings link with it every day. The decisions are often guided by the environmental condition. For e. g. if it is foggy outside, the chances for going for trucking or hiking are very less. The unsure climate can have an impact on hotels mainly situated in ski resorts. To solve this problem is to create a strong brand image in the minds of consumer. Market Trends: Hotels Classification – Occupancy Particular| 2004 -05| 2005-06| 2006-07| 2007-08| 2008-09| Overall Average| 69. 0 %| 71. 5 %| 71. 4 %| 68. 8 %| 60. 3 %| Five Star Deluxe| 71. 4 %| 73. 8 %| 73. 0 %| 71. 7 %| 62. 3 %| Five – Star| 71. 1 %| 70. 4 %| 70. %| 67. 2 %| 59. 9 %| Four – Star| 71. 8 %| 72. 7 %| 71. 7 %| 68. 9 %| 59. 5 %| Three Star| 56. 7 %| 65. 9 %| 68. 9 %| 64. 7 %| 57. 5 %| Hotel Classification – Average Rate (US Dollars) Particular| 2004 -05| 2005-06| 2006-07| 2007-08| 2008-09| Overall Average| 95. 73| 122. 34| 162. 17| 198. 52| 170. 71| Five Star Deluxe| 124. 86| 161. 08| 224. 26| 278. 33| 241. 05| Five – Star| 86. 79| 112. 03| 149. 22| 190. 16| 165. 29| Four – Star| 68. 78| 86. 45| 117. 23| 142. 20| 126. 35| Three Star| 40. 71| 49. 71| 69. 09| 86. 67| 79. 83| Opportunity and Challenges Opportunities According to the central statistics organization, India’s GDP was recorded a growth of 6. 7% in the financial year 2008-09. By this GDP growth, we can see that it is a strong service sector, stable FDI and government policies which helped to maintain growth rate. The hotel industry’s market size is more than twice as about USD 1 billion in 2004. It is said that there are chances for India to have something like 40 international hotel brands by 2012. Also the occupancy rates have also increased from 52% in 1999 to 67% in 2008. Inspite of the global recession, the arrival of tourist increased from 4. 8 million to 5. 37 million in 2008. Basically what it means is that there is 100% Challenges * Poor infrastructure * Numerous license are required to approve a lengthy process * Due to economic recession, there’s been a slowdown in demand. Conclusion In recent years, India started examining massive growth in mid market and luxury market will performing very well in the coming years. In future, the industry will have marvellous opportunities because of the booming trends in tourism and government encouraging campaign of INCREDIBLE INDIA and other promotional measures. Even through the industry is filled with full of opportunities, they are undergoing certain difficulties regarding the cost of land which is 50% of the total cost and also the taxes. The hotel industry is inviting foreign investment which is an excellent indication and the industry is trying to fill the demand and supply gap. Bibliography * indialawoffices. com/pdf/indianhotelindustry. pdf * http://business. mapsofindia. com/india-industry/hotel-industry-in-india. html * scribd. com/doc/26045770/indian-hotel-industry-analysis * madaan. com/sectors. html
Monday, October 21, 2019
Appropriation of Black Culture Life by Whites
Appropriation of Black Culture Life by Whites Cultural appropriation is where by Whites duplicate licensed property, social declarations, and customary learning from African culture without their authorization (Hardy 73). The United States is one nation that cultural appropriation has significantly manifested itself.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Appropriation of Black Culture Life by Whites specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To this end, the US has for many years been christened a ‘melting pot.’ This is owed to the fact that the nations population is made up of people drawn from all over the world, coming with different cultures. As a consequence, Americans who grow up in diverse communities may pick up the dialect, customs and religious traditions of the cultural groups that surround them (Hardy 74). Cultural appropriation happens when a minority community is robbed off its culture by a more dominant group. This subject, in most cases, tends to ma ke people who are socially conscious to frown. The unapproved utilization of an alternate culture includes dance, dress, music, dialect, old stories, food, customary medication, religious images, and so on. The cultural appropriation is destined to be hurtful when the source group is a minority group that has been persecuted or misused in different ways, or when the object of appropriation is especially delicate. Cultural appropriation is not alright. It is always accompanied by strains of bias, and on a bigger picture it amounts to racism.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also what makes cultural appropriation more incensing for non-White individuals is the way other individuals (Whites and non-Whites) can take off their costume and come back to regular life without the separation or disgrace normally connected with those cultural articulations. It is a fact that one may discover any components of an alternate culture or subculture to be sensational or even have an odd fixation or interest with it. Utilizing those representations is an affront that accompanies a long history and pattern of racial and ethnic segregation and preference. Elvis Presley was not the originator of rock and roll that featured Chuck Berry. Moreover, ‘Ice Baby,’ a hip-bounce melody produced by Vanilla was the first of the kind to top the charts of the great tracks of the time. Furthermore, Justin Timberlake successfully changed his genre of music from pop sensation to the heartfelt songs that are unlike his culture. Kreayshawn, the new White young lady rapper, is just the most recent result of culture appropriation. As such, one could easily argue that she is just trying to live with what contemporary hip-hop music has come to- â€Å"without substance, whack, sexualized and talentless†(Hardy 75). Would one say that she is appropriating Black culture o r simply diluting it? One should not accept since she is realistic. Kreayshawns picture, how she conducts herself, her verses are all subordinate to her- an exceptionally restricted perspective of Black culture. She is a consequence of a kind that was perpetually changed once America acknowledged that there was a chance of cultural appropriation from a small persuasive culture. Kreayshawn, craftsmen like her, and the individuals who co-sign them are all guilty parties in the selling of cultures to other communities (Hardy 78).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Appropriation of Black Culture Life by Whites specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2013, Miley Cyrus turned into the pop star most connected with cultural appropriation. Amid recorded and live exhibitions, the previous kid star started to ‘twerk,’ a dance move with roots in African-American culture. Author Hadley Freeman of ‘The Guardianâ€℠¢ specifically took issues with Cyrus ‘twerking’ at the MTV Video Music Awards in August 2013. In front of an audience and additionally in her feature she utilized the repetitive figure of speech of having dark ladies as her sponsorship vocalists, there just to be stroked by her and to respect her squirming derriere, Freeman brought up (Dawkins 470). Cyrus was expressly copying crunk music features as well as the hip-hop style of music. She felt she was Lil Kim as she cherishes hood music.