Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Korean Drink Sikhye Essay Example for Free
Korean Drink Sikhye Essay Seol, the biggest traditional Korean holiday of the year, is when family members gather and eat a traditional meal with a variety of dishes which eventually, leads to overeating. What drink is used help digest all those food, Sikhye. Sikhye is a sweet drink made of malt and rice that has been a traditional beverage throughout Korean culture. It was first introduced in a book on knowledge of living called Samunsaseol in 1740. In the 1800s the recipe was revealed in cook books named Gyungonyoram and Siuijeonseo. There are various kinds of sikhye, Andong sikhye, Jinju sikhye, dried meat sikhye from Gyeongsangdo, dried pollack sikhye from Gangwondo, halibut sikhye from Hamgyeongdo, sailfin sandfish sikhye, and yeonan sikhye. It is said that Sikhye was created in North Korea and made mainly of fishes, powdered red pepper, and radish. Then it was introduced in the South and instead of fishes, malt was put in. After that it gradually known to be established with malt and rice only. Sikhye is a fermented drink made through patience. This drink was first drunk due to its job of stimulating digestion. Sikhye is also referred to dansul or gamju. While Sikhye is rice punch with rice floating in it, gamju is rice punch without rice floating in it. The famous drink is made by pouring malt water into boiled glutinous rice to leave for a while to ferment. Then the rice is removed from the water and rinsed and drained. The remaining water is boiled with sugar and ginger and served cool with the rice. The taste of this refreshment is the malt that is used. Malt is also significant due to its nutritional value. Sikhye is a natural sweet drink made without any artificial sweeteners. This drink prevents food from decomposing in our bodies and has anti-cancer substances. That is why it is important to drink sikhye after a meal. Due to this fact, it was served to Kings as a dessert. The beverage helps balance the body warming a cold body and cooling a hot body. Therefore it is good for diets and hangovers. Sikhye, one of the most cherished Korean drinks, is an important factor in Korean Culture. With its refreshing while unique sweet taste, it grabs people from different ethnicities. It is found in almost every Korean grocery store. While its great while bought, it best when homemade especially in Korea. In Korea, homemade Sikhye is naturally made which makes it distinctive from other drinks. It is known to be one of the best drinks in the culture. There are little ingredients that go in Sikhye, but there it needs a lot of patience to make. The ingredients in this refreshment are Korean rice, malt powder, warm water, caster sugar, ginger, and pine nuts if want to garnish. When making sikhye, what you need to do first is to mix warm water and powdered malt and leave it for three to four hours until the water becomes yellowish. The next step is to mix hard-boiled rice with the malt water in a small earthenware jar and keep it warm for four to five hours. The temperature should be kept at 60 to 70 degrees. If it were lower or higher temperatures, it would spoil the fermentation process. After about four hours, open the jar and check to see if the grains of rice are floating and if they are, take the rice out of the jar using a strainer, and rinse it with cold water and place it in a separate container. Then refrigerate the rice. The next step is to boil the remaining water and add some sugar for taste. Remove the foam that appears on the surface while boiling. After boiling the water, put it in a jar and refrigerate it, to make it cold. When served in special occasions, pour the water in a glass bowl and put the floating rice and other ingredients for decoration. If need more sweetening, add more sugar. This is how to prepare Sikhye and serve it during occasions.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Wife of Bath’s Tale and The Clerk’s Tale Essay -- The Canterbury Ta
â€Å"The life so short, the craft so long to learn†(Famous Quotes). The Canterbury Tales is enriched with humanistic merit that allows the reader to sharpen his or her own craft of life. Specifically, â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†and â€Å"The Clerk’s Tale†are embodied with multiple struggles of life that pertain to life in the present. Despite seven centuries of society constantly evolving, the two stories’ plots can still be further analyzed through similar themes about relationships that pertain to modern society and how rhetorical strategy allows the audience to relate to the narrative characters. The two tales, told by the Wife of Bath and the Clerk in The Canterbury Tales, have parallel plots. â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†begins with a lusty knight standing before his king’s court because of unjust acts he committed with a young maiden. Before the king can execute the knight, the queen objects and offers that the knight’s life is spared if he can find the answer to what women really want. The knight embarks on his journey to discover the answer (â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†167-68). Similarly, â€Å"The Clerk’s Tale†takes place in the kingdom of Saluzzo, Italy under the control of Walter, the marquis. The