Thursday, August 27, 2020
Hemingway’s fiction is not his suicide note Essay
Sincere Hemingway, the scholarly virtuoso of the late 1800s created heaps of both verse and fiction. After a short and exceptionally productive life Hemingway ended it all yet neglected to prevail in starting endeavors. Afterward, he at last surrendered to the incredible equalizer †passing. A few people have inferred that Hemingway left hints to his far-fetched downfall in his fiction, notwithstanding, â€Å"suicide cut the strings before they were agonizingly drawn out; Hemingway endeavored to suck life dry of everything without exception he could fathom†(Gunsberg, 1995) This essentially implies Hemingway accepted that it was important to encounter everything, even demise, to advance his specialty and art. In spite of the fact that Hemingway ended it all, and albeit a large number of his work centers around death and self destruction, it would be horribly uncalled for to reason that he predicted his self destruction in his fiction since this would think little of the intensity of the author and his virtuoso. A splendid essayist like Hemingway utilized his fiction as a type of investigation of the human condition and not as his very own impression condition. It would be pompous to assume that Hemingway utilized his fiction to anticipate his self destruction the same number of authors and literaturists would concur that in spite of the fact that writing is a methods for uncovering inner feelings, it is additionally a methods for discharge; thus, Hemingway’s fiction is a greater amount of a delineation of his artistic virtuoso than they are, as most would assume, cries of help of a man in torment. In this way, Hemingway’s fiction couldn't be viewed as his self destruction notes. For example, in the story ‘Indian Camp’ (Hemingway), the creator portrays an occasion where the Indian Father ends it all, (Hemingway) however this is basically utilized as a stage for the issue of liberation from torment as represented by the differentiating occurrence of the Indian Mother who is expertly gone to by Dr. Adams who stops her torment and effectively conveys her child. (Hemingway) In this specific story, it isn't so much the self destruction that is the issue yet the possibility of expectation and fresh starts that becomes the overwhelming focus. Another story where self destruction is handled is ‘A Clean and Well Lighted Place’ (Hemingway) where Hemingway depicts the agony of mature age endured by a hard of hearing elderly person (Hemingway). In this specific story, there is an episode where the elderly person endeavors to end it all by hanging himself, however the noose is cut by his niece and foils his endeavor. (Hemingway) The story, though handling self destruction in one of its subtleties doesn't important give a lot of significant worth to this issue, it even delineates how one can't get away from the agonies that goes with life; that not even demise can discharge us people from what we need to manage throughout everyday life. Thus, if deliberately considered, this specific story doesn't really vindicate Hemingway’s own self destruction, in certainty it even serves to sissify his own endeavor by in a roundabout way inferring that if the writer accepted that self destruction was not a methods for closure the enduring of presence as appeared in his fiction, at that point he would have been an incredible defeatist to submit what he was composing against. Hemingway didn't utilize his accounts as a stage for the avocation of his own self destruction; he had his own reason’s for his self destruction, and those reasons are not at all associated with his accounts. At last, in ‘Hills like White Elephants’ (Hemingway) the creator handles the issue of fetus removal with a couple contending about whether to have it (the infant) or not; the man demanding of having a premature birth and the lady, subtlely showing that she might want to have the infant. (Hemingway) Although there is no reference to self destruction in this specific Hemingway story, what is evident is the contention between two individuals with respect to the issue of completion a real existence, which, incidentally, isn't generally a contention that you would typically get notification from standard talk. In this story, Hemingway, once more, albeit, attentively, makes references to why life ought to be esteemed and why it ought to be considered with most extreme regard, in any event, setting off to the degree of standing out labor from bliss. (Hemingway) Easily, from this story it is promptly apparent that the creator was against any type of removing life deliberately, thus thoroughly exposes the supposition that his fiction was an aberrant sign of his resulting self destruction. On the off chance that such is the situation, at that point it very well may be effectively inferred that Hemingway ended it all for a higher explanation; this being identified with the advancement of his specialty and art. In the same way as other different journalists who had wrestled with the eccentricities of life, Hemingway was the same; and like numerous other innovative authors at that point and now, it must be viewed as that craftsmanship, in any structure, is now a methods for airing out loner feelings; it is a discharge that is even maybe more viable than death itself. Hemingway, in the same way as other different craftsmen during his time, had quirks of his own, and what the vast majority of these essayists shared for all intents and purpose was the capacity to utilize the human condition as a stage in their work. While a significant number of Hemingway’s stories discussed self destruction, it has first to be comprehended that the creator isn't really the ‘I’ in any of his/her work, thus it would be frightfully unreasonable to relative topics in Hemingway’s stories to his real presence. The relationship of the writer to his story closes with his by-line; the various things in the composed work ought to be separate from the writer. It is exceptionally basic to expect that the writer just expounds on his/her very own life since, at that point, imagination would not have as large a job in writing as it should have. What could be increasingly exact, nonetheless, is the way that the abstract virtuoso of Hemingway was sufficient for individuals who read his work to expect that he was prognosticating his own self destruction. While this supposition that is explicitly misled, it just shows how an essayist can contort and twist the brains of his perusers to believe that there is substantially more to his fiction than meets the eye (or psyche). On the off chance that such is the situation, at that point each peruser should go after a job at the Vatican deciphering the antiquated Dead Sea scrolls. Works Cited Gunsberg, Ben. â€Å"Earnest Hemingway: Would Be King. †Earnest Hemingway. 18 Dec. 1995. 16 Apr. 2009 <http://www. clients. muohio. edu/shermalw/honors_2001_fall/honors_papers_2000/gunsberg. html>. Hemingway, Earnest . â€Å"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. †Earnest Hemingway. 1999. 16 Apr. 2009. Hemingway, Earnest . â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants. †Earnest Hemingway. 1999. 16 Apr. 2009 <http://www. moonstar. com/~acpjr/Blackboard/Common/Stories/WhiteElephants. html>. Hemingway, Earnest . â€Å"Indian Camp. †Earnest Hemingway. 1999. 16 Apr. 2009 <http://amb. faction. bg/american/4/hemingway/camp. htm>.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Primary Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Treatment Health And Social Care Essay
The shoulder infringement disorder is one of the most widely recognized reason for harming and disfunction in the muscle heads shoulder. Essential shoulder infringement disorder can occur in any individual who over and again or compellingly utilizes the upper extremity in a raised spot. The patho-mechanics of this disorder involve exercises that drearily place the arm in over caput places. Greater part of muscle heads who show this status participate in baseball, swimming, cricket and tennis, yet it is by no organizations limited to these athleticss. Rehashed compaction of the subacromial substance causes miniaturized scale pockets of mischief which at long last summate as the action is continued with. Capsular toughness seems, by all accounts, to be a typical mechanical activity in essential impingement condition. The subsequent incendiary response includes vascular clog and hydrops into the ligament or Bursa which farther diminishes the interminable underneath the coraco-acromial c urve. This outcomes in harming that meddles with ordinary biomechanics of the shoulder by doing musculus infringement and compensatory movements or positions. The significance of its affirmation is that infringement is oftentimes a dynamic status that, whenever perceived and rewarded early, can hold a progressively ideal outcome. Postponement in affirmation and intercession can let auxiliary adjustments to occur, with orderly limitations in mediation choices and useful outcomes. 1.2 FOUR STAGES OF IMPINGEMENT Ninety-five for every centum of rotator turnup cryings are started by impingement wear rather than by circulative harm or injury. The stages grasping the infringement disorder has been portrayed. They are: Stage I: Edema and expanding because of overdrive tendonitis. Stage two: Thickening and fibrosis of the ligament. Stage three: Complete thickness lacrimation and bone changes staying of induration or prodding along the foremost acromial process excursing on the more noteworthy tubercle with subcortical cystic sore. Stage IV: Entire tear which lead to predominant and front precariousness. 1.3 Mechanical Factor Capsular severity gives off an impression of being a typical mechanical activity in essential impingement disorder. The hindquarters, front and substandard pieces of the case have been accounted for to be engaged with this. Competitors or people who maintain a strategic distance from agonizing overhead action or who are exposed to motion dangers as a result of their athleticss can create capsular rigidity. During the time of antalgic dismissing or imbalanced movement, capsular connective tissue can lose the capacity to protract because of diminished basic fiber separation and unnatural collagen fiber cross-connecting. As a result of unnatural direction between filaments, their capacity to skim is debilitated, taking to joint firmness. Capsular rigidity and ensuing confined joint portability can prevent inverse way humeral caput semivowel taking to a prior approaching or more noteworthy evaluation of subacromial compaction and excruciating or restricted guide, unconventionally in raised planes of movement. 1.4 THE Magnitude The greatness of the activity is authenticated by the way that 30 to 60 for each centum of competitory swimmers and 25 for each centum of base ball throwers acquire this disease sooner or later during their reasons for living. The hugeness of the shoulder infringement condition is that on the off chance that it is permitted to make advances on a point where careful intervention is required, extremely hardly any muscle heads ever come back to their pre-injury level of rivalry. Acknowledgment of the disorder and early non-employable intervention are crucial for an effective assertion and the arrival of muscle heads to their acclimated level of open introduction. Most muscle heads start take separating in athleticss when they are relatively juvenile. By youthfulness, many would hold encountered the side effects. The mean competitory swimmer gets each arm through some 1.5 million shots for every twelvemonth over a calling that may last 8 to 15 mature ages ; baseball throwers may toss each piece numerous as 15,000 throws for every twelvemonth, the majority of those at truly elevated speeds. It is little deference that these shoulders at long last wear out and go excruciating. Regularly known as â€Å" bursitis †, â€Å" cuffitis †, or â€Å" supraspinatus condition †, impingement disorder is by a long shot the most well-known delicate tissue hurt of the shoulder for which a muscle head looks for mediation. 