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As a result of this, the impact was not of a respect, but of a minstrel show, with a youthful well-off lady from the South doing a pompous impersonation of ‘wouldark music, and diminishing ‘wouldark dance lovers, to foundation grain and dark ladies that overstated sex object. The Italian-American hotshot, Madonna, has been blamed from copying music outside other groups of cultures, including gay culture, dark culture, Indian culture and Latin American cultures. Madonna may be the greatest culture vulture yet. In Madonna: A Critical Analysis, writer JBNYC brings up how the pop star wore Indian saris, bindis, and dress amid a 1998 photograph shoot for ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine. Moreover, in the following year Madonna took part in a geisha-enlivened photograph spread for Harpers ‘Bazaar’ magazine. Before this, Madonna copied from Latin-American culture for her 1986 feature La Isla Bonita and from gay ‘wouldark. Furthermore, she aped Latino cul ture for her 1990 feature Vogue. Iggy Azalea hails from Australia and exhibits an Australian accent. Nonetheless, she changes her accent more often from her ‘Mullumbimby’ (Australia’s) to grungy when rapping, an accent synonymous with the people from the South of America. This imparts her profound respect for great rap craftsmen, for example, Tupac, referring to him as the motivation for her to enter the business. Iggys case is a typical example of culture appropriation. Other artists from the ‘New Off the Boat’ exhibit how the is use of Black culture speaks sincerely about Asian culture. While aping the ‘New Off the Boat,’ Eddie Huang, an eleven-year-old Taiwanese boy finds himself culturally misplaced as he tries to ape Kool Moe and Run D. In details, he is shown â€Å"swathing in a loosely goose-like, brilliantly shaded garment synonymous with the hip-hop uniform of the time, with her hands folded high over his waist, and nodding his head†(Dawkins 460). This is exactly what Moe and Run do on stage. All these inclusive images of resistance were presented to imply a little kids (Eddie Huang) uneasiness with his late migration from Washington D.C.s Chinatown to the splendid, insipid scene of rural Florida. Lastly, we look at Eminem as he appears to be a victim of race-nonpartisan. He gets access to the sensitivity of various rap crowds, as though rap itself is what is being indicted, and in this manner he endears the experience of all rappers- himself included- like being in rivalry with lawful power. With this, Eminem is simply informing the Blacks to be cautious of exploitative cultural appropriation especially by the Whites. Importantly, with this trend there will be dare consequences. If ‘whiteness gets to be imperceptible inside rap, the apprehension remains that the fine art will lose its association with the African-American experience, and with it, its authenticity and explanation behind human will be dealt a blow (Dawkins 461). Sing For The Moment song pushes it between racial essentializing, estranging it to the rap group in which Eminem implies to be a part while referring to his enrolment as a manifestation of legitimate barrier (Dawkins 463). Though a percentage of ‘The Lonely Islands’ music features depend upon an essentialized White-face rap persona for mocking designs, Eminems not kidding tries to fit and mix it with dark raps imperviousness to white power, and thus could be seen as racialized and exploitive (Howes 44). An authentic singer ought to feel free and original in his or her music, as opposed to appropriating or stealing. They should be genuine. The vast majority of people wish they should quit having discussions about prejudice and how it works in American culture, but they cannot. Rather, they decide to endure it all for the purpose of stopping culture appropriation. A genuine social exchange is not just for vocal motion, ensembles, relig ious conventions, musical styling or different things (Howes 46). This trend should be a continuous discussion so that one can really comprehend it in the social and political motion of a group. This will enable one to genuinely comprehend the regular loads and biases that are regularly seen to underestimate certain culture. In conclusion, one should not simply acquire or pay praise. One should stop copying especially from the minority group. One honest thing that people should do is to do a research about a particular culture, understand the struggles through which they underwent to come up with the features that you feel attracted to. What is more likely to â€Å"convince is taking one stride further by being politically dynamic and work in solidarity with said people groups†(Howes 54). Dawkins, Alesan. Close to the Edge: The representational tactics of Eminem. The Journal of Popular Culture 43.3 (2010): 463-485. Hardy, Marieke. She twerks hard for the money: Iggy Azalea. Melbourne Post. 13 August 2013: LZ01. Print. Howes, David. Cross-cultural consumption: Global markets, local realities. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Pros and Cons of Using Lectures as a Teaching Method
Pros and Cons of Using Lectures as a Teaching Method Lecturing is a time-tested instructional method where an instructor who possesses the knowledge on a given topic delivers all relevant information to students verbally. This model dates back to Medieval Ages representing an oral tradition in contrast to providing information in print or other media. In fact, the word lecture came into use during the 14th century as a verb, to read or deliver formal discourses. The person presenting the lecture was called a reader because information in a book was read to students who would then copy the information all down. During a typical lecture, an instructor stands before a class and presents information for the students to learn, but this method of teaching tends to get a bad reputation today. Thanks to the infusion of technology, instructors have the ability to provide a multi-media learning experience, by working to incorporate sound, visuals, activities, and even games into a classroom learning experience, and even provide opportunities for flipped classroom formats. So, does that mean that lectures no longer have a place in todays teaching landscape? There are a number of factors that can make a lecture successful or unsuccessful. These factors can include the acoustics in the room, the dynamic quality of the lecturer and his ability to hold an audiences attention, the length of lecture, topic and amount of information intended to be shared. Lecture Pros Lectures are a straightforward way to provide information knowledge to students quickly. In a lecture, instructors have greater control over what is being taught in the classroom because they are the sole source of information. Students who are auditory learners may find that lectures appeal to their learning style. Most college courses are lecture-based, and as a result, many high school teachers imitate this style to prepare their students for the college lecture. Far from being a Medieval way to deliver information, the modern lecture can be very engaging. Many educational institutions now offer faculty recorded lectures for students. Massive Open Online Courses have video lectures available on every subject. There are a number of schools that record teachers in lectures or that use pre-recorded lectures to support flipped classrooms or for remediating students who may have missed materials. Khan Academy videos are examples of short lectures on topics students need to review. There are also popular lecture series that have been recorded for general viewing and then used in classrooms. One of the most popular lecture series on culture is offered through the non-profit organization TED Talks with their series for schools, TED-Ed. The TED Conferences that host these talks began in 1984 as a means to spread ideas in Technology, Entertainment, and Design. This style of short lectures delivered by dynamic speakers became popular, and there are now hundreds of recorded lectures or talks on the TED website in over 110 languages. Lecture Cons Students are expected to take notes while listening to a lecture. During a lecture, there is no discussion. The only exchange that may occur between the instructor and students might be a few scattered questions from listeners. Therefore, students who are not auditory learners or have other learning styles may not be as engaged by lectures. Such students may have a harder time absorbing the material. Students who are weak in note-taking skills may have trouble summarizing or in identifying the main points they should remember from lectures. Some students may find lectures boring; the