people of Saluzzo eagerly advised Walter to find a wife to ensure an heir to the throne. Walter finally finds the standard, beautiful woman in poverty named Griselda. She values hard work and humility, and Walter chooses to marry her. However, she must take a vow to Walter never to complain and to be loyal despite whatever the future may bring. Both plots revolve around the noble class and the differences among the social structure of the time because of the variety of characters portrayed in each tale. The two tales’ plots are d... ...est of trust; however, the two tales’ themes and rhetorical strategies allow the reader to create their own opinions on the many issues depicted in the stories. The same humanistic merit of the 14th Century still affects us today and may even question some of our own morals or outlook on life. Works Cited Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Trans. Peter Ackroyd. New York: Viking, 2009. Print. â€Å"The Clerk’s Tale.†The Canterbury Tales. New York: Viking, 2009. . Web. Jan & Feb. 2012. "The Life so Short, the Crafts... at BrainyQuote." Famous Quotes at BrainyQuote. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. . "The Wife of Bath's Tale." The Canterbury Tales. New York: Viking, 2009. . Web. Jan. & Feb. 2012. "The Wife of Bath's Prologue." The Canterbury Tales. New York: Viking, 2009. . Web. Jan. & Feb. 2012.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Understand Child Development and Young Person Development
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) Unit Ref: L/601/1693 CYP Core 3. 1: Understand Child Development and Young Person Development Rosanna King Learning Outcome 1: Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years. Assessment Criteria 1. 1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. Answer to 1. 1: Below I have explained the sequence and rate of each development from birth – 19 years old in great detail. 0-2 Years – Physical Development: The baby lies supine (1 month old) * The baby turns its head towards light and stares at bright and shiny objects (1 month old) * The baby can lift the head briefly from the prone position (1-4 months old) * Legs can kick vigorously both separately and together (1-4 months old) * The baby is beginning to use a palmer grasp and can transfer objects from hand to hand (4-6 months old) * The baby has good head control and is beginning to sit with support (4-6 months old) * The baby can roll from front to back (6-12 months old) The baby is very alert to people and objects (6-12 months old) * The baby will now be mobile, may be crawling, bear walking, bum shuffling and even walking (9-12 months old) * The baby may bounce is rhythm to the sound of music (9-12 months old) * The baby might be able to manage stairs and steps, but will need supervision (1-2 years old) * The baby can build afew bricks and arrange toys on the floor (1-2 years old) * The child can walk confidently and is able to walk without falling (1-2 years old) 0-2 Years – Communication Development: The baby responds to sounds, especially familiar voices (1 month old) * The baby makes eye contact (1 month old) The baby makes no-crying noises, such as cooing and gurgling (1-4 months old) * The baby cries with anger to show they are hungry, tired or need a nappy change (1-4 months old) * The baby begins to l augh and squeal with pleasure (4-6 months old) * The baby becomes more aware of others and start to communicate with them more and more (4-6 months old) * Babies begin to understand words like ‘up’ and ‘down’ raising their arms to be lifted up, using appropriate gestures (6-9 months old) * The baby can follow simple instructions e. . kiss teddy (9-12 months old) * The child begins to talk with words or sign language (1-2 years) * Child starts pointing and taking a real interest in books and enjoys looking at all the pictures and objects (1-2 Years) 0-2 Years – Intellectual and Cognitive: * The baby is sensitive to light (1 month old) The baby’s face, abdomen, hands and feet are very sensitive to touch (1 month old) * The baby recognises differing speech sounds (1-4 months old) * The baby can develop favourite tastes in food and recognise differences by five months (4-6 months old) * The baby prefers complicated things to look at from five to s ix months and enjoys bright lights (4-6 months) * The baby understands signs e. g. he bib means that the food is coming (6-9 months) * From 8 -9 months the baby shows that they know objects exist when they have gone out of sight (6-9 months) * The baby is beginning to develop images (9-12 months) * The baby gives some understanding of daily routine e. g. food, changing and then nap time (9-12 months old) * The child understands the names of objects and can follow a simple instruction (1-2 years old) * The child learns about things through trial and error (1-2 years) 0-2 Years – Social, Emotional and Behavioural: The baby often imitates certain facial expressions (1 month old) * The baby will smile is response to an adult (1-4 months old) * The baby stays awake for longer periods of time (1-4 months) * The baby shows trust and security (4-6 months old) * The baby has recognisable sleep patterns (4-6 months old) * The baby can manage to feed themselves using their fingers (6-9 months) * The baby is more aware of other