1.5 OVERUSE INJURIES: AN OUTLINE Abuse harms in muscle heads are more typical than horrible and present careful damages on shoulder. The joint by basic default by means of medias on stableness for the enthusiasm of portability. This represents an unpredictable collaboration of carelessness, rotator sleeve hurt ( Tensile tendonitis ) and impingement harms ( Compression tendonitis ) taking to condition doing utilitarian limitation. The etiology again is ascribed to patho-mechanics and can be characterized into essential and optional causes. Essential Drivers: 1. Limits of Range are utilized. 2. High powers are created. 3. High recurrent rates. Optional causes: 1. Impingement underneath coraco-acromial curve. 2. Poor preparing/molding. 3. Poor procedure in sports movement. 4. Poor vascularity of turnup ligaments. 5. Muscle quality precariousness. 6. Muscle endurance precariousness. 7. Hypomobility. 8. Hyper versatility. 9. Assurance of other harmed nation ( s ) . 10. Interchange of above. 1.6 PHATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF TENDINITIS Elastic TENDINITIS Ligament map is to pass on contractile power of subsidiary musculus to pack, facia or different developments to which it is embedded. In this way it is organized to oppose elastic powers applied corresponding with the collagen bundles of which it is formed. Compressive and shearing powers are not well transmitted. The crosslink development of tropocollagen particles adds to quality of weight sharing understanding. In the event that the malleable power strains the filaments to past 8-10 % of their resting length, the cross nexus comes up short and whenever proceeded with causes damage and crack contingent upon quality of power. In these patients capricious replenishing might be somewhat hurtful however biceps and triceps tendinitis react well to unconventional weight. It is non shown in supraspinatus tendonitis. ( Curwin and Stanish 1984 ) . IMPINGEMENT TENDINITIS Here direct compaction powers cause mechanical injury in add-on to any tractable over-burdening. This is bound to do physical damage to existent collagen development in add-on to malleable disappointment. Rise of arm includes coordinating of powers around the shoulder bone and over the glenohumeral explanation. Movement of the rotator turnup controls the stableness of the humeral caput as the bigger musculuss raise the arm. The ligament interjection point of a portion of the turnup musculuss permit them to loan a descending power to the humeral caput, viz. the teres minor, subscapularis and lower infraspinatus. In the event that these musculuss are hindered by harming or debilitated because of ceaseless nursing of an irritated shoulder, prevalent movement of the humeral caput will happen to a more noteworthy evaluation, with specialist expansion in subacromial encroachment.This gives the character of chronicity and designed development of the condition to lacking and unseemly mediati on. 1.7 NEED FOR STUDY The aim of this study was to gauge whether the joint preparation as a constituent of extensive mediation gave any additional effectivity in cut bringing down harming and bettering dynamic motion and guide in patients with essential shoulder infringement disorder in over caput occasions. The particular speculations were that patients determined to have essential shoulder infringement disorder, rewarded with manual joint assembly joined with hot contingents, dynamic extent of signal, physiologic extending, musculus fortifying exercisings, delicate tissue preparation and patient guidance would see: Less harming quality upon subacromial compaction testing. More prominent dynamic extent of signal. The standard behind utilization of activation in shoulder infringement condition is that it diminishes capsular impediment and lessens redness when little abundancy movements are given. 1.8 INCLUSION CRITERIA Agony about the superolateral shoulder part. Dynamic extent of motion deficiencies in humeral lift. Excruciating subacromial compaction. Restricted useful movement frames in a raised spot. In certain cases, clinical preliminaries were enhanced with data from doctor deciphered X raies, MRI and CT examine surveies. Age 15-22 mature ages. Male sexual orientation. 1.9 EXCLUSION CRITERIA Upper quarter-circle dale tests are never really out cervical, cubitus, carpus and A ; manus commitment. Shoulder shakiness. Essential shoulder bone thoracic disfunction. Stage second and third glue capsulitis. Third degree musculotendinious cryings. Progressed calcific tendonitis or bursitis. Extreme devolution hard or tendons adjustments. Neurological commitment. Progressed acromioclavicular verbalization illness. Precarious break of humerus, shoulder bone and A ; collarbone. 1.10 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The utilization of assembly as a bit of extensive recovery consideration is still non in pattern and my review intends to portray the advantages of incorporating it into mediation governments. There are just not many surveies done in this impossible to miss nation and needs increasingly objective discoveries. It is this lack my overview intends to connect. 1.11 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The point of the overview is to quantify the result of joint preparation as a constituent of complete intercession for essential shoulder infringement disorder in footings of early recuperation, quick come back to utilitarian exercises when contrasted with traditional non-intrusive treatment without assembly. 1.12 Premise The pre and station estimations of extent of motion and inconvenience graduated table should demo a proportionate change in the useful outcome with a high correlativity. 1.13 PROJECTED OUTCOMEâ€Å" Joint MOBILIZATION UNDER DIRECT PHYSIOTHERAPY SUPERVISION DOES HAVE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES OVER CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT AS FAR AS FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY IS CONCERNED †1.14 THE HYPOTHESIS
Battle of Jonesboro - Atlanta Campaign - Civil War - William Sherman
Clash of Jonesboro - Atlanta Campaign - Civil War - William Sherman Clash of Jonesboro - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Jonesboro was battled August 31-September 1, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armed forces Commanders Association Significant General William T. ShermanMajor General Oliver O. HowardMajor General George H. Thomas6 corps Confederates General John Bell HoodLieutenant General William Hardee2 corps Skirmish of Jonesboro - Background: Propelling south from Chattanooga in May 1864, Major General William T. Sherman looked to catch the fundamental Confederate rail center at Atlanta, GA. Contradicted by Confederate powers, he arrived at the city in July after an extended crusade in northern Georgia. Guarding Atlanta, General John Bell Hood took on three conflicts with Sherman late in the month at Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, and Ezra Church, before resigning into the citys strongholds. Reluctant to dispatch frontal attacks against arranged protections, Shermans powers accepted positions west, north, and east of the city and attempted to cut it off from resupply. This apparent inaction, alongside Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Award being slowed down at Petersburg, started to harm Union assurance and drove some to expect that President Abraham Lincoln could be crushed in the November political race. Evaluating the circumstance, Sherman chose to put forth attempts to cut off the sole residual railroad into Atlanta, the Macon Western. Leaving the city, the Macon Western Railroad ran south to Eastpoint where the Atlanta West Point Railroad split off while the principle line proceeded to and through Jonesboro (Jonesborough). Clash of Jonesboro - The Union Plan: To achieve this objective, Sherman guided most of his powers to pull out of their positions and move around Atlanta toward the west before falling upon the Macon Western south of the city. Just Major General Henry Slocums XX Corps was to stay north of Atlanta with requests to watch the railroad connect over the Chattahoochee River and secure the Union lines of correspondence. The gigantic Union development started on August 25 and saw Major General Oliver O. Howards Army of the Tennessee walk with requests to strike the railroad at Jonesboro (Map). Skirmish of Jonesboro - Hood Responds: As Howards men moved out, Major General George H. Thomas Army of the Cumberland and Major General John Schofields Army of the Ohio were entrusted with cutting the railroad more distant north. On August 26, Hood was astounded to discover most of the Union entrenchments around Atlanta unfilled. After two days, Union soldiers arrived at the Atlanta West Point and started pulling up the tracks. At first accepting this to be a preoccupation, Hood dismissed the Union endeavors until reports started to contact him of a sizable Union power south of the city. As Hood looked to explain the circumstance, Howards men arrived at the Flint River close to Jonesboro. Ignoring a power of Confederate mounted force, they crossed the waterway and expected a solid situation on statures neglecting the Macon Western Railroad. Amazed by the speed of his development, Howard stopped his order to unite and permit his men to rest. Accepting reports of the Howards position, Hood quickly requested Lieutenant General William Hardee to take his corps and that of Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee south to Jonesboro to unstick the Union soldiers and secure the railroad. Clash of Jonesboro - The Fighting Begins: Showing up during that time of August 31, Union impedance along the railroad forestalled Hardee from being prepared to assault until around 3:30 PM. Restricting the Confederate authority were Major General John Logans XV Corps which confronted east and Major General Thomas Ransoms XVI Corps which calculated back from the Union right. Because of the deferrals in the Confederate development, both Union corps had the opportunity to brace their positions. For the ambush, Hardee guided Lee to assault Logans line while Major General Patrick Cleburne drove his corps against Ransom. Squeezing forward, Cleburnes power progressed on Ransom yet the assault started to slow down when his lead division experienced harsh criticism from Union rangers drove by Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick. Recovering some energy, Cleburne had some achievement and caught two Union firearms before being compelled to stop. Toward the north, Lees Corps pushed ahead against Logans earthworks. While a few units assaulted and took overwhelming misfortunes before being repelled, others, knowing the close vanity of attacking strongholds legitimately, neglected to completely participate in the exertion. Clash of Jonesboro - The Confederate Defeat: Compelled to pull back, Hardees order endured around 2,200 setbacks while Union misfortunes numbered just 172. As Hardee was being spurned at Jonesboro, the Union XXIII, IV, and XIV Corps arrived at the railroad north of Jonesboro and south of Rough and Ready. As they cut off the railroad and transmit wires, Hood understood his solitary outstanding choice was to empty Atlanta. Intending to withdraw after dull on September 1, Hood requested Lees Corps to come back to the city to shield against a Union assault from the south. Left at Jonesboro, Hardee was to hold out and spread the retreat of the military. Accepting a cautious situation close to the town, Hardees line confronted west while his correct flank bowed back toward the east. On September 1, Sherman guided Major General David Stanley to take IV Corps south along the railroad, join with Major General Jefferson C. Davis XIV Corps, and together guide Logan in pulverizing Hardee. At first both were to wreck the railroad as they advanced yet after discovering that Lee had withdrawn, Sherman guided them to progress as fast as could reasonably be expected. Showing up on the war zone, Davis corps expected as position on Logans left. Coordinating tasks, Sherman bossed Davis to assault around 4:00 PM even through Stanleys men were all the while showing up. Despite the fact that an underlying assault was turned around, ensuing attacks by Davis men opened a penetrate in the Confederate lines. As Sherman didn't structure Howards Army of the Tennessee to assault, Hardee had the option to move troops to seal this hole and keep IV Corps from turning his flank. Urgently holding out until sunset, Hardee pulled back south towards Lovejoys Station. Skirmish of Jonesboro - Aftermath: The Battle of Jonesboro cost Confederate powers around 3,000 setbacks while Union misfortunes numbered around 1,149. As Hood had emptied the city during the night, Slocums XX Corps had the option to enter Atlanta on September 2. Seeking after Hardee south to Lovejoys, Sherman educated of the citys fall the following day. Reluctant to assault the solid position that Hardee had readied, Union soldiers came back to Atlanta. Broadcasting Washington, Sherman expressed, Atlanta is our own, and genuinely won. The fall of Atlanta gave an enormous lift to Northern assurance and assumed a key job in guaranteeing the re-appointment of Abraham Lincoln. Beaten, Hood set out on a crusade into Tennessee that fall which saw his military adequately demolished at the Battles of Franklin and Nashville. Having made sure about Atlanta, Sherman set out upon his March to the Sea which saw him catch Savannah on December 21. Chosen Sources History of War: Battle of JonesboroughCWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Jonesborough North Georgia: Battle of Jonesboro