length can cause them to lose interest. Because the instructor does all the talking, students may not feel that they are able to ask questions as they arise during lectures. Lectures do not meet the criteria in many teacher evaluation programs, such as in the Marzano or Danielson models. In those evaluation domains that rate classroom instruction, lectures are categorized as teacher-centered. They do not provide the opportunities for students to formulate many questions, initiate topics, or challenge one another’s thinking. There is no evidence of student inquiry or student contributions. During a lecture, there is no grouping for differentiation. The most important reason to reconsider the use of the lecture is that the instructor does not have the immediate opportunity to assess how much students are understanding. There is little to no opportunity for exchanges. Other Considerations Effective lectures need to be well organized and cover only what students can absorb during a given class period. Selectivity and organization are keys to effective lectures. Lectures are also only one tool in a teachers instructional arsenal. As with all the other tools, lectures should only be used when most appropriate. Instruction should be varied from day to day to help reach the greatest number of students. Teachers should help students beef up their note-taking skills before they start presenting lectures. Instructors should also help students understand verbal clues and learn methods of organizing and taking notes. Some schools suggest providing a handout listing key points of the days lecture to help students focus on the major concepts to be covered. Preparatory work should be conducted before a lecture even begins. These steps are key to helping students be successful and fully understand the subject and content the teacher hopes to convey. A lecture may be necessary to improve student understanding, but a steady stream of lectures does not allow for an instructor to differentiate for a students needs or assess a students understanding. On balance, lectures should be implemented less often than other instructional strategies.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Wireless Networks Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Wireless Networks Communication - Research Paper Example In the recent past, last decade, wireless technology implementations have shifted the focus from the relatively small early adopters to a much larger group of organizations that use the technology to expand and comprehensively cover the networking capabilities and enhance their solicitation to their clientele. Majority of the existing organizations, commercial and non commercial, have in the very least installed wireless networks in their organizations. This comes in the form of simple open wireless technology with a wireless enabled switch, router etc. in a single room to rolling out large campus areas and few metropolitan area networks. Granted the continuing forecasts and advances for wireless technology applications, the era for implementing this technology in an organization is at hand. In order to have a successful wireless network implementation, different functional departments and divisions of a company must come together and support the effort. The already established playe rs, companies with the technology, have IT departments that have planned and designed the process as it would be expected. Beyond the IT personnel, which is by far a critical group, various other participants – customers, management, administrators, finance – are involved directly, with the stakeholders initiating the planning process (Sayre,2008). Whereas the practical requirements of the IT personnel largely influences the decisions in wireless technology implementation, organizations need make sure that the needs of other departments are also considered. The different factors cited as crucial in the decision to roll out wireless infrastructure must reflect the concerns and reservations of different departments and stakeholders in the business process (Rackley, 2008). The factors include, improved and more efficient network access, support for omnipresent network access, easier mobility for IT department and return on investment to the management of the company. Not all organizations may be able to address all stakeholders’ needs, but it is clear that having all stakeholders in the process is aesthetic. It is aesthetic in the sense that the technology will be well received by all users but only a few make the crucial decisions. The quality implementation standards of wireless technology are still developing. Dedicating all resources to a single approach in the early stages of planning for the network implementation can set the stage for untimely obsolescence. Determining the standards prior to moving to the technological implementation has to be moderated in the case of WLANS to allow for almost continued refinements. Currently, the largest share of (WLAN) organizations currently use the 902.11b standard for their networks; over half of those planning to go with the new networks are considering 802.11a. A small percentage of the upcoming are planning to implement Bluetooth, (PAN) Personal Area Network solutions. PCs are by tradition, on the heart of wireless enabled networks today. Considering this fact, it is also worth noting that the notebook PC is the device that is most commonly used in a wireless network connection. A large number of wireless networks, slightly over half, also support desktop workstations. Thinking beyond the PC is crucial in this day and age of wireless infrastructure. Personal digital assistants (PDAs), iPhones, and Wi-Fi enabled phones are most likely to be included in the mix since they support the wireless networks. Cell phones and PDAs aforementioned are far more mobile and portable than the traditional notebook computers. Clearly, WLANs have become far more cosmopolitan in the present technology. Considering thi
0perations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
0perations management - Essay Example Most processes differ on the basis of four Vs, i.e. volume, variety, variation and visibility. Processes need to have the following elements to be successful and help the business grow. These include a) quality, b) speed, c) dependability, d) flexibility, and e) costs (Slack, Chambers, Johnston, & Betts, 2008). In terms of the operations managers these are essential characteristics that they need to not only know but also be able to effectively and efficiently manage them. The role of the managers is to ensure that the operations of the business are well planned and strategically implemented, to ensure that the costs are low however the overall returns from the processes are high. With the ever changing environment of the operations management, it is evident that the importance of operations management and processes management is now becoming an essential aspect of the business and impact all the sectors of the society (Slack, Chambers, & Johnston, Operations Management with MyOMLab, 2010). It is imperative for the operations managers to know and understand the characteristics of the processes, as this allows them to make more informed decisions and the managers can effectively not only control the costs but also develop the processes in a manner that permits overall growth of the company as a whole. Having a holistic view of the processes of a company will permit the managers make more accurate decisions and will also permit an overall improved business as well, hence it is essential for the operations managers to keep track of all the characteristics of processes and also have a clear view of the process development. The following section will detail the process development process. The development of a process involves five main stages. These stages need to be clearly understood and identified by the managers to ensure that there is a clear and smooth development process. The stages include a) development of the concept, b)