people’s feelings, for example; they might cry and get sad if they see their brother or sister crying or sad. 6-9 months old) * The baby enjoys songs and action rhymes (9-12 months old) * The baby still likes to be near a familiar adult as appose to strangers (9-12 months old) * The child begins to have a longer memory (1-2 years old) * The child expresses their needs using words and gestures (1-2 years old) 0-2 Years – Moral: * Show joy by smiling, cooing and laughing when fed comfortable or safe. * No understanding of right or wrong starts to understand the word no. * Sensitive to adult approval and disapproval, despite tantrums and bursts of anger. -4 Years – Physical Development: * The child is very mobile and can run safely (2 years old) * The child can draw circles, lines and dots, using preferred hand (2 years old) * The child can jump from a low step (3 years old) * The child can build tall towers of bricks or bl ocks (3 years old) * The child has good spatial awareness (3 years old) 2-4 Years – Communication Development * Children are rapidly becoming competent speakers of the language they experience (2 years old) * The child can follow a simple instruction for example; â€Å"Could you bring me the spoon? ( 2 years old) * The child wants to share songs, dance and have conversations (2 years old) * The child might say â€Å"two times†instead of ‘twice’ and might say â€Å"I go there†instead of ‘I went there’ (3 years old) * The child loves to chat and ask alot of different questions (3 years old) 2-4 Years – Intellectual and Cognitive * The child can hold a crayon and move it up and down (2 years old) * The child talks about an absent object when reminded of it ( 2 years old) * The child pretend plays – often making up stories and characters ( 3 years ld) * The child represents events in drawings, models ect (3 years old) 2-4 Y ears – Social, Emotional and Behavioural: * The child begins to express how they are feeling (2 years old) * The child is learning how to dress themselves (2 years old) * The child is beginning to develop a gender role as they become aware of being male or female (3 years old) * The child makes friends and is interested in making new friends (3 years old) 2-4 Years – Moral: * Beginning to know right from wrong. Related article: Intervention When Development is Not Following the Expected PatternIs more self-controlled and less aggressive. Uses extreme verbal threats such as, â€Å"I'll kill you,†without understanding full implications, wants to be good, but is not yet mature enough to be able to carry out most promises. 4-7 Years – Physical Development: * A sense of balance is developing – the child may be able to walk in a straight line (4 years old) * The child can thread small breads on a lace (4 years old) * The child can play ball games (5 years old) The child has increased agility, muscle coordination and balance (6 years old) * The child can catch a ball thrown from one metre with one hand (7 years old) 4-7 Years – Communication Development: * The child begins to ask alot of where, when, how and why questions (4 years old) * The child talks confidently and with more fluency (5 years old) * The child begins to understand book language and that books have ch aracters (6 years old) * The child begins to realise that different situations require different ways of talking (7 years old) 4-7 Years – Intellectual and Cognitive: At age four, the child usually knows how to count up to 20 (4 years old) * The child can usually write their own name down on a piece of paper (5 years old) * The child includes alot more detail in their drawings (6 years old) * The child begins to establish what is real and what is a fantasy (7 years old) 4-7 Years – Social, Emotional and Behavioural: The child likes to be independent and is strongly self-willed (4 years old) * The child can wash their hands and brush their own teeth unassisted (4 years old) * The child has developed a stable self-concept (5 years old) * The child can begin to hide their feelings, once they learn to control them (6 years old) * The child can take responsibility e. g. in helping younger children (7 years old) 4-7 Years – Moral: * Is interested in being good, but ma y tell lies or blame others for wrongdoings because of intense desire to please and do right.Is very concerned with personal behaviour, particularly as it affects family and friends. 7-12 Years – Physical Development: * The child can ride a bike easily (7 years old) * The child plays energetic sports and games (8 years old) * The child is usually writing with an established style using joined up letters (9 years old) * Children differ is physical maturity. Girls experience puberty earlier than boys do and sometimes girls can be two years ahead of the boys with puberty (10 years old) * The child’s body proportions are becoming more similar to adults (12 years old) 7-12 Years – Communication Development: The child uses and understands complex sentences (7 years old) * The child is increasingly verbal and enjoys making up stories and telling jokes (8 years old) * The child uses reference books with increasing skill (9 years old) * The child can write fairly lengthy essays (11 years old) * The child starts to write stories that show alot of imagination (12 years old) 7-12 Years – Intellectual and Cognitive: The