Friday, August 21, 2020
Summary and Analysis of The Merchants Tale Essays -- Canterbury Tales
Rundown and Analysis of The Merchant's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Preface to the Merchant's Tale: The dealer guarantees that he remains unaware of tolerant spouses. Or maybe, if his significant other were to wed the villain, she would overmatch even him. The Merchant guarantees that there is an extraordinary distinction between Griselde's remarkable compliance and his better half's increasingly normal brutality. The Merchant has been hitched two months and has despised each moment of it. The Host requests that the Merchant tell a story of his terrible spouse. Investigation The prefaces that connect the different Canterbury Tales move easily from heavy dramatization to light parody. The sad story of Griselde offers route to the Host's grumbling about his irritable spouse. This introduction further outlines how every one of the characters educates the story he tells. The explorers to a great extent advise stories that fit in with their own encounters or perspectives, for example, the Merchant, whose horrendous marriage is the event for his story about a troublesome spouse. By and large the impact of the storyteller on his story is obvious, yet the authorial touch gently felt. The Merchant's Tale, for instance, increases little from the preface's data that the Merchant is upset with his own marriage. Just a couple of these stories exist to a great extent as expansions of the characters who let them know; the Wife of Bath's Tale is the most noticeable of these accounts. The Merchant's Tale: The Merchant tells a story of a prosperous knight from Lombardy who had not yet taken a spouse. In any case, when this knight, January, had turned sixty, regardless of whether out of commitment or dotage, he chose to at long last be hitched. He looked for possibilities, presently persuaded that the wedded life was a heaven on earth. However his sibling, Placebo, refered to... ...y. January's rehashed request that their intercourse incorporates a defense that a man and spouse are one individual, and no man would hurt himself with a blade, a horrendous phallic picture. January uses May just as a sexual article; he pounds away upon her, bringing her solitary torment and weariness. The Merchant's Tale additionally extends the shows of fabliau through the peak of the story wherein Pluto and Proserpina barge in on the sexual interests among January, May and John. Proserpina and Pluto examine the excellencies of people in marriage, arriving at the resolution that couple of men are admirable, however definitely no ladies are commendable. Their mediation in the circumstance gives divine approval to the judgment of ladies, intentionally giving January his sight so he can denounce his better half (despite the fact that in a stringent bend, January can actually not accept the obvious reality).
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Thursday, July 2, 2020
Accomplishments in College Essays
Accomplishments in College Essays July 31, 2012 Missy Franklin is not only the worlds best female swimmer. She is also modest. In your college essays, take a page from her book with regard to modesty (photo credit: Madchester). Many people believe that college essays are a forum to boast about accomplishments. They believe that college essays are the unique component of college admissions where they can sell themselves. And theyre not wrong about college essays being a forum to sell themselves. It certainly is a sales tool. But how you approach that sales tool makes all the difference in the world! Boasting about accomplishments in college essays is absolutely, positively the wrong approach. Thats a surefire way to alienate college admissions counselors who otherwise may have gone to bat for you. Just think about it. Do you like people who talk about all that theyve accomplished all the time? Of course not! If you need a lesson on modesty, watch the Olympics. Missy Franklin, the star American swimmer and Colorado native, is a high schooler who understands that modesty wins hearts. She doesnt boast about winning the gold. She talks about her teammates. She talks about her fantastic competitors. She is, in no uncertain terms, a class act. While Missy Franklin can most certainly attend any university in the nation that she wants (we bet she ends up at Berkeley or USC), her modesty and kindness make her the star of these Olympic games as much as her athletic feats. Take a page from Missy Franklin in your college essays. Dont boast. Dont brag. Dont list off your accolades. The college essay is neither the time nor the place for that. The college essay is a sales tool but not in the way that many people think. Most people, as it turns out, are just bad salesmen. And, yes, this is where we at Ivy Coach come in. We can help you put yourself in the best possible light to college admissions counselors. Its what we do best.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay about Point of View and Theme in Heart of Darkness
Point of View and Theme in Heart of Darkness In Joseph Conrads novel Heart of Darkness the story of Marlow, an Englishman travelling physically up an unnamed river in Africa and psychologically into the human possibility, is related to the reader through several narrational voices. The primary first-person narrator is an Englishman aboard the yawl, the Nellie, who relates the story as it is told to him by Marlow. Within Marlows narrative are several instances when Marlow relies upon others, such as the Russian, the brickmaker and the Manager at the central station, for information. Therefore, through complicated narrational structure resulting from the polyphonous account, Conrad can already represent to the reader the theme†¦show more content†¦This is evident when the first narrator finally sees London as not the biggest and greatest town on earth but a monstruous town ... marked ominously on the sky, a broading gloom in sunshine... This change in attitude is due to Marlows account of the atrocities he witnesses in the heart of darkness, such as the Grove of Death and the corruption and inefficiency of the company, which represents itself as civilising and educating, whilst its rapacious and fetishistic desire for ivory milks the land of its livelyhood and enslaves its people. Marlow uses his language to represent his beliefs, and thus demonstrate this theme to the reader. Conrad,through Marlow, cleverly problematises the use of white, a traditional symbol of purity and enlightenment, by describing the European city, in which the headquarters of the company is located, as a whited sepulchre, conjuring forth images of corruption and deceit hiding behind a moral facade. However, significantly, although he inverts this traditional symbolism, Conrad does not problematise the notion of black as evil and corrupt. Marlow, then continues to represent the Africans and Africa in terms of blackness as black limbs, black bodies, a black and incomprehensible frenzy, so that by absentingly unconsciously any re-evaluation of the Africans or Africa as evil, dark and other, MarowsShow MoreRelatedJoseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness1488 Words  | 6 PagesJoseph Conrad’s s novel Heart of Darkness portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman. Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as â€Å"so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness†, (Conrad 154) as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life. Conrad lived through a time when European colonies were scattered all over the world. This phenomenon and the doctrine of colonialism bought into at hisRead MoreThe Heart Of The Congo852 Words  | 4 PagesSet in the heart of the Congo, Heart of Darkness is a tale of a man named Marlow who is hired as a steamboat captain by a Belgian owned company. During the late 19th century, Africa was divvied up, so to speak, by imperialistic powers and was the world’s hotspot for the much sought after ivory. Marlow was hired for a quest to set out and find a mystery man named Kurtz who was also part of the same company and was currently in the Congo. Kurtz had apparently gone crazy, so it was the mission ofRead MoreHeart of Darkness1699 Words  | 7 PagesThe immortality and blindness to a dark continent Joseph Conrad’s s novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman. Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as â€Å"so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness†, (Conrad 2180) as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life. Conrad lived through a time when European colonies were scattered all over the world. This phenomenonRead MoreContradicting Symbolism in Joseph Conrads quot;Heart of Darknessquot;915 Words  | 4 Pagestechniques throughout his story Heart of Darkness. One predominant method of his storytelling is the use of contrasting sensory imagery between black and white and altering the symbolism the colors entail. This theme is clearly prevalent when we read of Marlows childhood dreams and when comparing and contrasting the Africans, the Europeans, and the corruption of the ivory trade. Generally, Africa and Afr icans are described in terms of blackness, symbolic of darkness, evil, and corruption. On theRead More Elements of Darkness in Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness1263 Words  | 6 PagesElements of Darkness in Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness      In both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness certain elements of darkness attempt to show how deep one must look inside themselves to discover the truth. Conrad portrays the idea of the darkness of the human heart through things such as the interior of the jungle and its immensity, the Inner Station, and Kurtzs own twisted deeds. Coppolas heart of darkness is represented by the madness of the Vietnam War and how even to lookRead MoreBehind the Name Heart of Darkness Essay978 Words  | 4 Pagesreader only gradually. Using Heart of Darkness, show how the significance of its title is developed through the author’s use of devices such as contrast, repetition, allusion, and point of view. Behind The Name Heart of Darkness The heart of darkness in the title Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is the heart of Africa, the heart of everything that is the rejection of established social principles and beliefs, corrupt, and barbaric, and