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Creation of Youth Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Creation of Youth Culture - Essay Example Fashion has been considered as a cultural trend since it is associated with certain sets of groups and advances around influence. This paper, therefore, focuses on presenting how fashion is currently being used to identify certain youth culture identity. Rouse (1989) argues that fashion is about change for change sake and the illusion of novelty (Rouse, 1989, p126). By considering this argument, youths of the present generation have emerged, with a number of symbolic identities, to define a set of cultural identities. The symbolic identities are just fashions since they do not have significant meanings within the youths and their cultures. Citing a few examples, in this case, tattooing, the wearing of ornaments and masks are some of the most common fashion trends that youths currently consider identifying themselves with certain identities. Any youth is not under obligation to participate in the above practices since it is a matter of choice. This, therefore, draws a clear distinctio n between culture and fashion. Some youths may argue that tattoos make them feel adventurous while others would reason that it makes them remember a special person in their lives. Some youths also get tattoos in support of some campaign in some illness like breast cancer or some charity work. Contrary to what youths are inclined to these days, tattoos were used as a cultural scribe to churches in the olden days, which showed some signs in faith (Savage, 2007, p109). The ornaments worn by the youths, on the other hand, may signify birth dates and are given as birthday presents or those in a relationship as a sign of remembrance and love. The idea is that the ornament acts as a bond between the parties. Similarly, some ornaments symbolize authority. These are found among the people in positions of power like kings, queen, and some religious leaders. Wearing of masks has also become a common fashion identity among the youths.
Three major political approaches to fixing the problem with the Research Paper
Three major political approaches to fixing the problem with the national debt - Research Paper Example During a meeting in Cleveland, President Obama proposed a tax breaks and, directed corporate to eliminate one hundred percent of their ventures in industries and machineries. This move was further supported by Dave, a senior member of the Republican Party. In addition, a senior director of tax at Cato institute Edward Chris supported the three positions by arguing that the proposed approaches of fixing the problem with the national debt will help to revive the U.S economy. Mann Thomas a political scientist also advocated for the three proposed approaches by president Obama. Thomas asserted that the three approaches will help to promote economic growth tremendously. Additionally, the minority Leader Boehner John R-Ohio supported president Osama’s proposal to cut down budget and increase tax breaks (Raum, paras.1-5). The three positions have further been substantiated by the law whereby, the law provides corporate a chance to obtain fifty percent of the cost up front and the out standing balance to be settled within twenty years. Senior political official substantiated the move to implement tax breaks by proposing its benefits to the individual and to the entire economy at large. Some of the benefits include increase both individual and corporate investments which intern will lead to employments creation. The three proposals will further help to promote economic growth and expansion of small business (Raum, paras.3-7). ii) Give the pro’s and con’s of each approach. The pro’s of the first approach which involves cutting down government expenditures and give more tax breaks and incentives to small and big business include: it will help to eliminate government deficit and foreign debts because this approach helps at ensuring that the their readily available resources to be utilize productively. This approach further provides members of the public especially low income earners and middle class families with an opportunity to improve their s tandards of leaving. In addition, this approach will help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor as well as promote growth of small medium enterprises (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, p.158). On the contrary, the first approach tends to have some con’s. Among the con’s of this approach include: increase in negative externalities such as pollution because cutting down government expenditure limits the availability of funds to provide social services to the public. Reduction in government spending will causes a reduction in aggregate demand. This further leads to a reduction in economic activities as well as increase in unemployment problems. In addition, this approach discourages income distribution among members of the public. The approach will further affect those people who rely on social welfare benefits because they would not receive as much as they had expected to receive. This will further affect their budget and speeding (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, p.158). The second approach for fixing the problems with the National budget involves putting more emphasize on our exports by lowering our dollar value or forcing our trade partners – China – to regulate more accurately its currency. This approach tends to have the following pro’
Thursday, October 17, 2019
BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial Essay
BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial - Essay Example Objectives should be established from the start.Bring out your personality in the presentation. Make it your own, do not imitate others. When you believe in a topic or concept it is easier to present and also to live by. Maintaining a good balance and keep it interactive will get your opening message across effectively. AIDS presentation: opening was not effective and why Non effective way of opening and presentation: 1. The audience is seated and waiting as the speaker comes rushing in a total frenzy. 2. Does not apologies for being late. 3. Takes at least 10 minutes to get organized. 4. After introducing himself he says "Today you are going to learn all you need to know to protect yourself against HIV infection" a. For the first 15 minutes he waffled on and on, giving statistics and showing overheads about the distribution of the spread of HIV. 5. Then in a "goofy" voice said that condoms should be burned as it just promotes promiscuity. 6. Upon closing he opened the floor for questions, but only answered 4 questions and then said "OK that is it; I hope you all have an HIV free life. Remember true love waits!!" Reasons why Opening and Presentation was ineffective 1. Not prepared 2. Had not done research as to who his audience was going to be relevant to them. 3. Had no idea on how to address teenagers. 4. Had no interaction with the audience. 5. His Opening was only Statistics. 6. He gave information that was totally misleading. 7. There was minimal room for questions. 8. It was more a one-sided opinionated sermon Reference(s) Mary Munter, COPYRIGHT 1998 Meeting Technology: From Low-Tech to High-Tech. Contributors: - author....For example, an Aids presentation to a group of Teenagers, it is essential to touch on basic topics such as self-esteem, peer pressure, social myths, etc. Beginning immediately with statistics and charts you will immediately lose their attention. This can be observed in their body language, i.e. fidgeting, drawing, no eye contact, etc. If you open the presentation with an introduction, statement, story or an interactive game, you will retain the audience throughout the presentation. An interactive game can be used to demonstrate how the HIV virus is spreads instead of just verbally giving facts. High-Tech. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Business Communication Quarterly. Volume: 61. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 1998. Page Number: 80+. COPYRIGHT 1998 Association for Business Communication; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group