child has an increased ability to remember and pay attention, speak and express different ideas (7 years old) * The child is learning to plan ahead and evaluate what they do (8 years old) * The child enjoys tasks that are task-orientated, such as sewing and woodwork (9 years old) * The child begins to notice and understand the motives behind the actions of another (10 years old) * The child begins to devise memory strategies (11 years old) * The child starts thinking about different possibilities (12 years old) 7-12 Years – Social, Emotional and Behavioural: The child may become discouraged easily (7 years old) * The child takes pride in their competence (8 years old) * The child can become argumentative and bossy at times (9 years old) * The child is beginning to see things from another child’s point of view (10 ye ars old) * The child may be experiencing sudden, dramatic and emotional changes associated with puberty (11 years old) * The child succumbs to peer pressure more readily and wants to talk, dress and act just like their friends (12 years old) 7-12 Years – Moral: May experience guilt and shame. Has difficulty admitting mistakes but is becoming more capable of accepting failures and mistakes and taking responsibility for them. Is aware of right and wrong; wants to do right. 12-19 Years – Physical Development: * Physical development during adolescence is known as puberty. Age of puberty varies but is often between the ages of 9-13 years old for girls and 10-15 years old for boys. * Girls will experience the following during puberty; breasts develop, body size and shape will change and menstruation. Boys will experience the following during puberty; voice breaking, body size and shape will change, chest hair, penile errections and sperm. * Both girls and boys will experienc e the following during puberty; public hair, excess sweating and oil-secreting glands. 12-19 Years – Communication Development: * Become more independent and rely less on parents or carers * The young person has fast, legible style of handwriting * The young person communicates very well in an adult manner, with increasing maturity * The young person understands abstract language, such as idioms, figurative language and metaphors. 2-19 Years – Intellectual and Cognitive: * Around this time young people experience a shift in thinking from concrete to abstract – an adult way of thinking * They approach a problem is a systematic fashion and also use their imagination when solving problems 12-19 Years – Social, Emotional and Behavioural: * The young person may become self-conscious about physical changes their body is going through (e. g. too short, too tall, too fat, too thin) * The young person often feels misunderstood * The young person can experience a w ide range of emotions and sometimes have mood swings (e. . happy one minute and very down the next minute) * The young person wants to become accepted and liked 12-19 Years – Moral: * Knows right and wrong; tries to weigh alternatives and arrive at decisions alone. Is concerned about fair treatment of others; is usually reasonably thoughtful; is unlikely to lie. Experiences feelings of frustration, anger, sorrow, and isolation. Is confused and disappointed, state values and actual behaviours of family and friends; May be interested in exploring physical-emotional urges.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Biological Explanation for Anorexia Nervosa Essay - 823 Words
Biological Explanation for Anorexia Nervosa Evidence for a faulty gene. AIMS: to see if concordance rates for anorexia are higher in MZ twins compared to DZ twins. This would provide evidence for a faulty gene causing the disorder because if one MZ twin develops anorexia, there should be 100% concordance (agreement) with the second MZ twin also suffering from it, since they share the same genes. The rates for DZ twins should be much lower because they share only 50% same genes. PROCEDURE:  · Natural experiment: because the IV (genetic relatedness) occurs naturally and cannot be changed by the investigator. Longitudonal†¦show more content†¦Alternatively, a faulty gene may still be present in the non-sufferers, leaving them vulnerable to developing the disorder, but it does not develop unless some other factor triggers it eg. a stressful life event. CRITICISMS:  · Environmental factors have been ignored. MZ twins share very similar environments (eg. same home, schools, treated similarly by parents etc) and this could explain the higher concordance compared to DZ twins who may not be treated so similarly. Since 100% concordance was not found, a faulty gene may make the person vulnerable but some kind of environmental factor is needed for the disorder to develop eg. stress.  · Over-simplistic and reductionist (using a simpler biological explanation to explain a complex behaviour). The fact that it is difficult to separate nurture (environmental factors) from nature (genes) shows that the evidence is not strong enough for a purely genetic explanation  · Natural experiments lack experimenter control over variables eg. the IV (genetic relatedness) could not be isolated from other (possibly confounding) uncontrolled variables eg. environmental experiences, socio-economic backgrounds (class factors). 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