perhaps the heart of man. Conrad, ending the bookRead MoreGender Role In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Essay1430 Words  | 6 PagesGender Role In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness For the most part people who read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad may feel that the novella is strictly a story of exploration and racial discrimination. But to Johanna Smith who wrote â€Å"’Too Beautiful Altogether’: Ideologies of Gender and Empire in Heart of Darkness†it is much more than that. Johanna Smith along with Wallace Watson and Rita A. Bergenholtz agree that throughout Heart of Darkness there are tones of gender prejudice, but the wayRead MoreMental Challenges in The Tell-Tale Heart Essay618 Words  | 3 PagesPoe’s most famous works was The Tell-Tale Heart which explores murder, mental illness, cruelty and horror. The viewer becomes aware of the unprovoked mental challenges between characters which heightens the tension and fear, as darkness envelops the reader and the strong beating of a heart gradually grows louder. In order to create a more dramatic storyline, Poe has applied a range of narrative techniques including characters, poi nt of view, setting, and theme, to amplify the intensity of the text andRead More The Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesThe Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Women have taken an increasingly important role in literature. Only recently have authors portrayed women in a dominant, protagonistic light. Sophocles and other classical writers portrayed women more as reactors than heroines. Since the ancient Greeks, however, a trend has been established that gives women characters much more substance and purpose. A definite shift from the antediluvian ways can be seen, and the overall complexityRead MoreThings Fall Apart, And The Heart Of Darkness1518 Words  | 7 Pagespassages from Things Fall Apart, and the Heart of Darkness. I will compare and contrast the narrative structure, the language used and the themes explored. Through this critical analysis, we can gain a better understanding of the two extracts, each one helping to illuminate the other. The passages I will be analysing are: Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, Page 124 Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, Page 116-117 Narrative Structure Narrative Voice, Point of View: Focalisation Conrad writes in first person
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Male Circumcision should be Promoted in Developing...
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the major health problem globally since 1981. Since that time, almost 70 million people have been infected and nearly 35 million have died due to HIV infection (Global Health Observatory, WHO). With the development of prevention methods and maintaining medical interventions, the incidence of HIV was reduced one-third between 2001 and 2012(UNAIDS., 2013). But there are still 35.3 (32.2–38.8) million people were living with HIV in 2012 with 2.3 (1.9–2.7) million new HIV infections globally according to this Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) report. And it also stated that many challenges exist to achieve millennium development goal 6(MDG-6), â€Å"COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES†. After 30 years of fighting against HIV, all becomes realize that we need new strategies to reach one of our latest goals â€Å"Zero new Infection†. To achieve this goal, Vaccine development is the best but we still not get perfect vaccine although we are trying for many years. So people decide to develop some new ideas which are more realistic. One of them is promotion of male circumcision as a major mean of HIV prevention. Figure 1 show the global adult prevalence rate of HIV in 2007 and it is clearly stated that most HIV cases are in developing countries especially from Africa. Therefore, a cost effective intervention like male circumcision that can suit forShow MoreRelatedPromoting Male Circumcision as a Means of HIV Prevention in Developing Countries1060 Words  | 4 Pagesanniversary of the discovery of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Out of 35 million people living with HIV worldwide, Sub Saharan Africa bears 70% of the global prevalence burden while South and South East Asia hold another 10% (UNAIDS, 2013). As the results of continuous efforts to end the epidemic, a comprehensive HIV prevention package was recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) and Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) comprised of: HIV testing and counselling, correctRead MoreA Research Paper About Human Immunodeficiency Virus6608 Words  | 27 Pages HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a lentivirus responsible for gradually destroying the human immune system, and subjecting it to various invincible opportunistic infections. It is the most complex virus ever encountered by mankind. Many of its mysteries have been unleashed through persistent research and studies. While many, are yet to be revealed. II. There are a lot of things to know about this virus. A. History of HIV The human immunodefiency virus (HIV) descendedRead MoreAppraisal Techniques of Public Investments and Projects62994 Words  | 252 Pages(office) October 2011 The purpose of this Training Manual is to help PITT implement the use of international best practices of Investment Appraisal techniques in its programming of public sector investments. It describes how public sector investments should be assessed at conception or programming stage. The modules introduce the basic concepts behind the appraisal techn iques and their applicability in the Rwandan context. It describes the DCF methodology, the shadow pricing methodology and performance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Moral Philosophy Essays - 1132 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is a moral code? I feel that a moral code is a quot;unwritten code that one lives by,quot; This code is indicating how I should live. There is not anyone watching over me judging my moral code; just I am responsible to my self for my actions. However, a moral code should always be in my head and tells me how to act in all situations. An example would be littering; is it right to throw that gum wrapper out the window of my car? No, just put it in a pocket, I can throw it out later. If you I throw that wrapper out the window I might feel what Dick Gregory (433) calls quot;shamequot;; the feeling of regret or disgrace over an action like throwing a gum wrapper out the window. The moral code would make me†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Moral philosophy is just how one should live. I like to think of myself as a person who lives for fun, always trying to enjoy myself, just like the Epicureans(417). I feel that I have my whole life to b e busy and earn cash. So why not enjoy myself now, go on that trip with my friends, step back and take the back road to enjoy the scenery? If I do not enjoy life, why live? However, I do have to do certain things to enjoy life. Just like the Epicureans, I must first satisfy my moral code before I engage in pleasure seeking. This means to me that I must fulfill my moral obligation to myself to finish school and stick with my moral code in order to enjoy myself. In order to enjoy life I need to have summers off, have a few dollars, and some one to enjoy life with me. To do that I now realize that I need to get my schoolwork done in order to get a degree, which will entitle me to those summers of fun! Therefore, I need to do my work now, instead of taking that one more drink or playing one more Dart game. Plus, at the end of the day I will feel better about myself since I did what I was supposed to do in upholding my moral code. If I stick to my moral code, it will enable me to reach what the Epicureans call quot;Hedonismquot;, better known as pleasure. When seeking this pleasure, though, I must put the surplus of pleasure over pain always. To do this I might have to endure quot;painquot; as in writing papersShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy : My Moral Foundation943 Words  | 4 Pageswhoever it may be. Judging doesn’t just come with appearances, it is attached to the intentions of actions and words. One must also be forgiving and patient in order to see past first impressions to see the person underneath. My moral foundation consists of these very morals of not judging or assuming anything malicious about someone’s character based on outward appearance or stories, letting go things of the past and to have mental strength and patience as one works through their problems.JudgingRead MoreMy Moral Philosophy From An Organization Perspective1100 Words  | 5 Pagesto summarize my moral philosophy from an organizational perspective, I believe it will benefit both the reader and I to establish a basis from which to begin. I have a strong belief in the ideas of environmentalism, to a certain degree. Our environment plays a significant role in our development and lends itself to the shaping of our actions. I find there to be an enormous truth to the words of pioneer psychologist John B. Watson. â€Å"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specifiedRead MoreOne of my great difficulties with Kants moral philosophy is that it suggests that our moral900 Words  | 4 PagesOne of my great difficulties with Kants moral philosophy is that it suggests that our moral obligations leave us helpless when dealing with evil. â€Å"Kants theory sets a high ideal of conduct and tells us to live up to that ideal regardless of what other persons are doing.†Imagine you are a character in a Shakespearean play and are watching your father getting murdered. He is the King and you aspire that one day you will take his place (Even though you know it won’t happen, because you’re a woman)Read MoreThe Philosophy Of Aristotle s Views On Happiness And Human Flourishing With His Philosophy991 Words  | 4 PagesMy moral philosophy is what you put in you get back. For example, I put into my life my thoughts, my beliefs and my behaviors. What I get back from this is my reality that my thoughts, beliefs and behaviors have created. In my philosophy like Aristotle, I believe in Aristotle’s views on happiness and human flourishing with his philosophy. (Aristotle 4) I also believe in some of Kant’s philosophy through his concept of its our duty to live up to our highest moral capacity. (Kant 3) I believe it willRead MorePersonal Philosophy : An Organization Level Leader1734 Words  | 7 Pagesdefine my moral philosophy as an organizational level leader, I will first explain how my personal moral philosophy was shaped, explain and examine my personal moral philosophy and then I will juxtapose my moral philosophy to the E100 ethical concepts by explaining the strengths and weakness in relation to my moral philosophy. I will then conclude with how my beliefs reinforce the professional military ethic required of a military professional. My moral and ethical philosophy stems from my biblicalRead MoreMoral Philosophy And Its Strength And Weaknesses1350 Words  | 6 Pagessystem of moral principles is a definition of ethics in a culture or a group. Principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong are one definition of moral. In this essay, I will search for my principles and how I ought to live my life. What do I believe in and how do I apply this in my duty as a human being, as a father, husband and a military officer. In other words, I will search for my moral philosophy. Furthermore, I will explain my moral philosophy and its strengthRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1208 Words  | 5 Pageshas a moral framework in which he operates his daily life. Many use this philosophy without even consciously doing so; others will question almost all decisions they make. My personal moral philosophy is closely tied to my philosophy of leadership. I reside in the first category of people, those that operate in a moral philosophy that has not been specifically