Inferential Statistics (m4c) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inferential Statistics (m4c) - Essay Example Therefore, identification of the population among whom the new and the current combination of drugs are to be compared is necessary. Let the population thus selected be the adult and adolescent population in the United States. There are literature considering differential effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy among patients of different gender and race. (King et al., 2008; Campo, Alvarez, Santos, & Latorre, 2005). However, part of the difference may be attributed to availability of the drug, following the prescribed regimen and lifestyle, rather than any inherent difference in genetic composition. Nevertheless, it will be a good policy at the initial stage to limit the experiment among adult and adolescent Caucasian males to protect against possible confounding effects. Once the population is identified, a sample of specific size needs to be selected. The sample size will depend on the power of the testing procedure, which is outside of the purview of the present consideration. Current guidelines recommend start of antiretroviral therapy when the disease has progressed to WHO Stage III when CD4 cell count is less than 350/ÃŽ ¼l. This may be taken to be the baseline criterion for inclusion. Also, the standard guidelines for adherence to the protocol, testing for baseline resistance etc must be satisfied to be included in the drug testing. Any one of these regimens needs to be chosen for the new drug to be compared against. Ideally this experiment would be a matched case-control study. Two HIV/AIDS patients with very similar profiles with respect to advancement of disease, CD4 cell counts, age, sexual orientation and other possible factors that may have bearings on the disease are to be randomly assigned either to the cocktail drug regimen or to the new drug regimen. However, there may be ethical consideration to such assignment. Without informed
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial Essay
BUS DB4 opening of a presentation is crucial - Essay Example Objectives should be established from the start.Bring out your personality in the presentation. Make it your own, do not imitate others. When you believe in a topic or concept it is easier to present and also to live by. Maintaining a good balance and keep it interactive will get your opening message across effectively. AIDS presentation: opening was not effective and why Non effective way of opening and presentation: 1. The audience is seated and waiting as the speaker comes rushing in a total frenzy. 2. Does not apologies for being late. 3. Takes at least 10 minutes to get organized. 4. After introducing himself he says "Today you are going to learn all you need to know to protect yourself against HIV infection" a. For the first 15 minutes he waffled on and on, giving statistics and showing overheads about the distribution of the spread of HIV. 5. Then in a "goofy" voice said that condoms should be burned as it just promotes promiscuity. 6. Upon closing he opened the floor for questions, but only answered 4 questions and then said "OK that is it; I hope you all have an HIV free life. Remember true love waits!!" Reasons why Opening and Presentation was ineffective 1. Not prepared 2. Had not done research as to who his audience was going to be relevant to them. 3. Had no idea on how to address teenagers. 4. Had no interaction with the audience. 5. His Opening was only Statistics. 6. He gave information that was totally misleading. 7. There was minimal room for questions. 8. It was more a one-sided opinionated sermon Reference(s) Mary Munter, COPYRIGHT 1998 Meeting Technology: From Low-Tech to High-Tech. Contributors: - author....For example, an Aids presentation to a group of Teenagers, it is essential to touch on basic topics such as self-esteem, peer pressure, social myths, etc. Beginning immediately with statistics and charts you will immediately lose their attention. This can be observed in their body language, i.e. fidgeting, drawing, no eye contact, etc. If you open the presentation with an introduction, statement, story or an interactive game, you will retain the audience throughout the presentation. An interactive game can be used to demonstrate how the HIV virus is spreads instead of just verbally giving facts. High-Tech. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Business Communication Quarterly. Volume: 61. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 1998. Page Number: 80+. COPYRIGHT 1998 Association for Business Communication; COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Outline what is meant by Localisation of function in the brain. Are Essay
Outline what is meant by Localisation of function in the brain. Are all psychological processes localised - Essay Example Paul Broca, a French doctor is probably one of the fundamental key players in the discovery of the localization of functions in the brain (Glassman 45). Working at an insane asylum at Bicetre in 1861, Broca met a patient who was not able to speak coherently after a head trauma that later led him to conduct an autopsy on the man’s brain and successfully demonstrated that what the man suffered from was due to some damage on a specific part of his brain (Glassman 45, Santrock 48, Serendip). From this point, further studies were conducted and until today, are progressing not only to satisfy the curiosity in man but most importantly, to help cure patients suffering from brain malfunctions. Considering divisions in the brain, early anatomists assumed that specific parts of the brain perform specific functions (Glassman 50) and true enough, recent studies established such assumptions. Among the famous contributors to the study of the functions of the brain is a German physician named Franz Joseph Gall who theorized that the bumps and depressions in the skull had something to do with personality and intelligence (Santrock 48, Serendip, Sabatini). ... Divided into two hemispheres, the right hemisphere of the cortex was found to be responsible to the control of the left side of the body while the left hemisphere controls its opposite (Glassman 50, Feldman 79, Santrock 100). Plotnik (p. 74, 2005) and Feldman (82, 2008) describe the cortex as a thin layer of cells covering the forebrain which amazingly, still is divided into four lobes having more specific functions. He further discusses the frontal lobe as responsible for the accomplishment of the use of voluntary muscles, translating and executing emotions, behaving in an accepted manner, controlling actions and character and being attentive (p. 75). This, he said was proven by a case involving Phineas Gage, a foreman in Vermont in 1848 who met an accident at work, surviving from a 3.5 feet long, 1.25 inches thick and 13 pound-rod that crossed his head entering his frontal lobe and crashing his eye. After the surgery, the foreman exhibited drastic changes in his personality from be ing friendly to impatient. His decision making was also affected leading him to making promises he was not able to keep (Plotnik 75). This event is just one of the many cases that has furthered and established the assumption of being attentive and the acquisition of social rules and moral behaviors (Plotnik 76) which is very essential to a psychologist’s understanding and managing of patients. Other important parts of the brain that need to be magnified in the field of psychology are the hypothalamus and amygdala. The hypothalamus is formed by groups of neuron cell bodies that affect a person’s sexual behavior, temperature regulation, sleeping, eating, drinking, aggression and the expression of emotion (Passer & Smith 99).