identified, but is strongly tied to my faith. This paper will allow me to express my own personal and leadership philosophy. My personalRead MoreEthics Philosophy : Ethics And Ethics Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesEthics Philosophy A personal ethics philosophy helps a person to maintain and employ good morals and values that are important in a one’s life. Understanding the importance of ethics is critical in order to consciously work to develop and effectively utilize ethics. Therefore, accepting the importance of one’s ethical philosophy will result in ethical decision-making, therefore developing the ability to put ethical theory into practice create ethical conditions albeit, personal and professionalRead MoreThe Philosophy : The Moral Life Essay1164 Words  | 5 Pagesthree major philosophies- Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Feminism. These three philosophies come up frequently in my life. I judge an event in which philosophy is the main focus. In addition, I like to use these three principles in my moral judgments and decisions. Reaching the end of this class and semester I can say that my knowledge of these three philosophies has expanded immensely. The critical, informational, and liter ary aspects (stories that provide analysis) of the book The Moral Life hasRead MoreImmanuel Kant: A Philosopher Who Influenced Society843 Words  | 4 Pageslittle single element that we do makes the world what it is. Kant is well known for his work in the philosophy of ethics and metaphysics; also, he made an important astronomical discovery on the nature of Earths rotation. Kant exceeded both values of his time, Rationalism and Empiricism. We believe his work did a detail change philosophy eternally. He spent his academic career focusing on philosophy, mathematics and physics. Kant’s was known generally, however, for his decent code The Categorical
Police Enforcement Is An Evolving Agency Essay - 1414 Words
Law enforcement has been an evolving agency just as many fields in the US. Most agencies have the same goal, that is to prevent crime, investigate crime and apprehend criminals, maintain order, and provide other miscellaneous services. The diversity in American cities is what makes law enforcement unique, it has a huge impact and role as to how agencies operate with the citizens that live in those communities. In the US police departments are more likely to use one of three or a combination of 3 police strategies: community policing, problem oriented policing and zero tolerance policing. With that being said all of these serve a purpose and have negative and positives contributing effect onto communities. Through my experience and knowledge I have learned from policing I would utilize a combination of problem oriented policing and community policing if I were chief of police of a police department. Although both styles of policing have their own goals and structures, problem oriented policing seems to tie in with community policing. Utilizing these two styles would also help to bridge the gap between the community and the police. Community policing is a model of policing that stresses a two-way working relationship between the community and the police, in which the police become more integrated into the local community and citizens assume an active role in crime control and prevention, as stated in the book The Police in America. This concept of policing style involvesShow MoreRelatedHow Community Policing Is Developed By Clans, And Tribes Among Other Ethnical Groups1402 Words  | 6 Pagesleader who was liable of the tithing’s behavior. The policing system kept evolving, public servants stated obtaining wages for their service. Moving forward, police officers have developed new strategies and skills to reduce crime rate in present time. The due process established by the U.S. Constitution privileges offenders to have a fair judgement and a justified punishment. However, as the structure evolve law enforcement agents grew different mentalities and their reasoning skills for many ofRead MoreSuccessf ul Law Enforcement Agency Management1225 Words  | 5 Pagesdifference between a successful law enforcement organization or its failure. There are several theories on effective management in law enforcement and the business world alike. Some of those theories can cross over and be helpful for a law enforcement manager. A manager can have the knowledge of all theory relative to law enforcement management, but without understanding several key concepts, the manager will in turn not be effective. An effective law enforcement manager is responsible for far moreRead MoreRoles, Responsibilities, And Styles Of Policing1468 Words  | 6 PagesEras of Law Enforcement Rob Peterson 11/24/2014 Criminal Justice The roles, responsibilities, and styles of policing in the United States have changed dramatically since the first â€Å"era†of policing was established in 1840. Until recently, there were only three established eras of policing: The Political Era, Reform Era and Community Era. We are now in a fourth era- the New Era. All of these eras are reflections of evolution amongst law enforcement officers, as well as political figures of theirRead MoreHistorical Development of Police Agencies Essay866 Words  | 4 PagesRunning head: Law Enforcement Law Enforcement December 12, 2011 Introduction The criminal justice system has many components that make up its system. This paper will explore the historical development of police agencies and their jurisdiction, while analyzing their roles in contemporary society. It will describe the main types of law enforcement agencies, including local, state, and federal agencies and their componentsRead MoreTheories Of Crime Analysis Spring1300 Words  | 6 PagesMarshawn Walker Theories of Crime Analysis Spring August 30, 2015 Types of Policing Policing is to regulate, control, or keep in order with a law enforcement agency or other official group. It is a job done every minute of every hour of everyday by men and women willing to risk their health and life. To make the job easier different styles or types of policing methods have been developed. Some of the most influential types of policing include community oriented policing, problemRead MoreThe History of Police Agencies and Different Types of Law Enforcement877 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopment of Police Agencies: Policing in the United States has mainly been based and expanded on the ideas of English way of policing. The English way of policing has not only been used as the basis for American policing but it has also been used to commence an era of evolving police agencies. In its early years, policing in the United States was largely regarded as a civic duty or responsibility of community members. The appointed officers were neither trained nor paid for their servicesRead MoreTraditional Organizational Structures Of Policing Agencies1013 Words  | 5 PagesTraditional Organizational Structures of Policing Agencies The principle role of police organizations is to uphold and enforce the law. Police organizations achieve this by safeguarding life and property, maintaining public order, and through detecting and preventing crime. Policing at the state level is composed of separate police organizations. At the state level we have the City or Local Police, County Sheriff and State Police, also known as Highway Patrol or State Troopers. The U.S. governmentRead MoreAfter The 9/11 Attack, Many Agencies DidnT Know What To1630 Words  | 7 PagesAfter the 9/11 attack, many agencies didn t know what to do with the situation of the towers been blown up by airplanes and that terrorism was the cause of it, that s why President Bush created a new defense called Homeland Security to prevent that from happening again. He had to arrange everything in the Criminal Justice system to place it together, but in order for everything to go out smoothly federal agencies will need the help of local law enforcement bec ause they will be the first respondersRead MoreThe Delivery Of Law Enforcement907 Words  | 4 PagesLaw enforcement agencies could face severe budget cuts if the nation’s economy struggles and local tax revenues drop. The consequences of spending cuts may cost layoffs, reduced services, shuttered public facilities and badly needed infrastructure improvements pushed back even further (Tameez, 2014). The delivery of law enforcement services will fundamentally change as a result of severe budget cuts. Hundreds of officers in a single police department could be laid off, which means there will be fewerRead MoreIt Comes To Light That Police Departments Across The States1741 Words  | 7 PagesIt comes to light that police departments across the states play an important role in fighting and preventing terrorism. They are being trained to learn and investigate local terrorist threats throughout the United States, and to make sure the community is protected from such harm. In to do so police officers will have to extend they stay in the community and be involved in such activities and improve the community trust, another thing they will have to do is to build a partnership with other local
Human Resource Management for Performance Reviews - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Managementfor Performance Reviews. Answer: Introduction Performance Management Performance management is one of the most important core functions of human resource management as it is concerned with the optimising of workplace performance. Performance management is an approach that helps business organisations in planning, monitoring and analysing the performance of the individuals, departments and an organisation on the whole. Performance management is important in the present day business world because of the increasing competition between rival firms in the market. Company Background Accenture, one of the top multinational companies in the world, recently planned to drop its performance reviews in order to bring about a massive change in its internal operations because the seniors of the company identified that the system of performance reviews failed in achieving their primary purpose of fostering better performance amongst the employees. Instead of performance reviews, Accenture has planned to implement a system of performance feedback, which is a major change for a company having a workforce of almost 330,000 employees. Therefore, this report is aimed at gaining a deeper insight into the case of Accentures performance management system and the impact that it will have on the business operations of the company in the future. The report also makes certain recommendations that the company can use to strengthen its new performance management system. Abandoning Formal Performance Reviews The business world is evolving and is experiencing changes at a rate that could have never been predicted by even the top multinational companies in the world. The changes in the business world are making survival for business organisations tougher than ever before and is forcing them to drop certain traditional practices altogether, no matter how effective they have proven to be in the past. Performance reviews is one such traditional human resource management practice that has become obsolete and needs to be either modified completely or dropped altogether (Melnyk, Bititci, Platts, Tobias, Andersen, 2014). According to the Harvard Business Review, almost one-third of the U.S. companies have already dropped performance reviews. Companies like Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, etc. have taken a firm decision to drop their performance management systems because of the existence of inefficiencies in them and their failure in achieving what they were intended to achieve (Tavis, 2016). To some extent, the decision of such multinational companies to abandon their performance reviews is justified. Accenture has already identified that its performance review system is causing a great wastage of companys resources. The company is investing excessive time, money and effort in conducting its