Monday, October 14, 2019
Middle school Essay Example for Free
Middle school Essay I want my childs education to be holistic! I dont like cramming and the loads of homework. I want my child to grow in a stress-free environment. The curriculum must stimulate reasoning and analytical skills. At the beginning of every academic year this is what you hear from your parents. Newspaper and magazines highlight the stress and strain students undergo during examinations. Good as it may seem, this generate a false hope parents have woken up to view education from a different dimensions. It makes educator believe that they do not want to support a system that evaluates a childs potential through marks and grades. The success of every child initially depends on parents only. But unfortunately parents suddenly realize the importance of exams, results, percentage and college admissions and begin to rethink and re-valuate their personal convictions. Then they say :I must prepare my child to enter this competitive world. I must help my child to succeed in life. What is this success they talk about? Is it a fulfillment of the childs dream ? Have they channelled the childs talents to achieve? Instead they run from pillar to post collecting question papers and application forms for all the competitive exams. There is no time to consider what the child wants and need. Children are not perceived as individual. Schools become factories churning out prize commodities. As long as parents fail to consider their children as growing individual with aspirations and talents, institutions will continue to capitalize on mass production. No doubt education is a necessity, but what do you want your child to be? Surely, not automatons and generators of wealth. The goal is to develop them into thinking individuals. Only then will we see change. It is the duty of educationists and the governing bodies to give a new meaning, a new direction and strike a new path towards a meaningful education. This is the foundation for a generation of sensitive and cultured human beings. I think this speech will bring a change in parents mind about childs problems about their life. Thank you 2: A Parents Role in Education Home Education Parents have a vital role in their childs education. By taking a few simple steps at home, you can help them enjoy school more, improve their studying and homework skills and prepare for college. The articles in this category, A Parents Role in Education, are full of tips on to help them with their schoolwork, such as creating a positive learning environment to making learning fun. There are also articles on warning signs to help you identify potential learning or school problems. A Parents Role in Education Nothing helps a child succeed like an involved parent. A little willingness from a childs parents can work wonders in the classroom. Read on to learn more about your role as a parent in the education of your child. Creating a Positive Home Learning Environment Your child needs a special place to call their own. Setting aside a room or nook in your home dedicated to your childs education will show him or her that youre serious about their education. Read on to learn more about creating a positive Evaluating Educational Resources on the Web There are many options available when looking for additional educational help online for your child. An awareness of the costs, services, advantages and disadvantages is crucial. Read on to learn how you can best evaluate educational resources Improving Your Childs Grades Parents play an important role in a childs education. This article examines some very simple things you can do every day provide your child with the support and encouragement they need to take on the challenge of improving their grades. Improving your Childs Study Habits Learning skills need to be fostered at home. This article provides tips for parents who want to create a home environment that will help their children develop and maintain positive study habits. Preparing a Child for High School The transition from middle school to high school can be challenging and bewildering for some students. Parents can help make this period of great change easier on their children and themselves. Read on to learn more about preparing a child for Preparing a Child for Junior High School The transition from elementary to middle school or junior high is a difficult one, filled with new social and academic challenges. Here are some tips to help your child prepare for this big change. Reasons Your Child May Be Struggling in School Is your child struggling in school? This article details several of the common reasons why a child might fall behind in their studies and what parents can do to help. Recognizing Student Struggles 1 of 7: The Importance of Identifying Warning Signs The first in a 7 part series, this feature stresses the importance of recognizing your childs classroom difficulties and resolving them quickly. Read on to learn more about the importance of identify warning signs and recognizing student Recognizing Student Struggles 2 of 7: Identifying the Warning SignConfidence Levels This article is the second in a seven part series aimed to help parents recognize the warning signs given off by struggling students. Read on to learn more about how you can remain aware of your childs confidence level, and how you can help Recognizing Student Struggles 3 of 7: Identifying the Warning SignGrades As part of the Recognizing Student Struggles series, this feature explains what a sudden decline in grades might say about a students curricular experience. It also offers suggestions for the most appropriate methods of correction should your Recognizing Student Struggles 4 of 7: Identifying the Warning SignAttitude As part of the Recognizing Student Struggles series, this article explores the attitude changes to look for in struggling students and offers suggestions for improving a childs educational experience. Recognizing Student Struggles 5 of 7: Identifying the Warning SignHomework Is your child struggling with their homework. A new approach and an involved parent can work wonders for a childs success in the classroom. This is the fifth article in the Recognizing Student Struggles series. Recognizing Student Struggles 6 of 7: Identifying the Warning SignClass Standing This feature in the Recognizing Student Struggles series discusses the importance listening to your childs teacher and making use of their feedback. It also highlights what can be done if youre told that your child has fallen behind in his or Recognizing Student Struggles 7 of 7: Identifying the Warning Sign(Lack of ) Determination This article (the last in the Recognizing Student Struggles series) explains several ways to assess a students progress and level of determination based on their responses to failure. The 28 educational standards of the state of New York The state of New York has 28 standards that guide elementary and middle school education. This article outlines those standards in detail. The Educational Advantages of Using Computers and the Internet Computer programs and the Internet create educational opportunities not available to previous generations. Read on to learn how modern technologies can become valuable educational tools. Transform Your Childs Poor Report Card Have your childs grades taken a turn for the worse? Did they just bring home their first poor report card? Dont worry. Read on to learn more about how you can help your child transform his or her poor report card.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Stephen King :: essays research papers