performance reviews but the system in inefficient in itself (American Management Association , n.d.). The management of the company believes that assessing the employees on the bases of forced rankings and plotting distribution curves to assess their performance is in no way helping in achieving higher performance and is rather causing dissatisfaction amongst them (, n.d.). A system of performance ratings is becoming obsolete and is merely causing the employees to lose their morale and engagement because of the inability of the companies to effectively use that data that they collect through performance ratings (Rock Jones, 2015). On the other hand, Accenture has a better performance management system in its mind. The company wants to implement a performance management system where it would assess the performance of the employees in the roles that they are given to play. Rather than forcing performance objectives and rankings upon them, the company is aiming at adopting a strategy under which it would empower the employees to take business decisions and drive their performance on their own and is planning to make it more effective by strengthening its recruitment process to recruit the right people for the right job (NISEN, 2015). Therefore, if a system of performance reviews is costing a lot of time and money to the company and is still failing in achieving what it is intended to achieve, it is justified on the part of the company to drop the performance review system and implement new strategies that will help in enhancing workplace performance and fostering a positive work culture in the organisation. Consequences of Dropping Performance Management Reviews Performance management systems are an important part of human resource management because the employees tend to perform better when they feel that their performance is being monitored and that the performance they will show will help the company in achieving its organisational gaols and objectives (Patricia, 2015). To a certain extent, abandoning performance management system altogether, can have some serious implications for the company in the longer run. Even though abandoning the performance review system might look like an attractive proposition to the company because of the cost and other resource benefits associated with it, it can have some long lasting impact on the organisation in the long run (Beehivesoftware, 2017). Certain implications of dropping the performance review system for Accenture are discussed below: First of all, dropping a performance management system will have a serious impact on the competitive environment in the workplace. Performance reviews have been found to have a positive impact on the competitive environment of a workplace, especially when they are attached with performance appraisals. Abandoning the performance reviews will foster leniency in the workplace and the competition amongst employees will drop down (Michael Armstrong, 2014). Secondly, removal of performance reviews will have a direct impact on the performance levels of the employees. It has been found that employee performance levels can decrease by 10 percent in case a company removes its performance management system because it becomes difficult for the managers to manage the employees without having some serious information in hand and also because of the fall in employee engagement levels (CEB HR, 2016). Thirdly, it will become more difficult for the managers to carry out their job duties and responsibilities. Managers are the people who have to lead others by keeping a check on what they are doing. In absence of employee performance system, the managers will have no knowledge about the performance of their juniors and it will ultimately become difficult for them to communicate with their juniors (Sarvani, n.d.). Fourthly, in absence of performance management system, the employers will be unable to communicate the performance expectations to the employees and the employees will feel less engaged because of absence of clarity of goals and objectives. Thus, the staff will be less engaged and will show less job satisfaction and job commitment (Hanks, n.d.). Fifthly, the organisation itself will lose the ability to keep a check on what all is going on in the organisation. In absence of a performance management system, the management will only be able to recognize certain issues when they will pile up and will give rise to certain major issues in the longer run. By that time, they would also lose the ability to deal with the problem, which will further make the situation more difficult (Smith, 2011). Sixthly, the management will also not be able to identify performance gaps and take necessary steps to bridge them using training and development programs, which will be a collateral damage to the organisation. Ultimately, the company might start losing its competitive edge in the market in the longer run (Hansen, n.d.). Lastly, the overall scenario will make it difficult to manage the human resources of the company properly and the employee turnover ratios will mount up, which will be the worst case scenario for a company like Accenture (Reh, 2017). Recommendations for Improvement Dropping the performance management system altogether might have some serious implications for Accenture, as discussed above. As a result, the company should try to improve its performance management system rather than killing the annual performance reviews. Certain recommendations that the company can look into in order to strengthen its performance management system are discussed below: First of all, Accenture should put an end to performance ratings but should implement a system of performance feedback. In a performance feedback system, all employees working in an organisation receive feedback from the employees who are working around them, such as peers, juniors, seniors, managers, etc. (Landy Farr) It acts a self-assessment tool that can help the employees in keeping a track of their performance and analysing the skills that they lack. Further, these feedbacks are anonymous and getting multiple feedbacks for assessing the performance of a single employee will make the information more reliable and accurate (Zenger Folkman, 2012). Secondly, the management at Accenture can also include the S.M.A.R.T. goal model in its performance feedback system (Bogue, 2005). The SMART goal model proposes the important of formulating S.M.A.R.T goals i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound, as they can have a great impact on the performance of the employees (Conzemius O'Neill, 2011). Thirdly, the company should try to make the performance management system more oriented towards the future rather than laying more stress on what has happened in the past (Abd, 2014 ). Using the information collected through performance management systems to shape the future human management practices can prove to be of a greater benefit than using the same information to look into the past and continuously discussing on what went wrong (Ben-Oz Greve, 2012). Fourthly, rather than considering performance management system as an annual practice and conducting performance appraisals once a year, Accenture can start using it as a regular human resource management practice. The company can provide performance feedback to the employees on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly and can provide the employees with certain rewards and recognitions for the performance levels that they show (Wyse, 2015). Regular performance feedback will help in fostering a competitive workplace environment and rewards will help in re-enforcing positive behaviour amongst the employees (Malik, Butt, Choi, 2015). Lastly, Accenture can also introduce a system of self-review where the employees will be asked to provide an assessment of their own performance levels every month. The self-review document will also ask the employees to formulate certain goals and objectives for themselves and the time frame in which they plan to accomplish them. Such a system will allow the employees to assess their own performance levels and identify performance gaps if they fail to achieve their goals and objectives in the desired time frame (Ahlrichs, 2015). If the company can spare more time and resources, it can also include a self-development plan in the self-assessment strategy, where the employees can mention the skills or competencies that they wish to achieve in the near future. Such initiatives will foster a lot of positivity in the workplace and will help in engaging the employees (Roberts, 2003). Further, it will also become possible for the company to offer better growth opportunities to the employees . Recommendations/Conclusions The decision of the company to drop its performance review system is justified on the grounds that it is proving to be a wastage of important resources as it is failing in meeting its objective of fostering a better performance level in the workplace. Even though the company might be able to save a lot of resources (in terms of operational costs and time) but will have to face some serious implications in the longer run, that might have a detrimental effect on its business activities and market position. Thus, the company should carefully consider all options and should look into the above recommendations to strengthen its performance management system rather than dropping it altogether. Bibliography Tavis, P. C. (2016). The Performance Management Revolution. Retrieved May 21, 2017, from Rock, D., Jones, B. (2015, September 8). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Installing A Hard Drive Essay Example For Students
Installing A Hard Drive Essay Installing a IDE or EIDE hard drive on a Pentium computer To install a hard drive in your computer you must have a decent knowledge ofComputers and know what basic commands do. I wouldnt recommend a beginner trying to install a hard drive. These instructions are meant for intermediates or above. Before you start you should have already bought your hard drive. You will need a Phillips screw driver, your Windows CD, and the manual that came with your computer. Before you get ready to install your new hard drive. Unpack the drive you just bought and make sure the hard drive, cables, manual, and diskette are there. We will begin by removing the four screws that hold the computer cover to the frame of the computer. The easiest way to identify which screws to take out is to see which screws are covering the painted edge of the cover. Other screws, which you dont want to take out, hold the power supply which could harm the computer. Once the screws are taken out, the cover may still be h ard to slide out. Use both hands, on each side of the cover and pull it out. Now find the hard drive it should be in the second slot starting from the top. Remember the drive should be about 3 1/2 inches in width, 6 inches long, and an inch in height.Usually the hard drive is a silver and black color. After finding the drive, make sure you remove any static carried in your body by touching something metal before touching the insides of the computer. Now you will find two cables; these are ribbon cables that connect the drive to the computer. You will also find a power cable; it has four separate wires connected to plastic connectors on each end. To remove the cables, you just pull straight out. This shouldnt take a lot of pressure, but just be sure pull the cables by the plastic connectors and not by the wires. Remove both ends of the cables for we will be replacing them with new ones. Remember where you take these out, for you will be connecting the new cables in the same place. After you get the cables off, remove the mounting screws that hold the drive in place. You should find them in the front and along the sides of the hard drive. After you get the screws out the drive will slide out the front of the computer. If it is mounted on the side push it out the back. Now take the new hard drive and slide it in the way the old one came out, and screw in the same screws the old one used. Now, attach the ribbon cables that came with the new hard drive. The three cables you will be connecting are different sizes and will only go in one way, so you dont have to worry about which cable goes where. Now connect the cables to the motherboard (the big green card where everything connects to) they should go in the same place where you disconnected the old cables. Remember the cable will only connect one way, so you may have to turn the cable around to make sure it fits right. Now that youve connected these ribbon cables, you can connect the power cables. Remember that these are cables with four separate wires connected to a white plug. The white plug is shaped to fit in only one direction; but in any computer, the colored wires from each end should plug into the same way. Now after all the cables are connected you can put the cover back on the computer the same way you took it off; by sliding the cover on and screwing in the screws. .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .postImageUrl , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:hover , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:visited , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:active { border:0!important; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:active , .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u08de8b1577adee25a116846006b03f1c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: AIDS (2495 words) Essay You can turn on the computer now. But dont expect much we still have to install the hard drive for it to work. Before you can use the new hard drive , you have to make the computer know that its there. You do that by changing the settings in the computer. When the computer turns on it will come to a DOS-PROMPT. Insert the diskette
Friday, April 17, 2020
How To Do An Admonition Essay Sample
How To Do An Admonition Essay SampleEveryone that is writing an ambition essay must be aware of this ambition essay sample as it is one of the best for writing that is currently available. These will definitely make you stand out from all the other writing applicants out there. The best part about them is that they are written by well-known essay writers like the ones in Ivy League Universities.You can use these essays in your school projects or any other kind of writing that you want to do. This is something that no student out there is able to say they have not done. This will help you to create a bit of a different profile and will help you prove that you are worthy of admittance to that school you are going to attend. You just have to know how to do it, you know?For all you need to do is to think about writing an ambition essay sample and then see what results you get. It will be your best friend when you start writing and will be able to come up with some good ideas that you mig ht not have thought of before.As a note to all aspiring writing students out there, you should know that you have the best ambition essay sample that anyone could ever ask for. This is the best thing that anyone could ever ask for.It will give you tips on writing that will help you with many different things that you are trying to learn. It will give you tips on how to write each paragraph, the different parts of the essay and also the types of sentence structures you can put together in the essay. This will help you when it comes to editing, but more than that, it will help you to produce an ambition essay sample that is good enough to be used for your school project.There are several different types of schools that do want to see their students being prepared to write an ambition essay sample. This is because it will be an essential tool in helping them to pass your admissions test or such other tests that you may be going to take. It is important that you know how to do it if you are to be able to do so, but it is also extremely useful if you are going to have an essay that is perfect for your school project.Writing is something that you must learn to do for many years before you are ever going to get anywhere at all. In fact, writing is something that you must always learn, because you cannot just hope to get by on the first try. You have to be ready to work at it and practice it everyday in order to be able to write an ambition essay sample that will stand out from all the others.You must be able to prove that you have the full interest and understanding of what it takes to write a good essay, and then write an essay that is as good as it can be. It is something that you will not get if you are not ready to work at it and you have to take the time to do so. If you can manage to do this, then you will find that writing an ambition essay sample will be something that you can do that will be helpful in getting yourself to where you want to be.
Friday, April 10, 2020
The First Act Of Americas Anti-drug Laws Was In 1875. It Essays
The first act of America's anti-drug laws was in 1875. It outlawed the smoking of opium in opium dens. This was a San Francisco ordinance. The basis on passing this law was that Chinese men had a way of luring white women to their dens and causing their "ruin", which was the association with Chinese men. Later, other Federal laws such as trafficking in opium was illegal for anyone of Chinese origin. The opium laws were directed at the smoking of opium. The law didn't effect importation of the drug because opium was a common medical drug. This law was specifically targeted at the Chinese, for the smoking of opium was a Chinese custom. Cocaine was outlawed for fears that black men would go on a sexual rampage and rape white women. In the early 1900's, newspapers referred to them as "Negro Cocaine Fiends" or "Cocainized Niggers". There is little evidence that this actually happened. The Harrison Act had started as a licensing law which required sellers to obtain a license if they were going to handle opiates or cocaine. The law contains a provision that nothing in the law would prohibit doctors from prescribing these drugs in the legitimate practice of medicine. The people who wrote the Harrison Act and Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, agreed that a prohibition on what people could put into their bodies was an unconstitutional infringement on personal liberties. Marijuana was outlawed in 1937. The reason for it being outlawed was that the plant had a violent effect on the degenerate races. The American Medical Association testified that they were opposed to the law. The law would never have passed without the endorsement from the AMA, but when the supporters of the law were asked about the AMA's view on the floor of congress, they had stated that the AMA was all for it. When the law had passed, the AMA protested, but the law was never repealed. It is difficult to determine how many people in the US use drugs. The Federal Government's Household Survey on Drug Abuse, is the most common set of statistics on the use of drugs. According to the latest surveys, conducted by the DEA, there are about 12.7 million people who have used an illegal drug in the past month, and about 30 - 40 million people who have used an illegal drug in the past year. Among the 12.7 people who have used an illegal drug in the past month, about 10 million are casual drug users and about 2.7 million are drug addicts. The figures produced by the Household Survey on Drug Abuse are obtained over the phone. Therefore, there was a problem reaching those without phones, those who didn't answer their phones, and those who answered the question honestly. Other surveys put the figures at least twice as high. Currently, there are about 1.5 million people in state and Federal prisons and jails throughout the US At least 24 states are under Federal court orders to relieve prison overcrowding. Prison population had been relatively stable from about 1926 to about 1970. From that point, Nixon's war against drugs, then the Reagan and Bush war against drugs, caused a dramatic increase in the number of prisoners. The estimated 30 - 40 million people who have used an illegal drug in the past year, would fill a prison holding the populations of California, Arizona and New Mexico altogether. The cost of holding a single one of these persons would be about $450,000. The cost for the arrest and the conviction is about $150,000. The cost for an additional bed would be anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000, depending upon the jurisdiction. It costs about $30,000 per year to house a prisoner, with an average sentence of five years, adding up to be $150,000. The estimated $450,000 (out of taxpayers money), can provide treatment or education for about 200 people. Out of the percentage of people in prison, 59.6% are in prison for a drug offenses. The war on drugs could be won if we were successful in at least one of three areas. If we could stop drug production in other countries, if we could stop drugs at the border or if we could stop the sale of drugs within the United States. Stopping drug production in other countries has already proven to have failed. In 1993, ABC television aired a major special report on the drug war in Bolivia, which according to the Bush administration, is our "best hope" for winning the drug war in South America. They concluded that there was no hope, and that the
Monday, March 9, 2020
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Essay Example A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Paper Essay Topic: Literature George Orwell was born in 1903 in India where his family were members of the upper middle class. He was educated at Eton but refused to attend a higher education establishment but never the less was still very well educated. He joined the Burma Police Force instead for a six-year stretch. When Orwell returned to England, he began his writing career and produced some of his most famous works. His inspiration was the political state of Europe with dictators such as Hitler and Stalin dominant. This led to the novella Animal Farm, which was written in 1944. It shows Orwells disgust with Stalins style of socialism. Animal Farm was very controversial as the state of the USSR was admired by many socialists of the time; thus his publisher Victor Gollancz refused to accept it, as did T. S. Eliot and Jonathan Cape before Martin Secker Warburg, Ltd finally accepted it in 1945. This slowed the publishing of the novella by eighteen months. It is possible to trace the origins of Animal Farm back to Orwells spell of fighting in the Spanish Civil War. He saw himself primarily as a political writer. A democratic socialist, who avoided party labels, hated totalitarianism and he became progressively disillusioned with methods of communism, his plain, colloquial style made him a highly effective pamphleteer and journalist. One of his first pamphlets was called Inside the Whale (1940). Out of all Orwells work Animal Farm is still the most famous and the way it deals with political satire. Both Swift and Orwell mixed in literary circles, Swift with writers such as Steele, Addison, Congreve and Pope. Orwell with T. S. Eliot, Cyril and Virginia Wolf. Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin where he was educated at Trinity College. Swifts family originated in England, but then settled in Ireland, due his familys strong Protestant background, although he did support Catholics as well, as shown in Modest Proposal threw no separation of the poor, into religious beliefs. In 1689 Swift became private secretary to William Temple who introduced him to the literary, political and aristocratic circles of the time. It was from Temples style that Swift developed his literary powers and got involved in political affairs. During his time with Temple, Swift wrote three satires A Tale of a Tub, The battle of books and Discoveries concerning the mechanical operation of spirit. Swift became vicar of Laracor in Ireland but kept returning to England where he was heavily involved in politics. After Temple died Swift, began to produce pamphlets. In 1701 he wrote one praising the conduct of the Whig, or liberal leaders. This work, A discourse of the contest and dissensions between the nobles and commons in Athens and Rome. The majority of Swifts literary pieces are based on real people and events. For example Gullivers Travels (1726), lampooned the Whigs as the little men while his friends the Tories took the form of Gulliver. From this point on Swift focused his energy on Irish affairs. A Modest Proposal was written in 1729, as a pamphlet discussing the political state of Ireland at the time. Animal Farm and a modest Proposal are written in entirely different genres. Orwells Animal Farm, is written in the novella genre, more specifically as an extended fairy story. The novella is an allegorical representation of events in Russia following the fall of the Tsar in 1917. It mainly focuses on Stalins government of the country from the 1920s to the end of the Second World War. The story can also be taken as a more general attack on and analysis of the search for power and the way in which corrupt figures can gain and manipulate for their own purposes. The animals revolution directly mirrors the Russian Revolution; the animals over throw the humans, Just as the Bolshevik Party over threw the Romanov Dynasty. Swifts A Modest Proposal is written as a political pamphlet, arguing an expedient solution to the problem of poverty among Irelands poor. One of sixty plus pieces on Irish affairs Swift wrote after 1920. The pamphlet can be broken down into six sections. To begin with Swift sets out the problem, which is the overcrowding in Dublin, this is followed by his solution to sell yearling children of the poor, to the wealthy for food. In the next section Swift digresses and talks about how his suggestion can be executed. In the following section a list of advantages is given for the reader. Section five gives the reader some reasons why no other solutions will work. The final section is Swifts disclaimer, this covers him for has previously been said. Swifts satirical writing gives him the freedom to taunt the government of the time, with his appalling proposal. George Orwells style in Animal Farm is a novella as opposed to a pamphlet like Modest Proposal. This is noticeable through the narrative form, characters and a theme. The theme, corruption of power differs to Modest Proposal that concentrates not so much on corruption but an attack on the selfish misuse of power. E. g. Swift thought of himself as English. At the time of the Battle of the Boyne, when William defeated James II in 1690 (the Glorious Revolution had been peaceful in England but bloody in Ireland), Swift was with Temple in Surrey. Yet after this time he became increasingly known as an Irish patriot. What he experienced in Ireland was very similar to the experience of the American colonists under George III all the disadvantages of direct rule from London, and none of advantages. Since no politician in England gave much thought to Ireland, the land was bled by absentee landlords, denied fair trading terms and ruled by second-rate officials who could behave irresponsibly with no one to care about the consequences. Corruption is shown almost immediately through Old Major and his commandments, which act as a motif, misleading the animals into believing what he says is best for them. To begin with he tells the animals All animals are equal then the 7 commandments are abridged for the last time simply reading, All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. At this point the pigs are behaving like humans: buying newspapers, smoking and wearing clothes. Although from the beginning the animals are anthropomorphic but still retain enough animal characteristics for them to be credible as farm animals. The pigs take this to the extreme. The authorial voice in Animal Farm is that of a storyteller writing in a traditional format. Simple detail is paid to characters and setting for example references to the farm and immediate identification with the animals: The hens perched themselves on the window -sills, the pigeons fluttered up to the rafters Simple and straight forward. Animal Farm follows a conventional narrative structure. The narrator tells its events in chronological order. The story itself contains a believable mixture of human and animal characters- even when the human characters are seen to clearly understand what the animals are saying- for example, when Pilkington makes his to Napoleon speech at the end of the novel, the reader believes that the two understand each other. The repetition of various ideas and images forms a pattern in the text. In particular Majors speech at the start of the novella is echoed and referred to throughout the novella, to provide a standard by which the pigs actions are judged. The placing of the speech at the start of the novella, means that the reader shares the animals enthusiasm for the vision of the future and becomes progressively more disappointed as the novella continues and we see those ideals destroyed: we are told several times that the animals work like slaves. The novella is aimed at the masses, as it is cleverly written to reach the population on a number of levels; one being the message that not everything you are told by the authoritarian figure shouldnt be believed and trusted. Animal Farms purpose is to highlight the corruption of power in the USSR under Stalin. A Modest proposal however addresses only the educated middle classes. The authorial voice in A Modest Proposal is of an English economist, spoken in a matter-of-fact manner leading the audience into agreement with the argument, and then giving a massive blow with his actual proposal, the shock of undeniable cannibalism. E. g. always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table. It could be argued that Orwells writing directly descends fro that of Swifts simple, straightforward and concise. The format of Animal Farm consists of very little dialogue, it is written in story form similar to a childrens storybook with a lot of information condensed into a few words. Orwell makes a statement and leaves it! The plot carries forward at a rapid rate and doesnt get involved in small affairs. Orwell allows events to speak for themselves. There are no lengthy sentences introspective passages or emotional feelings. It has an objective style with the reader always kept at arms length. The humans in the novel are stereotypical as is shown on page 41 with Mr Whymer the greedy lawyer He was a sly-looking little man. Orwells simplistic child-like style shows through with his explanation of what a cheque is. It is almost biblical in its simplicity. Biblical overtones appear again with the commandments, which equates to animalism 7 deadly sins. Swift uses syllogism in his proposal. He turns argument on its head to state the following: If starving children are killed at one year old. The children can help to feed the state. Therefore by the end of his proposal he states starving children can benefit the state. This is a style of argument, which shows Swifts indebtedness to Rabelais, who made much of this type of turning a point of view on its head. Another technique of Swifts is to write in character e. g. Gullivers Travels where he writes as a seafaring man on his travels. In Modest Proposal Swift writes as an economist. Therefore the horror of the proposal can be stated in all its shocking detail since it is no more horrible than the horrors already existing and which are sanctioned by that social group, which are the audience of the pamphlet. The educated and well to do classes who had been instrumental in passing the laws which had made Ireland so poverty stricken. Which gives the ultimate irony of A Modest Proposal! Reference to the oppressive laws, which the protestant parliament in London hand inflicted on catholic Ireland. Another technique in Modest Proposal is Swift developed one idea by continued reference to another so that every statement was double edged. E. g. I have already computed the charge . its for the carcass of a good fat child. The horrors are all the more effective because they are presented in such a matter of fact voice, they are introduced easily as evidence to support a rational argument. The appeal is to the readers practical reasonableness no attempt is made to incite pity or indignation, it is only at the end that he makes a full frontal. Swift like every writer has his critics. A. Humphreys says that he favours the intellectual exercise of forming a link between idea and image He puts forward the idea that Ireland is in desperate straits with the poor, and links this with the image of how the Irish poor live. Following on from this is the idea that the problem can be solved, which leads to the image of yearling children, being fattened for the table. a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food D. W Jefferson argues that too much emphasis has been placed on the simplicity of Swifts style. But he sees this style as having a wider purpose a) it follows the be Augustan style which stressed the need for clarity of expression but b) this simple style was essential for Swift because he was often putting over a simple tale i. e. simply told Gullivers Travels. This is also apparent in Modest Proposal where he takes on the persona of an economist who is setting out a list as it were of the economic status quo to follow it with a list of proposals to improve the situation. To concentrate on style in his manner however is to ignore the comic and sometimes-hilarious wit that Swift can show. For this he is indebted to Rabelais, Donne and Jonnson. E. g. In Tale of Tub he leans heaverily on Rabelais by the way in which he exploits ideas to build up comedy and by the way he misapplies learned ideas to support an audacious conclusion. Whilst the wit in Modest Proposal is not of the same satirical play on words as Animal Farm, it does none the less have a strong bite to it. E. g. in Animal Farm. We laugh at the animals, as the thought of a pig climbing up a ladder with a paintbrush in his trotter is amusing. Where as in Modest Proposal when the idea of stewing, roasting, baking or boiling a child is put across at first this is disturbing but taking it into context it is a witty description of a horrific suggestion. Many critics would argue that the greatest satire in English Language is Jonathan Swifts a A Modest Proposal, but because Swift and his narrator are so tightly intertwined, even sophisticated readers often emerge form their confused. He attacks his own Protestant, English community by creating a narrator who considers himself a reasonable and compassionate fellow, but who combines a repulsive anti-Catholic bigotry with modest proposal that is actually a final solution; he advocates cannibalism as a means countering Irish Catholic poverty, abortion, and the high birth rate. Orwells writing style descends directly from that of Swift the Augustan style of writing has been inherited through the centuries. Both literary pieces are political satires, portraying a government of the their time. Swifts is aimed at the upper class politicians in Ireland, where as Orwells is suitable for all ages yet still has a powerful message hidden within its meaning. Written in different genres to reflect was acceptable at the time of writing and the style they are written in. The problems that Orwell encountered when attempting to publish his novella are no means extinct, a twenty first novelist is still encountering these troubles as her novel is a political satire, that is satirising the current British government and their policies and conduct. Carole Haymans Hard Choices is said to be an inappropriate determination to satirise New Labour when Tony Blair is doing so much for America! The novella is futuristic set in 2010. So even today in a society that is said to have evolved and accepts most things and people the literary world is still encountering problems. In conclusion both Swift and Orwells pieces have fulfilled their intent to, instruct the public about the corruption that has in the past taken place within ruling parties and their level of power.
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