Stephen King is a well-known and talented horror/fiction author who has published over eleven books in the last two decades. His great stories of horror and fantasy have been enjoyed by kids and adults starting from his first best-seller, Carrie. King's wit and style of writing has made him one of the most popular horror story authors today. Stephen King's life has not been an easy one. he was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland Maine(Bleiler, 1038). His father left when he was two and gave him only a collection of supernatural fiction stories(Bleiler, 1038). By age twelve, he was submitting short stories into different magazines such as "The Glass Floor", in 1967(Beacham, 747). After his graduation from the University of Maine with a B.A. in English teaching(Bleiler, 1038), King published many best sellers that won these awards: The British Fantasy Award(1982), The World Fantasy Award(1982), and the Hugo Award(1985)(Beacham, 748). Stephen King written many great books throughout his writing career. Carrie, King's first best seller, is about a teenager who is ridiculed and harassed throughout high school(Bleiler, 1031). After she is finally pushed to the limit, her true side is finally exposed. Cujo, involves a ferocious dog that starts out so innocent and kind , and ends up a brutal man killer(Bleiler, 1031). The Shining, takes place in a motel that is haunted(Beacham, 748). Jack Torrence is a writer who is ridden by guilt and failure(Beacham, 749). After Torrence, his wife, and his five year old son are snowed in for the week, they finally realize the evil that the motel actually possesses. In Firestarter, a little girl possesses the power to start fires with her mind. These powers were givin to her as a test by the government(Bleiler, 1041). Pet Semetary is about a man name Louis Creed(Beacham, 754). After his cat and son die, he buries them in a nearby pet cemetery, which is actually an Indian burial ground. After a certain amount of time, the once dead become living(Beacham, 753). The Eyes of the Dragon is a limited book published in 1986-
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Journal Analyzing the Byronic Hero and Lord Byron’s Writing Styles Ess
A Journal Analyzing the Byronic Hero, Those who Closely Resemble the Hero, Byron’s Writing Styles and Literary Criticism (Journal entry 1, Defining the Byronic Hero) The Byronic Hero is a term derived from the poetic narrative, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, by Lord Byron. Though the idea of the Byronic Hero originated with the creation of Byron’s characters, Byron himself possessed the physical features associated with the Byronic Hero. These features include dark brooding eyes, dark hair, pale skin and a slender frame. The Byronic hero derived from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, strays away from the typical â€Å"hero†role by possessing dual characteristics of good as well as evil, â€Å"And had been glorious in another day: but one sad losel soils a name for aye†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Byron,C.H.181). The Byronic Hero is usually defined by his voluntary isolation from the normal institutions of society, â€Å"Self-exiled Harold wanders forth again, with nought of hope left, but with less of gloom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Byron,C.H.211). He also represses his passions creating an unrequited obsession when, â€Å"He bids t o sober joy that here sojourns: nought interrupts the riot, though in lieu of true devotion monkish incense burns†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"had buried long his hopes, no more to rise: pleasure’s pall’d victim! Life-abhorring gloom.†(Byron,C.H. 193) In these remarks, the Hero prefers to bask in sorrow for a love lost or never attained than to pursue the object of his desire. The Byronic Hero prides himself on his intellectual ability because his intelligence eclipses that of the average man. â€Å"But soon he knew himself the most unfit of men to herd with man; with whom he held little in common; untaught to submit his thoughts to others, though his soul was quell’d in his you... ...the confines of society. The Superhero further evades societal restrictions by masking himself and keeping his identity a mystery. This mystery distinguishes the Hero from others and places him into the Byronic realm where the dark figure retreats to solitude. Unlike the Byronic Hero described in Byron’s poetry the new Superhero has a dual conscience that allows him to reside outside of societal foundations while working to uphold the society’s values. Works Cited Lauter, Paul, ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Boston: New York 2002. Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Interpretations. New Have: New York 1987. Leone, Bruno, ed.Readings on Edgar Allan Poe. San Diego: CA 1998. Page, Frederick, ed. Byron Poetical Works. Oxford: New York 1970. Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Views George Gordon, Lord Byron. New Haven: New York 1986.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Business Strategy Game
Overview Looking back over the last 5 weeks of the Business Strategy Game there were several areas where Company Emergent could have improved and did very well. This paper will provide an in-depth analysis of Emergent’s approach to managing their Emergent footwear company, the growth experienced through the process, and lessons learned. In addition, recommendations for improvement are provided should the game be played again. Strategic vision of Emergent â€Å"Always move forward â€Å". Emergent exists to create value for our shareowners on a long term basis by building a business that enhances Emergent footprints.Usability The first week of the simulation game was the first point where Emergent suffered in comparison to the competition. From a human factors perspective, the game presents a significant amount of information overload that is difficult for any human to process all at once with minimal to no training. The fact that the game comes with a 34 page manual speaks v olumes to this point, and it is difficult to absorb all of the complex information presented in this manual. There should have been a quick tips and key points of interest to get the students started and that was nowhere to be found.In addition, it was not obvious that there were video tours for each and every page of decision points; this wasn’t realized until week 2. Again, this is a symptom of too much information bombarding a new user. This analysis is not provided to place blame on the game for some of Emergent’s issues, but rather to provide a human factors analysis of usability considerations (one group member is a certified human factors professional) to help improve future uses of this game and help provide students with the tools to succeed given the design drawbacks of the game interface and the human error impacts associated with the design.Recommendation: Create a quick tips and facts sheet to assist the first time user with functionality. Consider a more comprehensive overview of the site and a more representative demo of a few years of mock operation to illustrate how the software works. In addition, understanding the value of the video tours and the industry reports earlier in the process is critical for a team to be able to fully utilize the industry reports effectively from the start. Learning CurveIt took 3 years of decision entries, Y11-Y13, to fully understand how all of the decision elements interacted with one another to drive or negatively impact profits, which caused some decrements in company performance initially. In addition, it also took 3 years to fully understand what the industry and the counterintelligence data was indicating and how to effectively apply it to Emergent’s competitive advantage. However, once the data was better understood and applied effectively the company was able to be turned around from a negative profit and credit rating situation.Recommendation: Understanding that some of the importanc e of the game is learning how things work and how decisions impact a company’s bottom line, it would be beneficial to have a few practice trials to initially understand the game better than just trial and error. Capacity After consulting the players guide, the decision in year 3 was made to invest in increased capacity to meet the projected future growth demand in the Asia Pacific and Latin American region. This decision early in the game, without sufficient equity available from profits, caused Emergent to temporarily plunge in credit rating and profitability.Recommendation: Ensure current capacity is utilized effectively and earning sufficient revenue to justify purchase of additional capacity based on projected growth data. Demand, Production and Inventory Understanding the interplay between the sales forecast for the coming year, warehouse costs for inventory, required production distribution and impact of reject costs was critical for ensuring that the company was able t o deliver and meet the market demands and achieve profitability.Unfortunately, it took several years before it was clear how to manage distribution effectively and more time should have been spent entering decisions more carefully for the first 3 years. In addition, more aggressive investment in facility upgrades would have improved costs incurred with facility inefficiencies, worker productivity and rejected product costs. Recommendation: Invest more time in the analysis of the market and the decision making process to ensure decisions are complimentary.This is critical in order to attain adequate production levels to meet market demands, achieve minimum surplus and no inventory shortfalls to reduce costs incurred from inefficient warehouse usage, and invest in facility upgrades early on to reduce reject costs and increase net revenues with more sellable products for increased long term earning potential. Pricing, Model Availability, and S/Q rating The ability to effectively price the product at a level to reach the widest possible market is heavily dependent of differentiation from the market with quality and model availability.Initially, the team favored focusing on fewer model generated in favor of differentiating via higher quality models and creating a niche market. This tactic worked initially, however it allowed the competition to gain a competitive advantage through larger variation of product offerings at lower quality. Recommendation: Invest early on in product model availability to increase competitive edge. The ability to offer more product choices coupled with Emergent’s focused on higher quality products could have increased the return on equity achievable in the later years.Advertising and Celebrity Appeal Emergent’s initial investments in advertising and celebrity contracts were very conservative and minimal in terms of celebrity contracts for the first few years. It took several years of activity to fully appreciate the gains re alized by competitors from more aggressive advertising tactics and celebrity endorsements. More aggressive contract biding and advertising was attempted for years 15-18, but the profit potential was not as great had this been a strategy used from the very beginning.In many cases, Emergent lost out on a number of contracts for low bids. Recommendation: To increase Emergent’s market share and selling point of its product lines, Emergent should increase the number of celebrity contract bids and the associated bid amounts to attain a larger market share and increased revenues. Summary Successful and innovative businesses are built on strong and cohesive teams, effective strategies and the ability to recognize and seize opportunities before the competition. Emergent could have benefitted from stronger team interaction and communication.The inability to work cohesively as a team decreased Emergent’s ability to maximize the company’s performance profits by leveraging t he skills of each player effectively and strategically. The more eyes on the problem the better and more innovative the solution and the higher the likelihood you will identify strategic opportunities to increase performance and long term success. Had there been stronger and greater team interaction, certain opportunities for Emergent may have been more obvious or recognized earlier in the game simulation helping to create a greater competitive edge.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Comparing hardy extract and the times article Essay
In ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, the author put great emphasis into using nature to describe the effects of the storm. The cleaving of the tree shows the storm’s power and ferocity. The author also uses the actions of the neighbouring wild life to show their reaction towards the storm. They are fearful of the storm, â€Å"galloping about in the wildest maddest confusion†. Their chaos is shown as they â€Å"fling their heels and tails high into the air, their heads to earth†. In ‘The Times’ extract, most of the focus is on the uses of the visual and auditory senses to heighten the experience of the rollercoaster ride. It is easy to imagine the writer’s experience though the ways that she portrays every detail of the rollercoaster, from â€Å"trundling away†off the rollercoaster, to the â€Å"hurtling through space†, to the â€Å"drawing back towards the platform†. She describes the â€Å"Tchika, tchika, thicka†¦ †of the carriages clinking against each other as she approaches the zenith. You can relate to the way she feels as she trundles off, â€Å"like an egg in a carton†. When she reaches the pinnacle, she describes the merry-go-rounds â€Å"no bigger than musical boxes,†its coaster tracks â€Å"like Meccano toys†. The ‘Times’ article also puts emphasis into the uses of the narrator and of the man behind her. The story is in first person narrative format. The narrator tells the story exactly how she sees it through her own eyes. She tells of every vision, sound, emotion and feeling. The narrator adds life to the experience, telling us her thoughts and fears, â€Å"Oh my God! Had I got as high as that? †The other character in this piece is the man sitting behind her on the rollercoaster. He dissolves all her confidence in an instance when he tells her, â€Å"That’s the sc-a-a-a-riest seat†. He adds depth to the ambience of the experience. In ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, Hardy uses the contrast of light and dark to make the scene seem eerie. The light is described as â€Å"intertwined undulating snakes of green†embedded into the surrounding darkness. Another form of light is from the candle shining in Bathsheba’s bedroom. Also â€Å"a blue light appeared in the zenith†. The use of chiaroscuro is present here in presenting the dark form. The extract starts with light, but ends with black. In ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, the use of language and sentence structure has depth and profundity to it. The â€Å"dance of death†is the surreal supernatural description of the storm, with â€Å"skeleton†¦ shaped with blue fire for bones†. The â€Å"dead, flat blow†reminds us the danger of the storm. The â€Å"mailed army†is a vision of a war against the elements. There are semantic clusters, like in death and battle. The writer uses superlatives to convey and craft his ideas, such as â€Å"most extra†,†wildest maddest†, and â€Å"unparalleled†. Hardy uses very dramatic vocabulary. He often uses personification, metaphors and similes. His sentence structure is strong, â€Å"heaven opened then indeed†. He has a strong use of discourse markers. In ‘The Times’ article, the author uses vivid language that best describes her visions and feelings at the time. â€Å"And then the horizon vanished†. The story goes form a rather enjoyable and pleasant feeling to sudden chaos. The anxiety and fear of the writer, which was mildly present, totally changes once she begins to descend. The writer fears that she will faint, as she feels the safety bar will not hold her. There is a contrast between the use of language in the beginning and near the end. The sentence structure is normal, with roughly same amount of words in each sentence. She often uses personification, metaphors and similes to convey her experience. She has a strong use of discourse markers. The structure of ‘Far from the Madding crowd’ is linear, ands follows on form beginning to middle to end in a very straightforward fashion. The structure of ‘The Times’ piece is similar to that of ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ in the way that it has a linear structure, but the main difference is that there are four segments. The first segment is before the rollercoaster, and then before and leading up to the pinnacle, then the â€Å"free fall†and leading to the end, then actually ending and getting off the rollercoaster.
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